Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Once upon a time, there was a saying “no taxation without representation.” Well, in America’s transition to an utopia of French or even Venezuelan caliber, for half the population taxation became an anachronism from a bygone era, which in turn meant that representation likewise lost its charm. However, in order to preserve a political system in which the votes of the many are bought with the money of the few or, as the case may be these days, with money printed out of thin air by the Federal Reserve, there was one bureaucratic hurdle: one still needed a US passport in order to vote. However if a newly introduced bill in Washington D.C. passes, one won’t even need to be a citizen in order to vote in local elections.   Continue reading “Bill Proposed To Allow Voting Without US Citizenship”

The Hill – by Ben Kamisar

Republicans have a backup plan for approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline if President Obama vetoes the bill now moving through the Senate, a top House Republican suggested Wednesday.

House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) struck a positive tone about the pipeline fight in a radio interview, suggesting the GOP could have other ways to secure a veto-proof majority for the pipeline.   Continue reading “GOP plans Keystone XL attachment to infrastructure bill, lawmaker says”

Sent to us by the author, Brett Redmayne.

Part 1 can be found here.

Part Two: Beyond A Crime of Music.

While jailed San Diego Rap musician, Brandon, “Tiny Doo,” Duncan makes his political statement all the way to trial this Friday, Jan 23, 2015, he jeopardizes his freedom to defend his innocence and his art. He has been in a San Diego jail for almost six months. While it would seem a given that he will be found innocent, the recent history of new US legislation, and the results of jury trials applied to civil rights issues peculiar to law enforcement and African-Americans, make the upcoming trial more of a dice-roll than should be. The result will go far beyond personal freedom for Tiny Doo Duncan.   Continue reading “Did Rap Music Pull the Trigger? Part 2”

Sent to us by a reader.

The Watchman’s Cry – by Nathan Leal

On January 20, 2015, President Snow….I mean Boy Wonder Barry performed to a sold out House of Politicos for his 6th annual recital of vocal smoothies.

The performance was as expected, at times, there was thunderous applause mixed with smiles and cheers; other times, there were moments of solemn adoration.   Continue reading “President Barry Snow’s State of the Union – 2015”

Associated PressBreitbart – by Tony Lee

On Tuesday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) said Los Angeles and other pro-amnesty cities are likely to file legal briefs in support of President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty. He also said even if there is an injunction against Obama’s executive amnesty, Los Angeles would continue its efforts to prepare eligible illegal immigrants to qualify for it.   Continue reading “L.A. Mayor Vows To Move Forward With Exec Amnesty Implementation Even If Court Issues Injunction”

The Week – by Bonnie Kristian

A new anti-cyberbullying law in Illinois effectively allows schools to force students to hand over their social media passwords if they are suspected to have been the victim of or otherwise involved in cyberbullying. While the law doesn’t explicitly say schools can request passwords, it gives school officials broad scope to act even when alleged bullying occurs using “technology or an electronic device that is not owned, leased, or used by a school district or school.”   Continue reading “Illinois schools can demand students’ social media logins”

TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, LP filed eminent domain papers in nine Nebraska counties Tuesday. KNOP 2 News

LINCOLN, Neb. — TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, LP filed eminent domain papers in nine Nebraska counties Tuesday.

The company is trying to get the remaining 12 percent of easements from landowners required in the state.

This action was required within two years of TransCanada receiving its January 2013 approval in Nebraska. That time period expires on January 22, 2015. An agreement without Eminent Domain can still be reached if TransCanada and land owners can negotiate voluntary easement agreements.   Continue reading “Keystone XL Pipeline Files for Eminent Domain in Nebraska”

Politico – by Jake Sherman

Speaker John Boehner has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress about Iran next month, a move sure to inflame the Obama administration, which is trying to negotiate a nuclear deal with the Islamic republic.

Netanyahu is vehemently opposed to a deal with Iran, and has been very vocal that the United States is making a mistake in negotiating with the nation. In many ways, he’s served as President Barack Obama’s foil as negotiations have progressed. Boehner, an Ohio Republican, is setting up a major confrontation with the Obama administration one day after the State of the Union – a move that is sure to put him in good graces with his House Republican Conference. Boehner has invited Netanyahu to address Congress for a third time Feb. 11.   Continue reading “Boehner invites Netanyahu to speak to Congress”

Sent to us by the author, Brett Redmayne-Titley.

Within the forced anonymity of cold, hard concrete walls and non-stop,  overhead fluorescent lights, rap musician, Brandon, “Tiny Doo,” Duncan remains in jail. It’s been almost six months. Duncan has no criminal record and knows that he was not involved in any crime.

The San Diego City district attorney agrees.

However, a new fabricated crime, uniquely reasoned , intends to incarcerate Duncan for at least twenty-five years. Or the rest of his life. For this crime he is ostensibly guilty: music.   Continue reading “Did Rap Music Pull the Trigger? Part 1”

Dirt bike riders drive on southbound I-95 Monday afternoon, popping wheelies and weaving in between cars.Miami Herald – by JOEY FLECHAS AND CARLI TEPROFF

South Florida has had its share of rush-hour drama — a baby needing CPR, a man threatening to jump off an overpass and a man shooting several people on Florida’s Turnpike.

Monday’s commute was another one for the books. Hundreds of people riding dirt bikes and ATVs sped across Miami-Dade and Broward’s major roadways — I-95, US 441, Northwest Seventh Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard — disrupting rush-hour traffic.   Continue reading “3 arrests, 1 crash as ATVs take over Miami roads”

Should Taking Kids Out of School for Family Vacation Be Illegal?Life Hacker – by Melanie Pinola

In some states, it is illegal for parents to pull kids out of school for “unallowed” reasons, such as family events or vacations, with some parents charged with misdemeanors, given fines, or even threatened with jail time. But is this fair?

From the school’s point of view, these absences can definitely be disruptive and cause unfair additional work for the teacher to get the kids back on track or pre-plan classwork so the students aren’t behind.   Continue reading “Should Taking Kids Out of School for Family Vacation Be Illegal?”

The massive property in Annapolis was valued by an insurance company at some $14 million. The entire home burned to the ground early Monday in a fire.New York Daily News – by Sasha Goldstein

A massive Annapolis, Md., mansion burned to the ground early Monday, sending authorities sifting through the still-smoking wreckage of the $14 million residence in a desperate search for the home’s owners.

The 16,000-square-foot home on Childs Point Road was mostly reduced to rubble after the blaze raged out of control for some four hours after the call first came in at 3:30 a.m., the Capital Gazette reported.   Continue reading “6 unaccounted for in 4-alarm blaze that gutted mansion in Annapolis, Maryland”


More than half the world’s wealth will be owned by just one percent of the population by next year as global inequality soars, anti-poverty charity Oxfam said on Monday

In a report released ahead of this week’s annual meeting of the international elite at Davos in Switzerland, Oxfam said the top tier had seen their share of wealth increase from 44 percent in 2009 to 48 percent in 2014.   Continue reading “Richest 1 percent will own more than the rest by 2016: Oxfam”

Israeli border police officers (Reuters/Ronen Zvulun )RT

Israel has indicted seven Israeli Arabs suspected of being members of an “Islamic State cell in Palestine.” The group was allegedly planning to carry out a shooting attack on Israeli soil, according to the Israeli security service.

Believed to be the first cell operating in Israel and Palestine, all seven men have admitted their allegiance to the Islamic State, the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) announced. Initially a Salafi jihadi group based in the West Bank, the cell was allegedly planning to become an “official” Islamic State branch in Israel.   Continue reading “Israel indicts ‘ISIS in Palestine’ jihadi cell”