Author Stephen King Calls for Additional Gun Control Laws

kinGuns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

Horror author Stephen King took to Twitter yesterday to call for additional gun control laws. The multiple time best selling author said the following in tweet, “Multiple gunshot wounds last night at Red Rocks. We regulator booze and tobacco; it’s time to regulate firearms.” I’ll be nice and won’t even point out the irony of a best selling author having a spelling mistake in his tweet.  

Of course, this isn’t the first time King has called for more gun control and criticized gun owning Americans. Last year, King made a “substantial” donation to The Coalition for a Safer Maine according to their website. The group fights for anti gun laws in Maine.

According to the press release on the group’s website:

The Kings join the Coalition in supporting proposed legislation that will expand background checks, ban high capacity magazines, and strengthen the prohibition on guns for those adjudicated mentally ill. Proposed legislation for these measures are being heard at the Maine State House this week.

“We are grateful for the generous support of Mr. and Mrs. King at this pivotal moment in our efforts to establish common sense gun regulations in Maine. This gift, along with other gifts from many like-minded people around the state, will be used immediately to fund our advocacy efforts” says Larry Gilbert, former Mayor of Lewiston, former Federal Marshall, and co-Chair of the Coalition for a Safer Maine.

“Mr. King strongly defends the Second Amendment and acts accordingly – he owns three handguns. And as a gun owner, he believes the right is also a responsibility that should be safeguarded by sensible laws, such as expanding background checks and banning the sale of high capacity ammunition magazines,” adds Paula Silsby, former US Attorney and co-Chair of the Coalition.

According to a statement made to the AP, King said the donation was in the five figure range.

King made his views on gun control known in early 2013 when he published a 25 page essay, available for $.99 on Amazon’s Kindle platform, blasting guns. In the essay he wrote,

“Autos and semi-autos are weapons of mass destruction. When lunatics want to make war on the unarmed and unprepared, these are the weapons they use.”

12 thoughts on “Author Stephen King Calls for Additional Gun Control Laws

  1. I stopped reading this butt-head when he put out an internet book, at a $1.00 per chapter. After paying him $7.00 for the first 7 chapters he canceled the downloads because not enough of the folks downloading were paying. I’m sure he knew who had payed, why not email them the rest of the book? I have not payed for one of his books since, and I recommend that others join my boycott. Rich people seem like they need to disarm the population, just because they can hire their own security.

  2. Yes we do regulate drugs. That worked so well for him that he ended in rehab. and was so addicted he can’t even remember writing a book or two.

    I love people that judge everyone else by their own mirror. I have never been addicted to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. I have never committed a crime with a firearm.

    But somehow just because he is famous for something unrelated to guns, he believes he has a higher moral authority to preach to millions of legal, law abiding, gun owners, that THEY have a problem.

    We should believe him on guns about the same as we believe that there are really werewolves, vampires, giant spiders, or evil clowns. Come to think of it, the solution to pretty much everything he writes about is a good collection of forearms.

  3. Yes, regulate guns because all the people using them now for cimes will be sure to oblige & obey.

    Just like most other things, new laws don’t stop crime when the current laws are ignored.

    Using a firearm in the commission of a crime is, surprisingly, still a crime. How many times has this not stopped the killings & armed robberies, armed rapes and other armed crimes.

    Once the cops stop carrying their guns and only then should anyone else consider such a thing.

  4. or point out the irony of the books he’s authored and his short tv stint, promoting the macabe and exactly why we need to protect ourselves. this dude was always ugly to me. he fit right in to some of his weirdo characters.

  5. Stephen King writes horror stories about people getting slaughtered and killed, yet for some reason, he believes were are not allowed to protect ourselves. I’m confused.

    Just as I’m confused about Schwarzeneggar and Stallone proudly making action movies and killing bad guys up the ying-yang with guns, yet for some reason, they both believe we are not allowed to protect ourselves with guns, as well.

  6. “Multiple gunshot wounds last night at Red Rocks. We regulator booze and tobacco; it’s time to regulate firearms.”

    “We ‘regulator’ booze”???

    Sounds like this communist @sswipe was ‘regulating’ a little booze himself when he wrote that.


  7. Oh yeah, and btw:

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

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