Anti-Defamation League: Lavoy Finicum’s Death ‘Enraging The Extreme Right’, Provides ‘Patriot’ Movement With Martyr, Possibly Prompts Acts of Violence

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

In the wake of last week’s killing of Oregon Wildlife occupier Lavoy Finicum, the Anti-Defamation League has issued a press release voicing concerns about the potential fallout from the deadly turn of events.

The ADL article, titled ‘Robert “LaVoy” Finicum: The Making of a Martyr’, opines:  

Manufacturing a Folk Hero”The decision by federal and state author­ities to make the arrest attempt was in some respects a risky one, not only because officers could be wounded or killed by extremists, but also because the wounding or death of any of the occupiers could have negative consequences in terms of enraging the extreme right and possibly prompting acts of violence.

“The arrests did disrupt and demoralize the Malheur occupiers, most of whom soon left the refuge, while a few others were arrested. As of this writing, only four holdouts at the refuge remain, primarily because there is a federal charge against one of them that they want dropped before they will surrender.

“However, the death of Finicum unfortunately provided adherents of the so-called ‘Patriot’ movement (which includes militia groups, sovereign citizens, and other anti-government extremists) with something that authorities had hoped to avoid: a potential martyr around whom anti-government extremists could rally. Moreover, anger over Finicum’s death could possibly spawn acts of violent retribution. Rage over deadly standoffs between fringe groups and individuals at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992 and Waco, Texas, in 1993 played a major role in sparking the resurgence of right-wing extremism in the mid-1990s that led to the Oklahoma City bombing and many other acts of violence or attempted violence.”

In their very lengthy article, The ADL continues to outline all of the memorials and activists who have rallied to mourn Finicum and support the Oregon protester’s cause in the wake of Finicum’s death. Of course they also bring up Ruby Ridge and Waco, which they claim “played a major role in sparking the resurgence of right-wing extremism in the mid-1990s that led to the Oklahoma City bombing and many other acts of violence or attempted violence.”

The ADL concludes,

“It remains to be seen how successful the extreme right will be in elevating Finicum to the pantheon of extremists considered martyrs by the movement, or whether their attempts to use Finicum to rally support will be successful past the short term. The still-unresolved standoff in Malheur, with its four holdouts refusing to leave, also makes the future more uncertain. However, what is clear is that anti-government extremists are right now energetically trying to use Finicum’s death to rally support for their cause and this in itself is troubling.”

You can read their full article here.

2 thoughts on “Anti-Defamation League: Lavoy Finicum’s Death ‘Enraging The Extreme Right’, Provides ‘Patriot’ Movement With Martyr, Possibly Prompts Acts of Violence

  1. Awww ….how cute. The Jews over at the ADL are pretending to be “troubled” over the death of Mr. Finicum. They’re probably watching the video of his death over and over again on a loop and laughing their a$$es off.
    Rabbi Sh!thead is watching it in private and beating off. Probably thinks it’s better than porn.

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