ANOTHER Aerial Photo Analysis Proves that the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Strike Never Happened

IntelCaster – by Arthur F Wayne

Obviously the gatekeepers and their apparatchiks are into damage control right now because I’ve exposed their Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “raid/strike” lies.

Also from within the “truth” movement I am now receiving messages that I’m full of shit and that I’m simply very anti-American. 

Guys, the facts are what they are and I assumed that it was the “alternative” media their duty to shred the lies, no matter what.

So, for all of you who can’t get over the fact that you’ve been lied to once again by your own governments – lets put this charade to rest once and for all.

Below is an aerial photo of the area in Barisha (36.1660, 36.6274) where the non-strike/non-raid occurred, according to the Trump administration.

Guess what, since at least 2018 there hasn’t been a building there at all. Except for the insignificant remnant that I mentioned earlier.

Checkmate guys! Too bad that the scriptwriters have you buying into their lies.

See the pics here:

2 thoughts on “ANOTHER Aerial Photo Analysis Proves that the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Strike Never Happened

  1. Love our ‘Special Forces’ in on these lies, too. Makes me ashamed I was once a civilian trainer for the Teams.

    1. At least you get to know about it because these kind of updates are not being carried by the “alt” media. Which is why I’m thankful that Henry forwards it to his readers.

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