ISIS-Inspired Kansas Man Accused of Plotting Another Ft. Hood-Type Attack


A 20-year-old Kansas man allegedly joined the U.S. Army last year so he could launch an ISIS-inspired attack on American soldiers like the deadly strike on Ft. Hood, Texas, in 2009, federal authorities announced today.

John T. Booker of Topeka, Kansas, was arrested after a lengthy FBI investigation and was charged with attempted use of WMD (a bomb), attempt to provide material support to ISIS, and attempt to destroy US property, officials said. He was set to report for basic training on Tuesday.  

He’s the latest alleged ISIS sympathizer nabbed by the FBI following a string of arrests involving Americans allegedly plotting to join ISIS overseas or launch attacks on their behalf here in the U.S.

It was not immediately clear if Booker had an attorney.

Booker came to the FBI’s attention after an unidentified citizen complained to federal authorities about messages he had posted on his Facebook page.

“Getting ready to be killed in jihad is a HUGE adrenaline rush!!” he allegedly posted on March 19, 2014. “I am so nervous. NOT because I’m scared to die but I am eager to meet my lord.”

The next day, FBI agents approached Booker and interviewed him, according to court documents. In that interview, he admitted he enlisted in the U.S. Army months earlier with the intent to commit an insider attack on American forces like the Ft. Hood in 2009, when Maj. Nidal Hassan killed 13 and injured dozens more, court documents show.

Seven month later, an FBI informant began engaging with Booker, and during those conversations Booker “repeatedly expressed his desire to engage in violent jihad on behalf of [ISIS],” the FBI alleges in court documents.

Specifically, on Oct. 10, 2014, Booker told the FBI informant he “joined the United States Army” and “was going to go in there and kill the American soldier,” the court documents say.

“Booker stated that he formulated several plans for committing jihad once enlisted, including firing at other soldiers while at basic training at the firing range or while at his pre-deployment military base after completing his initial military training,” according to the court documents. “Booker clarified that he did not intend to kill ‘privates,’ but that he instead wanted to target someone with power.”

In addition, Booker said he planned to use a small gun or sword for his attack, court documents say.

According to the Justice Department, Booker allegedly said detonating a suicide vest was his No. 1 aspiration because he couldn’t be captured and all evidence would be wiped out.

He chose Fort Riley “because the post is famous and there are a lot of soldiers stationed there,” the Justice Department alleges.

Exactly a week ago, FBI agents arrested a Philadelphia woman for allegedly conspiring to provide material support to the group now so infamous for its brutal propaganda videos and the havoc it’s wreaking in war-torn Syria and Iraq. The day before, the FBI field office in New York announced it has arrested two ISIS-inspired women for plotting to detonate a bomb inside the United States.

The week before, two cousins — one of them a current member of the Illinois National Guard — were arrested in Chicago for allegedly trying to launch ISIS-inspired attacks in the U.S. and overseas.

A week earlier, a U.S. Air Force veteran, 28-year-old Tairod Pugh of New Jersey, was indicted for his own ISIS-inspired plans. On his laptop, FBI agents allegedly discovered more than 180 jihadist propaganda videos.

In February, three New York City men were arrested on charges they allegedly conspired to join ISIS but also expressed willingness to carry out attacks on the terror group’s behalf in the U.S.

Over the past two years, nearly 50 Americans have been charged with trying to join ISIS or are suspected of taking action inspired by the group.–abc-news-topstories.html?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma

9 thoughts on “ISIS-Inspired Kansas Man Accused of Plotting Another Ft. Hood-Type Attack

  1. But of course! When the FBI interviews an American suspected of being a potential domestic terrorist, the suspect will always claim to be planning a terrorist attack, just as the FBI claims he did. Then the FBI will assign an informant or agent to observe and “supervise” the suspect.

    What “people in the know” like those who browse this website don’t seem to understand is that the vast majority of Americans are biologically incapable of realizing these false flags are FBI, CIA and Mossad creations to begin with.

    The guys shooting next to me at the gun range believe Rag Heads with box cutters did 911, a bunch of kids were shot at Sandy Hook by a weirdo who played computer games, Chechen Muslims blew up American joggers in the Boston Bombing, Syrian president Assad gassed his own people, Russian backed rebels shot down a Malaysian commercial aircraft over the Ukraine and the USS Liberty was where it had no business being when Israel attacked it (International Waters collecting intelligence on Russian bombers).

    And you can’t tell ’em different.

    I’ve got to warn you. Attending alternative news sites can give us a false sense of security that a significant number of Americans are waking up, when the vast majority are only growing more stupid and brainwashed by the day. Look at those interviews with students on college campuses.

    Don’t take my work for it. Ask the neighbors, in laws, colleagues at work and people waiting in line at the grocery store. Scary.

    If we can’t deprogram them, we need to plan to fight and survive as a minority, as did the original American Patriots.

    1. Yes, I agree Ted, freedom and liberty hang in a delicate balance against oppression and tyranny, the trouble is, oppression and tyranny have the upper hand in these times.

    2. No, Ted, it is you and your neo-socialist brethren who are delusional about the numbers. I do talk to everybody I run across, old, young, rich, poor, and I know what you know, we outnumber you thousands to one and we are going to wipe all you socialists out.
      By the way, how much is the Paul Campaign paying for internet trolls this time around?

      1. I figured that the comment, “Attending alternate news sites can give us a false sense of security”, would stick in somebody’s craw, because it did mine, and I’m happy you made note of it, Henry.
        I try to be nice but, I agree, time is too short too waste on fools. Too many trolls out there “trolling”.

  2. He was set up to be the “patsy” in this orchestrated “War on Terror” to justify this draconian “Police State” we all live in. And, just like truth, justice, and American way will be put on trial, with all of us as co-defendants, so will the last of our of Temporary Bill of Supposed Rights. All they have to do is infect your computer with a little child porn, and, voila, problem solved with incarceration at Leavenworth. You don’t think they’re capable, guess again. Hell, I’m so enraged, joining ISIS would be a waste of time. Let’s cut to the chase! (Through the woods with pitchforks and torches and run these communists in every community down like the dirty dogs they are and “meat out” justice!)

  3. Let’s see…a guy by the name of John T. Booker is nabbed by the FBI who claim to have foiled his plot to be like the Ft. Hood shooter.

    Yea, if anyone can’t see this as a bogus false flag, they seriously need their head examined. You can’t get anymore obvious than this. Just another bogus story to keep the psy-ops going.

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