Fox 59 – by Matt Adams

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (Oct. 12, 2015) – The president of Olive Garden personally apologized to an on-duty police officer who was told to leave a Missouri restaurant because of his gun.

The incident happened in Independence, Mo., on Sunday, according to WDAF. Kansas City police officer Michael Holsworth went to the restaurant for a birthday lunch with his family when he was asked to leave. He wrote about the experience on Facebook.   Continue reading “Olive Garden apologizes after Kansas City police officer asked to leave because of gun”


Three people were arrested in connection with two new shootings on Interstate 10 in Arizona on Sunday, according to officials.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety said in a statement that the incidents, which both occurred in the Phoenix area, were not connected to a spate of almost a dozen shootings on or near the same freeway in August and September.   Continue reading “New Shootings on Interstate 10 Near Phoenix, Arizona; 3 Arrested”

NBC Sports – by Mike Florio

The nickname used by one of the NFL teams has no been banned in a state where three NFL teams do business.

Via NBC News, California governor Jerry Brown signed into law on Sunday a provision banning schools from using the term “Redskins” as a team name or logo. The law, which becomes effective on January 1, 2017, affects four California schools.   Continue reading “California bans use of “Redskins” name”

Fox News

An Oregon middle school cracked down last week on a student who showed up in a battlefield cross T-shirt that said, “Standing for those who stood for us.”

Eighth-grader Alan Holmes’ T-shirt imagery of a rifle, helmet and boots denoting loss may have symbolized patriotism to him, but not to administrators at Dexter McCarty Middle School in Gresham who demanded the boy change his shirt and then suspended him when he refused.   Continue reading “Oregon school suspends 8th-grader over battlefield cross T-shirt”

Sent to us by the author, “Barry Soetoro, Esq”

Did CIA create the Obamas?

We know Obama uses Fake ID, and grew up in Indonesia. But when we delve into his past, we get stuck. Is that because Obama is a typical CIA agent, installed to babysit us while we get robbed (via TPP) and disarmed (via Fake Shootings)?

Could this fake CIA family explain why Michelle can’t remember her own wedding? Watch Michelle FORGET what year she got married:   Continue reading “The Obamas: Fake CIA Family?”

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Rundown Live – by Kristan T. Harris

Cooper predicted fast and furious along with ties between mass shooters and psychotropic drugs.

Author, broadcaster and former naval intelligence officer William Cooper has predicted many events which have come to fruition in recent years, making him one the more accurate philosophers of his era.   Continue reading “William Cooper Predicted Rise In School Shootings In His Book Behold A Pale Horse”

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Yahoo News

Vatican City (AFP) – Pope Francis has warned bishops at a global Church meeting on the family not to be taken in by conspiracy theories, as conservatives and liberals reportedly engage in Machiavellian attempts to manipulate the synod.

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi on Thursday confirmed reports that the pontiff had warned Catholic bishops and cardinals behind closed doors on Tuesday not to get caught up in “the hermeneutic of conspiracy”.   Continue reading “Pope warns against conspiracy theories of Vatican skullduggery”

Washington Post – by Juliet Eilperin

In response to the latest mass shooting during his presidency, President Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress with his executive authority and imposing new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers.

Under the proposed rule change, dealers who exceed a certain number of sales each year would be required to obtain a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and perform background checks on potential buyers.   Continue reading “Obama weighs expanding background checks through executive authority”

Thanks to Enemy of the State.

Yahoo News – by Trace William Cowen

With the temperature outside slowly but surely dipping into winter levels, that annoying little tradition otherwise known as hindsight starts to rear its unabashedly annoying head. 2015, though we still have a little less than three months to completely upend this assessment, has given us the rise (or, in the case of these two gentlemen, the rebirth) of many a legend of pop culture, though two titans of headlines snatching reign bafflingly supreme: Donald Trump, that guy you kind of recognize from that one reality show you could never really bring yourself to watch, is still running for president. El Chapo, that guy whose life is so undeniably similar to the plot of the greatest AMC series you’ve never seen, is still running from those not keen on his most recent prison escape.   Continue reading “El Chapo Is Reportedly Offering $100 Million for the Capture of Donald Trump “Dead or Alive””

Daily Mail – by Will Stewart, October 6, 2015

Syrian army helicopters have dropped tens of thousands of leaflets on ISIS and rebel fighters, warning them to get out now and ‘don’t make it even worse for yourselves’.

The flyers were let go over the embattled cities of Rastan and Talbiseh, which have been pounded by Moscow’s warplanes this week and where Russia claims 5,000 ISIS and al-Nusra Front terrorists are stationed.    Continue reading “Helicopters drop leaflets on ISIS and rebel fighters”

Russia Insider

BAGHDAD—Iraqi Shiite lawmakers and militia leaders are urging Russia to launch airstrikes on Islamic State militants in their country, a sharp reproach to the U.S.-led air campaign targeting the extremist group.

Since Moscow began bombing opponents of the regime in Syria last week, the lawmakers and militia leaders have pressed Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to invite Russia to intervene in Iraq. Mr. Abadi said last week that he would welcome Russian airstrikes in Iraq as long as they were coordinated with the U.S.-led coalition.    Continue reading “Iraq Asks For Russian Airstrikes; US Air Force “Small Help””

Facebook – Hosted by Casey Runyan and 4 others

Friday, October 9 at 9:00am PDT


The anointed one his majesty king 0bama and the White House have announced a Friday arrival in Roseburg, Oregon in the wake of Oct 1st’s horrific tragedy at UCC. Continue reading “Defend Roseburg – Deny Barack 0bama”

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Forbes – by Bruce Schneier

ID checks were a common response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, but they’ll soon be obsolete. You won’t have to show your ID, because you’ll be identified automatically. A security camera will capture your face, and it’ll be matched with your name and a whole lot of other information besides. Welcome to the world of automatic facial recognition. Those who have access to databases of identified photos will have the power to identify us. Yes, it’ll enable some amazing personalized services; but it’ll also enable whole new levels of surveillance. The underlying technologies are being developed today, and there are currently no rules limiting their use.   Continue reading “The Era Of Automatic Facial Recognition And Surveillance Is Here”

The Anti-Media – by Barry Donegan

Following recent media reports of high-profile mass shootings, a Republican assemblywoman from Nevada is calling for an investigation into whether psychiatric pharmaceuticals commonly taken by mass murderers can cause side effects that may contribute to their mental health decline.

According to KSNV Las Vegas, GOP Assemblywoman Michele Fiore says that, rather than blaming mass shootings on the guns used by the perpetrators, studies should be done on the drugs that many of them have a history of having taken to treat mental health disorders.   Continue reading “Lawmaker Calls for Study on Links Between Pharmaceuticals and Mass Killers”