Live Leak

According to the Business Insider, the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service have requested information to support the installation of a gunshot detection system known as “ShotSpotter” in Washington D.C.

The system is already up and running in various cities and it records more than just gunshots.    Continue reading “DHS creeping into domestic LE”

radiation5Global Research – by Helen Caldicott

Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket Following Radiological Incidents

The White House has given final approval for dramatically raising permissible radioactive levels in drinking water and soil following “radiological incidents,” such as nuclear power-plant accidents and dirty bombs. The final version, slated for Federal Register publication as soon as today, is a win for the nuclear industry which seeks what its proponents call a “new normal” for radiation exposure among the U.S population, according Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).  Continue reading “Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket”

ENE News

CBS San Francisco: […] Crews were working to clean up an oil spill caused by bullet holes at a PG&E transmission center just southeast of San Jose, a PG&E spokesman said. […] “We are currently on site assessing the magnitude of the vandalism and the impact,” he said. […]

ABC 7Bullets damage PG&E substation in San Jose […] PG&E spokesman JD Guidi said shots were fired at the substation. “It does appear that there were gunshots to our facility,” he said. […]   Continue reading “Bullet holes riddle key California power substation causing heavy damage — 10,000 gallon oil spill — Statewide Emergency Alert to conserve energy — 911 calls not working nearby”

Daily Kos – by Jesselyn Radack

The Constitution Project’s Task Force on Detainee Treatment is an independent, non-partisan group that produced a report comprehensively documenting the United States’ descent into torture. The Task Force released a 600-page report today. Among the Report’s many conclusions:

U.S. forces, in many instances, used interrogation techniques on detainees that constitute torture. American personnel conducted an even larger number of interrogations that involved “cruel, inhuman, or degrading” treatment. Both categories of actions violate U.S. laws and international treaties. Such conduct was directly counter to values of the Constitution and our nation.   Continue reading “Constitution Project’s Task Force on Detainee Treatment Does What Government Won’t”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It was only a week ago that Iran was shaken by a major 6.1 earthquake, striking just 100 km away from the Busher nuclear power plant: a location so “opportune” some, so inclined, saw in this phenomenon anoter demonstration of the HAARP’s capabilities. Those same people will then hardly be surprised to learn that moments ago the entire middle east, from Dubai to Delhi, shook in the aftermath of yet another massive earthquake, this time measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale, which once again was located as the USGS reports, some 86 km East South East of Khash, Iran.   Continue reading “Major 7.8 Earthquake Strikes Iran Leaves “Hundreds Dead”; Follows 6.1 Quake From Week Ago”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel, former White House Chief Of Staff to Barack Obama

While many people might immediately dismiss the concept, any student of true and unadulterated history has to eventually admit this fact:  Governments exploit crisis.  Sometimes, they merely take advantage of the ensuing chaos and aftermath of a disaster they had nothing to do with directly.  Other times, they create those disasters themselves in order to engineer social and political opportunity.    Continue reading “Boston Marathon Bombing: Who Do They Plan To Blame?”

Newsday – by ALAN FRAM. The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON — A conservative senator is proposing to greatly broaden the background check system for firearms purchasers but require no records of the transactions as the Senate braced for votes on amendments to gun control legislation next week.

The plan by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) was one of several proposals Republicans were discussing in preparation for debate. In response to December’s elementary school attack in Newtown, Conn., which killed 20 children and six adults, the Senate is considering a Democratic bill backed byPresident Barack Obama that would expand background checks, strengthen laws against illegal gun trafficking and slightly increase school security aid.   Continue reading “GOP Sen. Coburn pitches broad gun checks, no records”

Video Rebel’s Blog

In the last 5 minutes of hour four of today’s show Alex Jones said Rob Dew’s brother-in-law ran the Boston marathon. Rob said he works in domestic intelligence for the US Army. AJ said he was in the DIA. He was in position to finish the race at about the time of the bombing. He was pulled from the race by military superiors and sent to a hospital to be treated for dehydration even though he thought he could have finished the race. AJ compared this to Mayor Willie Brown being told by Condoleeza Rice not to fly on 911.   Continue reading “DIA Man Was Pulled From Boston Marathon By Military”

Boston Metro Desk- by Michael Levenson and Eric Moskowitz

Boston will be largely open for business on Tuesday, but so much will be different, as a wounded city awakens to higher security and heightened vigilance following the deadly bombings at the Boston Marathon.

