Lisa Haven News

Time Magazine, one of American’s famous weekly news magazines published in New York City has just published a magazine that supports anti-American and unconstitutional doctrine. Everything from the abolishment of the electoral college, to replacing the Senate with an assembly of governors, to allowing the Supreme court to modify our Constitution was boasted about. This would literally change our capitalism country into a tyrannical technocracy.   Continue reading “Time Magazine Just Shocked Every American! You Won’t Believe The Evil They Unleashed”

All Gov – by Ted Wheeler, Courthouse News Service

LINCOLN, Neb. (CN) — Fees and penalties in Nebraska’s judicial system have created “modern-day debtors’ prisons” so ruthless they have left 10 percent of the state’s children with a parent in jail, the ACLU says in a new report.

The 72-page report, “Unequal Justice: Bail and modern-day debtors’ prisons in Nebraska,” (pdf)  concludes that the state has created a tiered system of justice that discriminates against poor people and racial minorities by requiring bail as a condition of pretrial release even for misdemeanors, and charging fines and fees after criminal conviction.   Continue reading “Nebraska’s Discriminatory Justice System Has Left 10% of State’s Children with a Parent in “Debtors’ Prison””

Fox News

The January 2017 issue of National Geographic will be a historic one: it is the publication’s first issue to feature a transgender person on the cover.

Sitting pretty on the magazine’s cover is 9-year-old Avery Jackson, a transgender girl from Kansas City. “Gender Revolution” is displayed in large type across the cover. The magazine told Attn: Avery is the first ever transgender person to be featured on the magazine’s front page.   Continue reading “National Geographic puts 9-year-old transgender girl on their January cover”

New York Post – by  Daniel Harper

President Obama and his family will be taking Air Force One to Honolulu on Friday to embark on their annual Christmas vacation.

The president does have one work-related event planned for his vacation, which usually consists of golf, parties with friends and dinners out. Obama later this month will greet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Pearl Harbor for his planned historic visit.   Continue reading “Obama family will travel to Hawaii for holiday vacation”

Bloomberg – by Javier Blas and Mark Shenk

For OPEC, there are few enemies more fearsome than the tiny Oklahoma town of Cushing.

With oil inventories at Cushing creeping near an all-time high, U.S. benchmark futures prices are struggling to advance despite the promised production cuts agreed to by OPEC, Russia and other producers. And the storage tanks are likely to stay full as refiners park crude in Oklahoma to lower their tax bills.   Continue reading “OPEC Threatened by Tiny Oklahoma Town With Soaring Supplies”

“I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.” Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.


We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. – Professor Bernardo de la Paz, _The Moon is a Harsh Mistress_, by Robert Heinlien

Daily Mail

Officials in Sweden have been ordered to ensure that they are ready for war as fears of a Russian invasion grow.

The country’s Civil Contingencies Agency has sent out a letter to all local authorities telling them they must be better equipped to respond to the threat of war.   Continue reading “Sweden is ‘preparing for war’: Officials are ordered to return to Cold War tactics and implement their Total Defence Strategy as fears of Russian invasion grow”


CARACAS— Venezuelans are rushing to the banks this week in a desperate attempt to protect their savings from the government’s latest spasm of reckless financial policymaking.

On Tuesday morning thousands of people across Venezuela played hooky from work to line-up outside banks and deposit bundles of cash into their savings accounts after the government gave everyone a 72-hour countdown to turn in all their 100 bolivar notes before they’re removed from circulation.   Continue reading “Venezuelans fight to protect their savings as government pulls bills from circulation”

The Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayhu conveyed a message to Iran on Wednesday, warning the Islamic Republic’s leaders, “Don’t threaten us, we are not a rabbit we are a tiger. If you threaten us you endanger yourself.”

Netanyahu sent the message after being asked during his visit to Kazakhstan by President Nursultan Nazarbayev if he wants to send a message to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who was scheduled to visit Kazakhstan next week.
Continue reading “Netanyahu to Iran: ‘Don’t threaten Israel, we’re a tiger not a rabbit’”

Fox 59

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – An entire Indiana town has no police officers after every single one walked off the job. The officers blame the Bunker Hill Town Council for the situation.

“We have had issues with the town board and there are some activities there where I felt like they were serving their own agenda,” said former Bunker Hill Town Marshal Michael Thomison.   Continue reading “Indiana town without a police department after every Bunker Hill officer quits”

My San Antonio – by Guillermo Contreras

A former Army recruiter from San Antonio has admitted he funneled dozens of assault rifles to operatives of Mexico’s Gulf Cartel last year by organizing other soldiers to help him buy the weapons.

Sgt. Julian Prezas, who is facing a disciplinary discharge from the military, pleaded guilty in two separate cases Monday to a total of five counts of lying on federal firearms forms and attempting to export defense articles to Mexico.   Continue reading “Army recruiter admits funneling guns to drug cartel”

Star Telegram – by Mark David Smith

Police recruiters are trying to bring in hundreds of new police officers in Dallas.

Nearly 100 officers in the Dallas Police Department have quit or retired since October, according to multiple reports, worsening the department’s deficit of personnel.
Continue reading “99 Dallas officers have quit or retired in last 10 weeks, reports say”

The Hearty Soul

You probably never realized, but 80% of garlic sold worldwide comes from China. The U.S. alone imported 138 million pounds in 2014, and the trend seems to be growing. Now, you may think that Chinese garlic must be fine since you’ve probably been eating it, right? It’s actually heavily bleached and full of harmful pesticides! You need to be more aware of where your garlic is coming from.   Continue reading “You’re probably eating bleached garlic from China. Here’s how to spot it:”

Telegraph – by Alan Tovey

Increased fears about global stability and the rise of new military powers is driving a return to steady growth in worldwide defence spending.

A new analysis of arms spending from Jane’s Defence Budgets report found that outlays on weapons, equipment rose 1pc in 2016, to a global total of $1.57 trillion.   Continue reading “$1,570,000,000,000: how much the world spent on arms this year”

CBS News

Ever find yourself caught up in a vivid memory of an event that, you later realize with confusion, didn’t really happen the way you thought? According to new research by psychologists at the University of Warwick in the U.K., you are far from alone.

The study demonstrated that about half of individuals will come to believe a fictional event occurred if they are told about that event and then repeatedly imagine it happening.   Continue reading “Study: Half of people “remember” events that never happened”