Another False Flag, This Time in Wisconsin

A Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin fell under attack today.  Initial reports from family members of those inside the temple indicate that there were multiple shooters and that once again, tear gas was used.

The mainstream media jumped on the cover-up, plucking experts out of thin air, to tell the listening audience that in these stressful situations, it is quite common to mistake one shooter for a group of shooters.

The belly button hair contemplating followers of this church are being portrayed in the mainstream media as saints, who came to America to peacefully practice their religion (and they may be good people, I don’t know, who does?) that were attacked by a GUN being wielded by a domestic terrorist.

Hey, I seem to remember another church where there was a massacre perpetrated by gun wielding maniacs.  Now where was that?…..Oh yeah, Waco, Texas, in 1993, when eighty Branch Davidians were either gunned down or burned alive, including more than 20 children.  This was cold blooded murder and the only justice the jack booted ATF received was via the six agents killed by those American nationals defending their lives in the confines of their home.

But the Davidians were demonized by the mainstream media.  So rather than a “rampage”, there was a “tragedy” and a cover-up that left the blame on the victims.  Where were the calls for the end to the ATF and the lethal threat they represent?

Our people are being gunned down daily in our streets by the US Chekists, some reportedly with handcuffs on and it is being covered up.  I hate to see innocent people being killed, but I have already reduced this incident to just another week of beating back the gun grabbers.

In short, no sale.  You still cannot have my guns, or my clips, or my ammo.  They are mine, not for hunting, but to defend my rights against you foreign insurgents that want to enslave me.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

18 thoughts on “Another False Flag, This Time in Wisconsin

  1. Well said, Henry.
    (I’m sure there will be a statement from Bloomie tomorrow. He’ll just Have to put his 2 cents worth in about Gun Control.)

  2. My Fellow Americans,

    Here we go…. again…..

    Expect more of these types of events to occur.

    Expect them to be classified as,..”Domestic Terrorism”

    Expect them to come in different flavors, such as the use of Firearms,.. but also Explosives,.. Fuel Laden Trucks,… Acts Of Sabotage,.. and whatever other Creative Acts Of Villiany our pyschotic gov’t and shadow gov’t can think of.


    Because the CIA/FBI are coordinating these murderous acts.

    Contrary to what some might say about this being motivated by “bigotry”,.. or religious zeal,.. or a bad hair day,… or one of a hundred other rationals,… this is not the driver.

    Although it does seem that innocent people have once again been sacrificed,.. it is NOT the last time it will occur.




    The best way to do that?….. start sacrificing people via horrendous shooting incidences,… then,…. BAN GUNS!!! (Ta-DAaaaaa,… horns blaring…)

    Blow a few places up,.. with some people of course,.. and declare “Domestic Terrorists” did it!

    There will be more of these events until we are disarmed,..


    We abolish this perfidious gov’t and hold all those Enemies Of America (the US Fed & Shadow Gov’t) responsible for all their Crimes-Against-Humanity abroad, and here in our own borders.

    Don’t be fooled by this,.. and don’t be fooled by the False-Falg Events YET TO COME,.. its our own gov’t perpetrating these events via patsies.

    JD – US Marines – Say a prayer for the dead,.. and say a prayer for those the US Fed Gov’t WILL BE KILLING in the near future.

    1. Sad, but True. That’s what they’re doing. There Will be more.
      I wonder how many weeks it will be before the next one, and what the next target will be. 🙁

  3. Like Angel said “Well said, Henry”. Obama is already doing his phoney compasionate speaches on this one I hear. To add to the plot – didn`t they say that the shooting happened before, durring, or just after some group thing involving kids at that temple?

  4. A called this a false flag the moment on saw it on Yahoo this afternoon. More gun control incidents and you are right about that Henry when you said the same thing happened in Waco, TX but the government and media say it was the people inside the temple who were bad and the police with the guns that were good. Amazing how things change when it comes to the government using guns instead of the people. Supposedly the government is the only one that is 100% professionally trained in using guns and can handle any psychological situation no matter what, but us people hanging around, don’t know sh*t and can get hurt and hurt others unless we call mommy and daddy who work for the government to come and help us like little children. What else would you expect from the Nanny States of America? (Hey, that can be the new acronym for the NSA. Hahaha!)

  5. Looks like they are going after the military again as being domestic terrorists.The heavy tattooes makes me think it will eather be gangs or bikers next,never heard them say that before.I guess we’re in for the long haul gun grab folks so pay close attention be ready.These people just don’t give up.

  6. The only real question here is: was this another MK Ultra operation, or was this moron in full control of all his faculties, and just doing another job for his Zionist controlled terrorist so-called ‘government’?

    p.s. I woke up another person yesterday, it seems I’m on a roll.That’s TWO in one week’s time!
    I’m at work, so I don’t have time to tell you about it right now, but I will later on this evening.

