Vice Motherboard – by McLean Gordon

In 1961, psychologist Stanley Milgram began an experiment that left humanity with one of the most dismal and damning self-portraits we’ve ever seen. It seemed to demonstrate that the overwhelming majority of regular Americans are willing to administer a lethal electric shock to a human victim when prompted to do so by an authority figure.

A decade later, Milgram’s fellow psychologist and former high school classmate Philip Zimbardo performed another experiment at Stanford University that captured on tape the transformation of regular college students into authoritarian monsters. In a matter of days, those playing the role of guards had the prisoners going mad in solitary confinement and defecating in buckets in their cells. Zimbardo shut the experiment down half way through, but only after his fellow psychologist and future wife appealed to his sense of humanity.   Continue reading “You’re As Evil as Your Social Network: What the Prison Experiment Got Wrong”

Vatican's UN Ambassador Monsignor Silvano Tomasi (L) speaks with Former Vatican Chief Prosecutor of Clerical Sexual Abuse Charles Scicluna prior to the start of questioning.  Like other signatories of the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Holy See agrees to submit regular reports on respect for the rules, and to be scrutinised by the watchdog panel. Thursday marked the Vatican's second examination. New York Daily News – AP

GENEVA — The Vatican came under blistering criticism from a U.N. committee Thursday for its handling of the global priest sex abuse scandal, facing its most intense public grilling to date over allegations that it protected pedophile priests at the expense of victims.

The Vatican insisted it had little jurisdiction to sanction pedophile priests around the globe, saying it was for local law enforcement to do so. But officials conceded that it needs to do more, given the scale of the problem and the role the Holy See plays in the international community.   Continue reading “U.N. committee criticizes Vatican for allegedly enabling child sex abuse”

AlterNet – by Paula Bray

My masters degree did nothing to save me from being unemployed and destitute.

I write to you today because I have nowhere else to turn. I lost my full time job in September 2012. I have only been able to find part-time employment — 16 hours each week at $12 per hour — but I don’t work that every week. For the month of December, my net pay was $365. My husband and I now live in an RV at a campground because of my job loss. Our monthly rent is $455 and that doesn’t include utilities. We were given this 27-ft. 1983 RV when I lost my job.   Continue reading “Mr. President, My America Is Now Life in an RV Park With No Running Water and Not Much Heat”

Huffington Post – by Mollie Reilly

A federal judge in St. Louis, Mo. has ruled that it’s within drivers’ rights to flash headlights as a signal to other motorists that speed traps lie ahead.

On Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Henry Autrey issued an order temporarily blocking a Missouri town from punishing drivers for their warnings, stating that flashing headlights falls under free speech as protected by the First Amendment.   Continue reading “Flashing Headlights To Warn Other Drivers Of Speed Traps Is Protected By First Amendment, Federal Judge Rules”

The former Tampa police captain is charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of a man before a movie at the Cobb Grove 16 theater in Wesley Chapel, Fla. in January.New York Daily News

A bond hearing for a retired police captain accused of gunning down a fellow moviegoer last month in Florida will resume on Friday, a judge announced Wednesday.

Curtis Reeves, 71, stood before a Dade City judge and the widow of his alleged victim, 43-year-old Chad Oulson, while family and witnesses to the January shooting emotionally testified for and against Reeves’ possible release on second-degree murder.   Continue reading “Florida judge considering bail for retired police officer accused in deadly movie theater shooting”

PHOTO: Vani Hari, the "food babe" blogger, is petitioning Subway to take a plastic chemical out of its bread.ABC News – by SUSAN DONALDSON JAMES

Subway said today it is removing a chemical used in yoga mats and shoe soles from the bread of it its popular sandwiches after a food blogger got more than 50,000 signatures in a petition drive.

“The complete conversion to have this product out of the bread will be done soon,” Subway said in a statement. The company said the move had nothing to do with the protest and that it was “already in the process of removing azodicarbonamide as part of our bread improvement efforts.”   Continue reading “Subway Takes Chemical Out of Sandwich Bread After Protest”

Anti-War – by Justin Raimondo

Why is the talented journalist Barrett Brown in jail – awaiting trial on charges that could keep him there for one hundred years?

A writer for Vanity Fairthe Guardian, and at one time an unofficial spokesman for the internet pirates known as “Anonymous,” Brown apparently stumbled on the murky world of “private” cyber-security firms and their covert relationship with the US government – and is now paying the consequences.   Continue reading “Free Barrett Brown”

The Minority Report

Here’s another reminder of how illegal immigration is literally bankrupting this nation – and which will no doubt be totally ignored by the mainstream media in their coordinated effort — with the leaders of both parties — to shove amnesty down our throats.

Illegal alien and mother of seven, Florida resident Marita Nelson, receives $240 in food stamps, monthly medications, $700 in Social Security and a housing allowance.   Continue reading “Illegal Alien With 7 Kids Got Food Stamps, Housing & Social Security — for 20 Years”

Red Ice Creations – by Lana Lokteff

We all need to relax and zone out more often but sometimes it’s difficult to quiet the mind and let go. In those times, we can turn to herbal remedies. Unfortunately, our governments have and continue to ban plants and herbal remedies! Yes, it is unbelievable, agrifying, semi-laughable but true. Thankfully, there is a highly effective plant that has not been made illegal in most countries called Kratom. Sorry Australians, your government banned this one! Kratom is one of the most effective and pleasurable psychoactive herbs available. The effects are profoundly euphoric and immensely pleasurable. Typically people describe the effects as dreamy, ecstatic, and blissful.    Continue reading “Herbal Bliss with Kratom”

Singer and gay rights activist Clay Aiken would have to file paperwork for the May 6 primary by Feb. 28. Another queer in politics. Is this what america has come too? 🙁

New York Daily News – by LESLIE LARSON

Former “American Idol” runner-up Clay Aiken may run for Congress in his native North Carolina.

The 35-year-old singer is in discussions with some Democratic insiders in Washington about making a bid for seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, sources told the Washington Blade.   Continue reading “Clay Aiken of ‘American Idol’ weighs congressional run in North Carolina: report”