Aletho News – by Gilad Atzmon

It seems as if British Jewish pressure groups have achieved their goal: anti-Semitism is now a mass movement in the UK. The rabid Zionist Algemeiner reports that “Antisemitism and virulent Israel-hatred were rife on Saturday at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in London.”

The Jewish press seems to be upset by a pro-Palestinian march that assembled at the offices of the BBC, not too far from a synagogue. I guess that the rationale is simple: once London is dotted with synagogues, human rights enthusiasts will be pushed out of the city. They will have to gather somewhere out of the green belt.  Continue reading “Antisemitism is now a mass movement in Britain”

Breitbart – by Robert Kraychick

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) warned that America “came very close” to suffering its “first successful coup,” describing Robert Mueller’s operation — marketed as an “investigation” by authorities — as an attempt to usurp a duly elected president. He offered his remarks in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.  Continue reading “Louie Gohmert: ‘This Came Very Close to Being the First Successful Coup’ in U.S. History”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

No kidding – this is not our headline, but Newsweek’s“US Special Forces School Publishes New Guide For Overthrowing Foreign Governments” – and as far as we can tell they are the only major mainstream outlet to have picked up on the fact that the US military is now essentially openly bragging on past and future capabilities to foster covert regime change operations.

The 250-page study entitled “Support to Resistance: Strategic Purpose and Effectiveness” was put out by the Joint Special Operations University under US Special Operations Command, which is the Army’s official unified command center which overseas all joint covert and clandestine missions out of MacDill AFB, Florida.  Continue reading “US Special Forces Command Issues New Guide For Overthrowing Foreign Governments”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Oklahoma City, OK — Disturbing body camera footage was released this week showing how normal childhood acts can and will lead to children being shot by police. Boys being boys is apparently now a reason for deadly force in the land of the free.

Lorenzo Clerkley, 14, was playing with his friends two months ago when Oklahoma City police officer Kyle Holcomb put two bullets in him. Lorenzo was playing with friends in an abandoned house and he was also playing with toy guns with his other friends, but this was no reason for a cop to open fire—especially when the cop knew the boys were playing with toy guns.  Continue reading “Cop Shoots 14yo Boy Through a Fence as He Played With His Friends”

Fox News

Health officials once again warned consumers about the dangers of washing raw chicken before cooking it, citing the risk of spreading harmful bacteria to utensils or other foods. In a tweet sent out on April 26, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) linked to a series of steps that can help eliminate the chances of food poisoning while cooking at home.  Continue reading “CDC: Stop washing your raw chicken”

Miss Liberty

Perhaps as many as a hundred million people were victims of communism in the last century, deliberately rounded up, shot, starved, or simply forced to march into snowy wasteland until dead, exterminated by communist regimes.  Continue reading “May 1: Victims of Communism Day | Ten Films to Honor the Dead”

Breitbart – by Penny Starr

Black Lives Matter and other anti-Trump groups held a rally on the grounds of the Capitol on Tuesday to call for President Donald Trump to be censured for what he said about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) controversial statement that “somebody did something” on 9-11.

People chanted ‘“Hands off Ilhan” and in a series of speeches blamed the president and Republicans for the rise of “white supremacy masked as white nationalism.”  Continue reading “Ilhan Omar: ‘This Is Not Going to Be the Country of White People’”

Technocracy News

Since 1973, the Atlantic Council has been a hotbed of Trilateral Commission members and initiatives. Founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Commission resuscitated historic Technocracy and fed it to the United Nations as Sustainable Development. Today, both are steeped in UN initiatives and its Sustainable Development Goals. ⁃ TN Editor

Continue reading “Atlantic Council Takes Over ‘100 Resilient Cities’ From Rockefeller Foundation”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Baker Creek Seed Company on Monday canceled a scheduled visit from rancher Cliven Bundy on how to grow ancient crookneck watermelons in a desert climate after Twitter mobs started threatening all their vendors.

The media tipped the Twitterati off before the event could take place with articles like this one:  Continue reading “Seed Company Cancels Cliven Bundy Visit On Growing Watermelons After Threats From Twitterati”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

While covering Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro’s efforts to hold power, MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders noted Maduro has the advantage of guns against an unarmed populace.

The MSBNC segment, published by The Washington Free Beacon, begins with anchor Andrea Mitchell expressing surprise that Maduro is still holding on.  Continue reading “MSNBC Venezuela Coverage Shows Why U.S. Founders Wanted Armed Citizenry”

Breitbart – by Frances Martel

Cuba’s government-run Radio Reloj website published a commentary Monday referring to American National Security Advisor John Bolton as a “warlock” and “neo-Nazi” for his opposition to the communist Castro regime.

The column, titled “John Bolton: Sinister Godfather of Helms-Burton,” appeared to be an attempt at a biographical feature in the context of the Trump administration allowing lawsuits against corporations that profit from property stolen from Americans during the Cuban Revolution. Americans have a right to sue over these properties as a product of the 1996 Libertad Act, known commonly as the Helms-Burton bill for its authors. Donald Trump is the first president not to bar Americans from exercising this right since the law passed over two decades ago.  Continue reading “Cuban News Agency: John Bolton a ‘Warlock,’ ‘Neo-Nazi of the Purest Strain’”

Fox News

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., indicated on Saturday that she would use the “bully pulpit” to fight “right-to-work” laws, describing them as an attack on workers’ rights.

“The barriers to organized labor being able to organize and strike are something that have grown over a period of time,” the 2020 presidential hopeful said while speaking at the National Forum on Wages and Working People.  Continue reading “2020 contender Kamala Harris calls for ban of ‘right to work’ laws”


Lavish vacation homes are losing their luster in New York’s Hamptons, the beachfront retreat favored by financiers and celebrities.

There were 869 luxury properties available at the end of the first quarter — almost triple the supply from a year earlier and the most in seven years of data-keeping by appraiser Miller Samuel Inc. and Douglas Elliman Real Estate.  Continue reading “Unsold Luxury Homes Are Piling Up in the Hamptons”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The Florida Senate passed legislation on Monday that will allow teachers to be armed to shoot back if their classroom comes under attack.

WJCT reported that the legislation, SB 7030, passed by a vote of 22-17. Every Democrat in the Senate voted against giving the teachers the option to be armed. Sen. Anitere Flores (R-Miami) joined the Democrats.  Continue reading “Florida Senate Passes Bill Allowing Teachers to Be Armed to Shoot Back”

Breitbart – by Jerome Hudson

Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus championed the free market system he says created the “biggest middle-class population in the world” and warned that socialism has always ended with a “lower standard of living for those under its thumb.”

Marcus begin the three-minute video by stating something “politically incorrect.”  Continue reading “Home Depot Co-Founder Bernie Marcus: Socialism Ends in Dependence and ‘Lower Standards of Living for Those Under Its Thumb’”

Unz Review – by Mike Whitney

The liberal world order, which lasted from the end of World War 2 until today, is rapidly collapsing. The center of gravity is shifting from west to east where China and India are experiencing explosive growth and where a revitalized Russia has restored its former stature as a credible global superpower. These developments, coupled with America’s imperial overreach and chronic economic stagnation, have severely hampered US ability to shape events or to successfully pursue its own strategic objectives. Continue reading “Brzezinski’s Warning to America”

Blacklisted News

A new report has found that 26 states now either restrict or outright prohibit towns and cities from building their own broadband networks. Quite often the laws are directly written by the telecom sector, and in some instances ban towns and cities from building their own broadband networks—even if the local ISP refuses to provide service. Continue reading “Report: 26 States Now Ban or Restrict Community Broadband”