Anti-Hate Group Inspiring Bloodshed

FRC_shooting2WND – Garth Kant

WASHINGTON — “Our culture is changing drastically,” Lt. General Jerry Boykin (Ret.) told WND, and it was clear he did not mean it was Obama’s “change you can believe in.”

“There’s a paradigm shift in America where, if you are an outspoken, open, Christian, you are now being labeled as not only a hate-monger, but also as a potential threat to U.S. security, as is evidenced by any number of documents that have come out in the last number of years, one of which came out of the Department of Homeland Security,” the war hero explained.  

He was, in part, referring to documents influenced by the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, “that identified the Founding Fathers as the kind of ‘radicals’ that we should be watching out for today.”

Boykin’s full list of accomplishments in service to his country is too long to detail, but it includes serving as an original member of the U.S. Army’s Delta Force, commanding all the Army’s Green Berets and doing stints at the CIA and as deputy undersecretary of intelligence at the Department of Defense.

And now he has found himself facing an adversary here in the homeland, one that is also capable of bloodshed: the radical left.

Boykin is the executive vice president of the Family Research Council, or FRC, which is dedicated to “a culture in which human life is valued, families flourish and religious liberty thrives” and seeks to “advance faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview.”

On Aug. 15, 2012, heavily armed homosexual activist Floyd Lee Corkins II walked into the Washington offices of the FRC and began shooting, with the intention of killing “as many people as I could.”

Corkins admitted he picked the FRC offices because the organization was listed as an “anti-gay” hate group by the SPLC on its website.

The FRC promotes traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs about the family and homosexuality, but SPLC claims the organization’s “real specialty is defaming gays and lesbians.”

Corkins, a former volunteer at an LGBT community center, pleaded guilty to terrorism and will learn his fate Thursday when he will be sentenced in a federal court in Washington, D.C.

Government prosecutors are recommending that he be given 45 years in prison, but a defense lawyer said Corkins should get only 11-and-a-half years because, he argued, his client was suffering from mental illness.

Boykin believes Corkins isn’t the only one who should be held accountable.

“I think the SPLC should be taken to task by the media and public opinion for the reckless nature of what they’re doing,” he said.

The general noted that hate-crimes legislation would hold a pastor, or anyone else in authority, accountable for remarks that caused someone to harm a gay or lesbian individual, so why not an organization?

“We have exactly the same thing now, with the SPLC, which clearly incited Floyd Lee Corkins to violence against a Christian organization,” he explained, “yet there is no effort whatsoever to hold them accountable in the court of public opinion or by the legal system in America, and I think there is a real contradiction there.”

Corkins spotted the FRC on the SPLC’s “hate map,” but Boykin said his group has never appealed to the SPLC to take them off because they don’t think the hate map is legitimate.

The general called the map capricious and noted it has no definition of a hate group.

“More importantly, we think what they’re doing is absolutely reckless, particularly given they put us in the same category as groups like the Klu Klux Klan and the skinheads.”

Pressure has to be put on the SPLC to stop this, because, Boykin said, “It is reckless behavior that has, at least in this case, incited someone to want to kill people who don’t believe what they believe and stand for.”

Corkins managed to shoot and injure just one person, thanks to the heroics of building manager Leo Johnson, who stopped the attack.

A video shows Corkins entered the building and approached Johnson, then leaned over to place his backpack on the floor. When he straightened up, Corkins pointed a semi-automatic handgun directly at Johnson and fired. Despite being wounded in the arm, Johnson was able to subdue Corkins after a brief struggle.

Boykin said, “Leo is doing very well after a series of surgeries, and in over a year of recovery time, he is doing very, very well.”

The staff was back in the office the very next day, and the general proudly observed, “Not a single person failed to return to work.”

The general is also a pastor, and he wanted to emphasize, “It’s important to remember that, regardless of where America is today, the original roots of America were founded in Judeo-Christian beliefs.”

He observed the Declaration of Independence was signed by men of Christian faith, but today, the vestiges of that heritage are being squeezed of out of our society.

“People who cling to those values are being forced to go underground for fear of being ridiculed, for fear of even being attacked and maybe killed, as was evidenced here,” he said. “It’s a sad commentary on the state of our society.”

6 thoughts on “Anti-Hate Group Inspiring Bloodshed

  1. I would not call the SPLC an “anti-hate” group…but since the Family Research Council hates Muslims as well as gays, I WOULD call them a “hate group”…honestly as a Christian while I do not like the Koran, I am also sick and tired of hatred of Muslims!

    1. Well, I don’t know about your god, but my God is bigger, and badder than any other god. My God is an awesome God and He reigns.

      If that is hate… then the communist have changed the meaning of another word. In their mind, I ain’t buying it

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