Popular Science – by Rose Pastore

When a soldier is shot on the battlefield, the emergency treatment can seem as brutal as the injury itself. A medic must pack gauze directly into the wound cavity, sometimes as deep as 5 inches into the body, to stop bleeding from an artery. It’s an agonizing process that doesn’t always work–if bleeding hasn’t stopped after three minutes of applying direct pressure, the medic must pull out all the gauze and start over again. It’s so painful, “you take the guy’s gun away first,” says former U.S. Army Special Operations medic John Steinbaugh.   Continue reading “How A Simple New Invention Seals A Gunshot Wound In 15 Seconds”

Keys 2 Liberty

Medical disclaimer: always check with a physician before consuming wild plants, and make positive identification in the field using a good source such as Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West.  Michael Moore also has a glossary of medical terms in his books, and maps in later editions. )    Continue reading “Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants #159 – 161 Water Cress/ Fleabane/ Syrian Rue”

WND – by Aaron Klein

With Democrats and Republicans working together to craft legislation on immigration reform, it is becoming increasingly clear the Senate’s immigration bill from last year will serve as the foundation for a future framework.

WND has reviewed the entire 1,190-page bill and found numerous largely unreported sections that are of import to the American public. Here are the top five:   Continue reading “Top 5 Shockers Inside Immigration Bill”

WND – by Garth Kant

WASHINGTON — “I just denied your motion to dismiss,” U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon told Department of Justice attorney Marcia Berman.

“Do you understand that?” he asked, speaking slowly and deliberately, as though to a child.

The judge appeared frequently perplexed by Berman’s explanations Monday afternoon in the federal courtroom as to why the government was not prepared to argue its case after filing a motion three weeks ago asking him to halt further proceedings while appeals go forward in the nation’s biggest spy case.   Continue reading “Judge Mocks Obama’s NSA Lawyer”

Immigration ReformCrockett Lives

“The Republican leaders, such as they are, are under considerable pressure from big-business interests — not the small-business interests that are the natural Republican constituency — to open the gates for another wave of cheap and easily abused labor.” – Wes Pruden

***   Continue reading “My Country ‘Tis Of Thee; Sweet Land Of Amnesty …”

Always good to know how to make your own 🙂

About.com – by Mary Bellis

An explosive is a substance or a device that produces a volume of rapidly expanding gas that exerts sudden pressure on its surroundings.

There are three common types of explosives: chemical, mechanical, and nuclear. Mechanical explosions are physical reactions, for example the effects of compressed air.   Continue reading “The History of Explosives”