Alleged Hawaii bank robbers post pictures of themselves with cash on Facebook

hawaiiteen.jpgYou know it just leaves me with a deer in the headlights look on my face when I see ignorance of this magnitude. All I could think of to say was uh really.

Fox News

Probably the first rule of committing armed robbery, don’t post yourself with the cash you stole on your social media account.

But that’s exactly what Marcus Kalani Watson and Rogussia Eddie Allen Danielson did, according to an Aug. 11 FBI affidavit made public Aug. 12.  

Watson, 19, who goes by the name Kiki Seui, was indicted by the FBI as the “mastermind” of a series of armed robberies in which he targeted Oahu banks and a recycling center.

Watson posted himself holding two thick wads of cash in his cover photo on Facebook on April 24, two days after his first armed robbery at Reynolds Recycling Center on Salt Lake Boulevard, where the affidavit said Watson “threatened force, violence and fear of injury.”

Wearing a black ski mask and brown hooded jacket, Watson brandished a black semi automatic pistol, and pointed a gun at both employees, the affidavit said. The employees surrendered more than $500 in cash.

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2 thoughts on “Alleged Hawaii bank robbers post pictures of themselves with cash on Facebook

  1. and a half pint of hennesy oh please.
    Anyone with style would have a handle of Macallan 25. Which would have made that stack of money a little less thick.

  2. They’ve been chemtrailing those islands heavily (far more than most places, from what I’ve read & seen on videos) for some years now.

    Possibly starting to see some of the effects?

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