19 thoughts on “Alex Jones is an Absolute Sellout 100% Proof

  1. Alex Jones, what a complete waste of human flesh. Will someone please go to Texas and stuff a sock in it? The only talent that POS has is for emergency vomit inducing purposes.

  2. One more nail in the coffin!!! AJ needs to see this vid. so he knows he is the traitor he is accused of. Quite disgusting!!!!

    1. The more I think on this traitor, I realize AJ is extremely dangerous.
      Even if he was to assist the restoration with his wealth, he can NEVER be trusted. I hope this vid. goes VIRAL. Anyway to post it on his sight?

      1. He is just like the original Pied Piper of Hamelin story, Katie. He led all the children away and they were never heard from again.

        His sole intent is to destroy the patriot and truth movement for 30 pieces of silver.

        It may take a thicker rope to reward this fat pos traitor for his treason but hey, he’s worth it! 😀

  3. This isn’t the worst of the proof. I heard an Alex Jones broadcast from the night of Y2K (near year’s eve, 1999) when he was reporting all kinds of violence breaking out all over the country that never happened. He was doing all he could to incite riots and madness, and it shows that he’s always been working for the other side.

    I’m still searching for the MP3 because I know Henry would love to hear it.

      1. LMAO — Thanks, Katie. That’s it…. and none of these things he’s “reporting” actually happened. Pure fiction.

        He’s just trying his best to stir up panic, and I’m willing to bet he’s going to do the same thing again real soon.

  4. AJ has become a waste of time. Every 5 minutes a in house commercial for the garbage he is selling. After watching the video I am more awake than 3 minutes ago. AJ will be heading the way of BW.

    1. That is exactly why I stopped listening to him: he pimps his crap too much. BUY MY MUG, BUY MY PILLS, BLAH BLAH BLAH, BUY THIS, BUY THAT wtf? Is he insane?

    1. I agree, although AJ broadcasts on a local station out of Austin, as well as other radio stations. It’s a numbers game at this point. Our numbers must increase so the people are educated to the solution as well as the problem.

  5. I listen to his show and this one. I like this one better because the people here are real. They tell it like it is because there is some serious crap going on in this country. AJ show does have some good videos at times. When they covered the Ferguson riots I thought that was some good footage. Every once in a while they get a guest on there that provides some good info. But here lately seems like AJ has the same guests on over and over and they are saying the same things over and over. He bashes fox news yet AJ has a large breasted girl doing most of the newscast. She is nice to look at, don’t get me wrong, but personally I thought they had better reporters there before her. People like George Soros, Warren Buffet, Jamie Dimon, etc. are using the educational system to literally score points for destroying other people’s lives. If these people aren’t traitors to the foundation of our country I don’t know who is. If something isn’t done soon George Soros will definitely destroy what is good in our country. In the old days I don’t even think he would even be allowed in our country. Might as well call him George Satan because that is who he is.

    1. dlj, glad you listen to FTT. Alex must tell some truth or no one would listen, although he will not touch the source of the problem nor the solution. A is there to keep the people voting so as to give credence to the criminals as well as continue his wealth acquisitions. Please support FTT.

  6. Good post. What concerns me more than the promotion of Palin was that of Cruise. I have always been impressed with the speaking ability of Cruise. And he is a no-budge conservative in many ways. However, when I heard him refer to Putin as a “KGB thug” and take a confrontational stance against Russia, I had to immediately eliminate him for consideration for my vote.

    As you may recall, during an interview Palin was asked if she believed we would go to war with Russia. She responded, “Maybe, definitely.” And she has suggested Russia was a threat because she could see it from Alaska.

    Jones is right. Cruise and Palin are the perfect winning ticket for that Third World War the Zionists want to kill off Aryans, so Khazars can possess the earth.

  7. I stopped believing anything he said when many years ago he said the Arabs owned Hollywood. Everyone, and I mean everyone, even the sheeple, know who owns Hollywood!

  8. I’ve listened to a lot of folks in the alt. media…Not everybody but a lot…and the only ones I haven’t been able to call bullshit on are Henry and JD. The message their sending out is Crystal effing clear.
    As for Jones, I wouldn’t listen to him or follow him to any of his conclusions. But a lot of folks do listen to him and like Katie said, that makes him dangerous.

  9. Alex Jones is the loudest and most famous in alternative news. After listening to him over a period of time one can see through his BS. The people who can still think in this country move away to people like Henry and others. It is sad to see the people who worship him like a God. He is a shill for the controlled release of info and half truths.

  10. Hey Alex! listen up. Thank you, Mr. freedom big time talker upper, but NO!

    Phantoms of the second civil war
    You gather them around
    And every time you open your mouth a load of horse shit
    Comes flying right back out
    Mr. freedom big time talker upper thank you very much but NO
    Serious business on your lapel
    Let the people know how you feel
    And every bumper sticker on the back of your car
    Makes you feel a little more real
    Mr. freedom big time talker upper thankyou very much but NO
    I bet you would like nothing better
    Than for the shit to hit the fan
    And from the safety of your armchair, perfectly lay those plans
    That no one else but you could possibly understand
    Mr. Freedom Big Time Talker Upper Thank You Very Much But NO

    The Lyrics above are from the band CLUTCH off the album EARTH ROCKER the song is called MR. FREEDOM.

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