Heavily armed police will be out in force. Bags will be searched on the ­MBTA. And the area around Copley Square will remain a crime scene, closed to the public.   Continue reading “Security will be the rule in Boston Tuesday”

Evacuation: Police were desperately trying to evacuate the area following the explosions as three secondary devices were reportedly foundDaily Mail

A potential suspect in the Boston marathon attacks is being guarded by police in a local hospital, according to reports.

CBS News senior correspondent John Miller and the New York Post have reported that there is a Saudi national in custody who was near the scene of the blasts, which were detonated near the finish line of the Boston marathon, injuring more than 100 people and killing at least two.    Continue reading “Suspect being ‘held in Boston hospital’ with severe injuries while another man is pictured in handcuffs”

AirplaneSo that no news crews can get any pictures they are not supposed to.


The Federal Aviation Administration is warning pilots that it has created a no-fly zone over the site of two explosions at the annual Boston marathon.

The agency said in a notice issued Monday about an hour after the explosions that a no-fly zone with a 3.5-mile radius has been created over 811 Boylston St.   Continue reading “Boston a No-Fly Zone and Cellphone Service Shut Down”

The Atlantic Wire – by Conner Simpson

Adding further heartbreak to utter tragedy, the last mile of Monday’s Boston Marathon, which was rocked by at least two explosions resulting in an unknown number of injuries and casualties Monday afternoon, was dedicated to the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting massacre. Boston Athletic Association president Joanne Flaminio said before the race that had a “special significance” because it was 26.2 miles long and there was 26 victims in the Newtown attack. There was also a group of Newtown parents running as part of a group called Team Newtown Strong who were raising money for local charities. A banner honoring the victims, hung at the end of the 26th mile, can be seen in the photo above.    Continue reading “The Boston Marathon’s Final Mile Was Dedicated to Newtown Victims”

New York Post

Investigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.

Law enforcement sources said the 20-year-old suspect was under guard at an undisclosed Boston hospital.   Continue reading “Authorities ID suspect as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital”


Two explosions shattered the euphoria of the Boston Marathon finish line on Monday, sending authorities out on the course to carry off the injured while the stragglers in the 26.2-mile trek from Hopkinton were rerouted away from the smoking site of the blasts.

Competitors and race organizers were crying as they fled the chaos. Bloody spectators were being carried to the medical tent that had been set up to care for fatigued runners.   Continue reading “2 Explosions at Boston Marathon Finish Line”

New York Times – by SAMIR NAJI al HASAN MOQBEL

ONE man here weighs just 77 pounds. Another, 98. Last thing I knew, I weighed 132, but that was a month ago.

I’ve been on a hunger strike since Feb. 10 and have lost well over 30 pounds. I will not eat until they restore my dignity.

I’ve been detained at Guantánamo for 11 years and three months. I have never been charged with any crime. I have never received a trial.   Continue reading “Gitmo Is Killing Me”

Sig Sauer handguns are displayed during the annual SHOT (Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade) Show in Las Vegas January 15, 2013. REUTERS/Las Vegas Sun/Steve MarcusReuters – by Lawrence Hurley

Staying out of the raging national debate over guns, the Supreme Court on Monday declined to weigh in on whether gun owners have a constitutional right to carry handguns outside the home.

The court decided not to hear a challenge to a New York state law that requires those who want to carry a concealed handgun to show they have a special reason before they can get a license.   Continue reading “Supreme Court declines to hear gun rights case”