Anti-Amnesty Group Asks Americans To Mail ‘Gently Used Underwear’ To Obama, Boehner

The anti-amnesty group, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), is calling on Americans to mail their “gently used underwear” to President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner in response to a government request for new briefs for the recent surge of illegal immigrants being held by border patrol. SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)CBS DC – by Benjamin Fearnow

WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – The anti-amnesty group, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), is calling on Americans to mail their “gently used underwear” to President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner in response to a government request for new briefs for the recent surge of illegal immigrants being held by border patrol.

ALIPAC is responding to a Department of Homeland Security solicitation seeking thousands of pairs of “White 100% Cotton Men’s Briefs” – ranging from medium sizes to hundreds of 6X-large pairs – to meet the basic clothing needs of thousands of immigrants detained by Immigration & Customs Enforcement.  

“Obama and Boehner have proven once and for all that their talk of passing immigration reform amnesty, instead of enforcing America’s existing border and immigration laws, only brings more unwanted and destructive illegal immigration!” said William Gheen, president of ALIPAC, on the group’s website.

“Instead of using our tax money to buy illegals 42,000 pairs of new underwear, we would like to send the illegals and DC politicians a message by mailing them our used underwear, and some of our pairs are in really bad shape due to the bad economy and all of the jobs illegal immigrants are taking from Americans.”

The ICE solicitation placed earlier this month through Federal Business Opportunities cites that the thousands of pairs of underwear are bound for El Paso, Texas. In a statement to Breitbart, an ICE spokesperson said: “This [request for quote] is a normal solicitation for routinely procured items needed at ICE-owned detention facilities around the country. At ICE-owned detention facilities, the agency is required to provide basic necessities in order to feed and clothe detained aliens.”

The ALIPAC request for Americans to send their “gently used” underwear is specifically noted because “DC is already full of dirty laundry.”

The ALIPAC statement goes on to say that the Obama administration is wasting taxpayer money for illegal immigrants by assisting pushes for immigration reform, amnesty and inadequate enforcement of current laws. The statement adds that “Obama is releasing most of the illegal immigrants into America in violation of US laws.”

The message concludes: “Americans who want to help the illegals and Americans who are upset that John Boehner and Barack Obama are throwing the future for American children under the bus along with their Oaths of Office, the US Constitution, the outcome of our elections, and the current laws of Congress, are encouraged to mail their used underwear to Barack Obama at The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, and John Boehner at Office of the Speaker, H-232 The Capitol, Washington, DC 20515.”

– Benjamin Fearnow

5 thoughts on “Anti-Amnesty Group Asks Americans To Mail ‘Gently Used Underwear’ To Obama, Boehner

  1. The ALIPAC request for Americans to send their “gently used” underwear is specifically noted because “DC is already full of dirty laundry.”

    ROFLMAO gently used means send ’em unwashed, full of skid marks! Put it over their heads and push them back over the freakin border! It’s not our responsibility to do anything for these invaders! Any “American” that wants to help this invasion is welcome to leave with them.

    1. We have a process to immigrate legally, it is a slap in the face to every single person who went through the process, and a slap in the faces of the American people who still have a shred of common sense.
      Send them back, every last stinkin on of em!

  2. I have lots of used underwear. Unfortunately, if I sent them to the White House, they might issue a “bomb” threat. 😉

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