Alien invasion to launch in April?

ADG UK – by Bruce Fraveril

Dozens of volunteers have signed up for what could be the biggest prank in history – aimed at causing an ‘apocalypse’ in the media.

The plans have been drawn up carefully – on an April evening this year, swarms of glowing spacecraft will begin a flight through our atmosphere – and hover over locations around the world.  

The goal is maximum panic – and to cause an ‘apocalypse’ in the media. But the pilots of the eerie craft are not little grey men from Alpha Centauri – but UFO fans using drone aircraft.

Dozens of volunteers around the world have signed up for what may be the biggest prank in history – using decades of knowledge of ‘UFO sightings’ to time the launch perfectly.

The ‘aliens’ will be strips of LED lights, on remote-controlled multi-rotor drone aircraft – launched at 8pm, so there are plenty of people to see the ‘invaders’, and held at a distance where it’s difficult to see what’s behind the glowing lights.

Nigel Watson, author of the Haynes UFO Investigations manual found plans to “cause a wave of UFO sightings around the world and an apocalypse-like idea in the media,” on forums frequented by drone fans.

Watson says, “‘The Big UFO Project’ was originally scheduled to run on April Fool’s Day, but they have changed it to 05 April 2014 so that it will not seem like an obvious prank.

Anyone who has a multirotor drone (pictured below) or anything that can carry a strip of LED lights and hover is invited to join in this event.

The plan is to launch the craft at 8pm local time for maximum impact. This is when there are most people about to see anything in the night sky, and by keeping the craft at a long distance they will not be able to see what is carrying the lights.

Discussions about how best to pull off the invasion continue on the FPV Lab forum – with one fan chiming in, “You sir, are insane. I LIKE IT.”

Watson says that craft are already scheduled to launch in the USA, UK, France, South Africa and the Netherlands but that, “More official and unofficial people are expected to join this project on the launch date.”

For the hardcore UFO enthusiasts, though, Watson suspects that the hoax may be an irritation – a smokescreen for the real alien spacecraft circling our planet.

“Others might be annoyed that it is polluting the difference between genuine UFO sightings and misidentifications,” Watson says.

“Even if the hoax is revealed, some ufologists will state that this is a cover-up for real UFO sightings and/or a project to get us used to the idea of UFO invasion in preparation for full disclosure of their reality by our world governments.”

10 thoughts on “Alien invasion to launch in April?

  1. The reason the title of this one caught my eye is because at some point in the near future the so-called ‘government’ will be sponsoring their own fake ‘alien’ invasion, as per the Iron Mountain report.

    I’m expecting to see this most likely occur during one of the next four blood moons.

    1. #1, I agree, this is funny how these people will play into this, really? Just know as long as you can pinch your skin, it is not Jesus.

    2. Hey #1, you have heard of ‘project bluebeam’? The elites wet dream of duping the masses into believing we are being invaded by little green men, and pulsing ‘the word of gods’ all over the world into everyone’s minds. Think MK ULTRA. Keep this stunt in mind as a possible false flag. The dogs are cornered and desperate.

      1. That’s one of their many schemes that I did research on, Deb. It’s the only way they could pull off this fraud on a ‘global’ scale. Granted, they do have the real ‘flying saucers’ to work with, but nowhere near the quantity they need to pull off this massive deception. So some will be ‘real’ (as in physical in nature), but most will be holograms.

        They will be just as convincing as the ‘planes’ that ‘hit’ the twin towers. Most people still believe those were real too.

        1. Look at this crap:

          Never discount hollywierd, etc. See this video? What’s with the freekin’ plane?

          And oh, I so agree on everything you said above.

          I also saw the “saucers” that the mil has. I’m not fooled. I get it. Roswell did happen, they “mil” just perfected it.

          Cue X-Files theme… LOL

          um. no

          1. It simply amazes me that that particular aspect of 9/11 has been almost totally overlooked. Planes are made of mostly aluminum, glass, and rubber. Yet that plane APPEARED to slice into that building made of concrete and steel like a hot knife through warm butter.

            Literally impossible. It would be like slamming an aluminum can against a concrete wall and expecting it to penetrate any more than a eighth of an inch, and even that would be a hell of a stretch. That ‘plane’ should have flattened like a pancake, had it been real.

            One cannot change the laws of physics.


  2. We are planning the biggest hoax ever. come to my website and sign up to be part…

    dar… OK gEorge meu.

    Some dumb sh!t in the news today.

  3. This is ridiculous! it will never work like 9/11 If those planes hit where they did where was the impact ripple? why didn’t the glass ripple outwards? why wasn’t the plane hanging halfway outside the building? I have a theory! they were not planes they WERE Intercontinental ballistic missiles! cloaked as planes!

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