Christian Post – by Stoyan Zaimov

International Pentecostal televangelist Morris Cerullo was granted approval Tuesday to build a $131 million religious-themed resort and conference center following a vote by the San Diego City Council.

Cerullo’s World Evangelism website revealed that the Legacy International Project has been backed by the council after the project’s environmental impact report and development permit were approved in a 7-2 vote.   Continue reading “Televangelist Morris Cerullo to Build $131M Religious-Themed Center in San Diego complete with Wailing Wall”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Hollywood hacks eager to distract from the Harvey Weinstein scandal released a propaganda video Wednesday asking people to call congress and tell them to “reject the NRA.”

The video is from “Everytown for Gun Safety,” an anti-gun Democratic group backed mainly by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. It features Emma Stone, Elizabeth Banks, Julianne Moore and others (who no doubt said “yes” to Weinstein and other industry bigwigs advances in exchange for fame) demanding Americans be disarmed.
Continue reading “Hollywood Seeks To Distract From Weinstein Scandal With Anti-NRA Propaganda Push”

Gizmodo – by Kristen V. Brown

You probably wouldn’t hand out your social security number without having a pretty good idea of how that information was going to be used, right? That would be dumb. It’s extremely sensitive information. And yet, the consumer genetic testing market is booming thanks to people readily giving up another piece of their identity: their genetic code

Ever-cheaper DNA sequencing technology has allowed genetic testing to become far more than a tool for doctors. Genetic testing has become entertainment, with companies offering tests that provide insight into ancestry, athletic ability, sleep habits and much more. The consumer genetic testing market was valued at $70 million in 2015, but estimates expect it to expand to $340 million by 2022.   Continue reading “What DNA Testing Companies’ Terrifying Privacy Policies Actually Mean”

The Telegraph

Universities that use “no platforming” and “safe spaces” to shut down free speech could face action from the new higher education regulator, the Government has announced.

Jo Johnson, the universities minister, said young people and students need to “accept the legitimacy of healthy vigorous debate”as he outlined plans for the Office for Students (OfS).   Continue reading “UK Universities told they ‘must commit to free speech’ under new plans”

World Jewish Congress

NEW YORK – The World Jewish Congress and the pro-Israel LGBTQ organization A Wider Bridge will co-host a special discussion on October 26, 2017 on the exclusion of Zionism from the LGBTQ discourse and community. LGBTQ n’ Z: A Conversation About Pride, Zionism, and Inclusivity was conceived of following a contentious summer of Pride events across the United States, where marchers carrying rainbow flags emblazoned with the Star of David were shunned, physically and verbally accosted, and excluded.

Matt Nosanchuk, Former Associate Director of Public Engagement and the White House’s liaison to the American Jewish community, will open the event as keynote speaker, followed by a discussion with experienced LGBTQ-Zionist activists moderated by Slate journalist Mark Joseph Stern.   Continue reading “World Jewish Congress co-hosts LGBTQ n’ Z: A Conversation About Pride, Zionism, and Inclusivity”

Revisionist History – by Michael Hoffman

My bedtime reading is the Babylonian Talmud. It’s true. I find horror literature relaxing. I take a volume of the Talmud and a pencil and sit on the edge of my bed and study for 20 to 30 minutes every night, secure in the thought that it will not be anytime soon that I run out of material, since the Talmud consists of more than 30 volumes, much of it turgid minutiae about subjects so prurient they boggle the mind (Sanhedrin 82b: “Zimri engaged in 424 acts of intercourse with Cozbi in one day”). It is perhaps the most pornographic “sacred” text of any major religion, with the possible exception of the Tantra of the Hindus.    Continue reading “America is under Talmudic law, not Sharia law”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

As the mainstream media provides relentless coverage of the Harvey Weinstein Hollywood sex scandal, there is one major piece of legislation it is ignoring, and if passed, it will have massive repercussions for all Americans.

More than 40 organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Freedom of the Press Foundation, have joined together to condemn the USA Liberty Act, a trendy name for a dangerous bill that reauthorizes and creates additional loopholes for Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).   Continue reading “Media Silent As Gov’t Uses Vegas Shooting to Push Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches”


A new law would punish men who display lecherous or aggressive behaviour in public including leering, repeatedly asking for a woman’s phone number or speaking while too close to a woman’s face.

The legislation is being piloted by 34-year-old women’s minister Marlene Schiappa, who wants to tackle sexist male attitudes in public spaces.   Continue reading “Sexual harassment: Men to face on the spot fines for wolf-whistling at women in France”

ABC 7 News

Carmellia Burgess told WGCL that her son, A.J., was born without kidneys and needs a transplant. The boy’s father, Anthony Dickerson, is a perfect match and wants to give this lifesaving gift to his son.   Continue reading “Toddler denied kidney transplant because father violated probation”

Life Site News – by Lianne Laurence

NEW YORK CITY, October 16, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – The Associated Press (AP) has jumped on the gender bender bandwagon by agreeing to use transgendered-approved pronouns in its reporting.

In a series of tweets last Tuesday, the standard-setting news organization expanded on the 2017 style guidelines released earlier this year that had already mentioned the use of gender-neutral pronouns.   Continue reading “Associated Press pushes LGBT agenda, tells reporters to use ‘transgender pronouns’”

The Blaze – by Sarah Taylor

California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown wasn’t just busy keeping guns out of the hands of school officials this weekend, he also signed legislation Sunday formally recognizing a “third gender.”

What does this mean?

The new legislation will create a third gender option — “nonbinary” — for legal items such as birth certificates, identification cards, driver’s licenses, and more.   Continue reading “California becomes the first state to officially recognize a ‘third gender’”

The Daily Telegraph – by Miranda Devine

WHEN young Sydney mother Maddie asked her closed Facebook group of 26,186 mothers for some tasty alternatives to sandwiches for her husband’s lunches, she wasn’t expecting the backlash.

“I would love to hear what other mums make their hubbies for lunch and snacks throughout the work day,” she posted on Tuesday. “We are getting over sandwiches.”

You would think she’d asked for a hemlock recipe, judging by the torrent of scolding which erupted.   Continue reading “When making a sandwich is a crime against feminism”