An open response letter to Rand Paul

To whom this may concern;

Are you serious? I voted for one person and that was Ron Paul! You ask me to stand with Rand, Why? Is he going to save this country from the inevitable disaster that is upon us? I doubt it!

What a disgrace these politicians have become, they care for no one but themselves and trust me I’ve shaken many hands while being lied too directly to my face. I used to think Rand was that apple that wouldn’t fall far from the Ron Paul tree but not only did it fall from that tree, it continued its path right off a cliff!  

I’ve gone through enough shit in my life and even offered congressman David Schweikert to work for free just to read through all the BS legislation the lawyers right up and you guys co-sponsor just to help spot the odd ones out, but God forbid someone like myself discovers the BS you people spew out to the American people exposing all the real truth that rests in those bills. Your jobs already consist of reading bills introduced, so what difference does it make when nothing will be stricken from those bills anyway?

I consider myself a true American who stands by the Constitution FOR the United States of America, not some blow hard telling me he is going to solve the issues at hand and turn this country around because if you haven’t noticed, nothing has changed! Ask yourself this very simple question, “Under what president has this country gotten better” and please, DO NOT answer Ronald Reagan! It’s time to start acting like adults here and realize that the American people are growing very tired of the BS from our supposed leaders. Try reading the book our founding fathers read, “The wealth of nations” by Adam smith. You might learn something.

When Rand comes to Arizona you have him contact me and I’ll gladly meet him for lunch, hell, I’ll even pay for the both of us but I won’t hold my breath because Rand and I both know that would never happen.

This email will be ignored and discarded which is a pretty safe assumption wouldn’t you agree?

So again I ask you, why should I stand with Rand?



9 thoughts on “An open response letter to Rand Paul

  1. To all,
    I received a couple of emails from Rand Paul and his staff which Henry did not post to show you why I responded the way I did. I can tell you this with 100% accuracy that the people I talk too around here, no matter where I am, all agree that they are tired of the BS from these liars! Does not matter left, right, or in between.

    Call me a pessimist, but I have a solid reason to “stay away on Election Day”

    1. Thats why i will stand when the whole pile o sheis comescrashing down, then it should be 4th gen warfare and the whole top layer removed from this festering pot

  2. Because I contributed to Ron Paul’s political campaigns, I am on the email list used by Ron’s “Campaign for Liberty” and Rand Paul. Both beg for money almost daily.

    The bridge is burned. Even the psychology of selecting Hillary as the only alternative choice capable of winning the presidency, “worse of two evils”, will not squeeze a dime out of me for Rand.

  3. “So again I ask you, why should I stand with Rand?”

    Better question: Why should you stand with ANY traitor (which is ALL of them, btw) in the so-called ‘government’.

  4. Hmm….Why stand with someone who’s worse than Benedict Arnold? That’s like asking someone, “Why should I shoot myself in the face?”. Oh wait. Because they told me to, right?

  5. Where am I supposed to “stand” with Rand? At the freakin’ wailing wall pretending I am having sex with it wearing a kippa?

  6. If having knowledge of a crime or the whereabouts of a suspected perpetrator is harboring a fugitive and or withholding evidence is a crime, knowing and or willingly committing the same inaction after taking the oath is easy to call them traitors. It’s really very simple and there is NO double standard save for the FACT that they should be held to a higher level of accountability and culpability as their positions are supposed to be considered an important part of maintaining our system of checks and balances, as well as defending our freedoms and our Constitutional Republic. Failure to do so is dereliction at minimum yet blatantly intentionally subversive and treasonous at a conspiratorial level, with malice and forethought.

    1. They are ALL very much aware of the inner workings and crimes being committed and are therefore ALL guilty, bar none. The punishment is far greater than losing your seat or being deposed or a temporary public shaming in a “scandal”. Oooh, that’ll teach them. F that, fetch the rope. Gonna need more than one so stock up. Best part about it is rope is reusable. Hell, you can make a family rope for each of the oligarchy families that are screwing us daily.

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