9 thoughts on “Alex Jones Is CoIntelPro

  1. That was funny. Thanks Todd. I cant believe I used to listen to that guy. What the hell was I thinkin…lol.
    It’s like he throws out the info and then steers everyone down the wrong path to the wrong conclusions. I’m glad I stopped listening to him.

  2. Yeah, the Austin second amendment rally, didn’t he tell a woman that she “had a hard on for him”? What a scum bag. I hope he falls off of his wallet and gets a concussion.

    He wishes he were Bill Hicks, Millard. Don’t give him that much. It inflates his ego.

  3. It’s not nearly the end of them. It’s nice to know that this fat idiot is losing his audience, but there are plenty of shills out there to take up the slack.

    MOST of the “alternative news” is just another branch of the Zionist (or “mainstream”) news, and as the market for truth grows, they’ll only increase their efforts to control the debate.

    Expect more lies, get in the habit of questioning everything, and avoid Jews.

    1. He IS a zionist, as is Mike Adams, who equates every issue with the
      holohoax…They make a cute couple. All mouth, all BS. They’d eat S**t and say it tasted good if there was some MONEY in it!

  4. I thought he was good at one point. Then all his videos started having commercials of things he sells in it. Then I would skip them. Then he got smart and put his “commercials” in the MIDDLE of his videos somewhere when he realized people were skipping his “commercials”.

    Besides his sickening, disgusting pimping of his products empire, yes, I do believe he could be some kind of shill.

    But anyone who pimps his moneymaking shit over his news is suspicious to beging with, IMO.

  5. AJ is immature, he acts like a child throwing a tantrum to get his way. Also glad I tuned him off long ago.

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