    Either I’m getting better at this, or the MSM’s lies and propaganda are becoming more transparent every day.

  7. So, I was at church yesterday, and the pastor was reading Scripture. The church I attend now is Calvary Chapel South Bay, and at this church, everyone brings their own Bible, because we read out of them (not out loud) right along with the pastor. He was reading from the King James Version, which is the only one I use anymore. The woman sitting next to me (never met her before) asked what Bible he was using, because the wording was not the same in hers. I told her it was the KJV, and explained that it was the only faithful translation, as all the others are corrupted. She asked me how I knew this, and I told her about G. A. Riplinger’s book titled “New Age Bible Versions” and how it showed all the changes in the new versions from the KJV. She wrote it down. Then, as we were walking out to the parking lot, we started talking, and one thing led to another, and before you know it, I was telling her about the NWO. We talked for at least 40 – 45 mins., and by the time we were done, she was eager to learn more, so I told her I would bring her some information Sunday after next, as she had told me she wouldn’t be there next week.
    Also, a girl I had met here (Starbucks) had invited me to something she called a Praise Party at the beach. So yesterday, I picked her up, and we met up with three friends of hers who are also aware of the NWO, and we talked for hours on a variety of subjects. Since I had my laptop with me, she asked me to read my article on chemtrails to them, and as I was doing so, I glanced up, and there was a guy standing there listening to the thing. When I was finished, he asked about the article, and said he knew something about chemtrails, as well as HAARP, and wanted the name of the site and the article.He said he’d like to join us next week, as my friend wants to make this a weekly get-together.
    On top of all this, my friend was supposed to meet me here tonight, but she couldn’t make it, and this girl sitting across from me at the table and I started talking, and it turns out that she, as well as her boyfriend and his brother are also aware of the NWO, so I gave her this website, and we exchanged e-mails, and I think the three of them will be at our next session.
    This just keeps getting better and better all the time!

    1. Good job, dude. But beware of spies. “Keep your friends closer, keep your enemies closer”. Not to be paranoid or anything. Keep up the good work. Wish there were more like you in Texas where I live. I’m pretty sure there are many that are awake out here, but a lot more of them are either mindless or afraid to speak out.

  8. Thanks NC, but I am WELL aware of their capability for deception. Believe me, knowing that they’re well aware of what I’m doing, due to the fact that they read everything we post, anyone else attempting to join our little group now will come under microscopic scrutiny.
    ‘Nuff said.

    p.s. a little paranoia can be a healthy thing. We have good reason to be.

    p.p.s I highly recommend Mark Williamson’s reply to me on the article “Theater Shooting in Aurora CO Screams False Flag”. It’s very enlightening.

    1. Yea I read it and researched his website already. He lived in Abilene, TX about 4 hours from where I live. Kinda freaky. I’m still a little skeptical about it, though. He does seem to speak a lot about the technical details of his program, but I don’t know.

      1. Thank you for doing your own research and reading up on my website. Did you read my recent post about returning to the US and going home? I had planned to leave this week. Now, however, I am experiencing seconds thoughts about returning at this time. I am glad you are awake to what is going on and think it is healthy to be a little skeptical. Again, my website is Interestingly, someone just *unblocked* my site here in Mexico just after I began posting to this website! I can show you the networking forensics and exact router that someone apparently hacked in Monterey, Mexico. This had blocked outbound traffic from Mexico to where my site is hosted in California so that no one in Mexico could accesses it (or at least those traversing that particular Mexico/US gateway). If you think this is a coincidence, they also blocked my solar panel business website at the same router a short time after it went live. This served to diminish my credibility and “marginalize” me in Mexico, a favored tactic of Bush and his cronies.

        1. Mark, I’m glad to hear your website troubles are over, at least for the time being.
          As to coming back here, I’m thinking you might have a better chance of survival in Mexico once they declare martial law here, but my selfish nature says to come on back, and bring all the friends and firepower you can get your hands on, because we’re going to need all the help we can get once the SHTF.

  9. rules and regulations put into place are like walking into a store trying to buy a pair of pants that fit YOU when the only size available are the preffered size…so after purchase youre either forced to wear the size uncomfortably or suffer a loss in pants…or by the sheeple way…make ends meet by wearing a belt or cut the waist ends to make fit….adjusting is an abused word by ignorant “sheeple”…modern society has been trained to accept the illusion of free will….hence why almost all attempts to regain human rights are deminished by birth born selfish pr#@ks who want nothing more than to stop “ugly” people from shopping at abercrombie and fitch…the population concists mostly of prosperous and potentually harmful beings who want nothing less than a world of perfection…its all around…the poor have no voice any more…they are just weak leaches of nowadays soceity…and no one will hear us out…the media will just classify us as depressed…disturbed…insane…ect….the only real action against oppression is aggression…the weak need to become strong…

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