Natural News – by Mike Adams

For the last eight years, Barack Obama has functioned as a kind of “sleeper cell,” achieving a number of devastating milestones of destruction against America that eerily parallel the strategies of nation-crushing subversion mapped out by the Soviet KGB (see video below). Apparently mirroring Yuri Bezmenov’s described subversion plan with careful precision, President Obama has doubled America’s national debt and thrust 10.7 million more people onto food stamps… all in just eight years… all while subverting the culture, education, law enforcement and religion.   Continue reading “Obama’s legacy of debt and disease: National debt doubles in just eight years while 10.7 million more Americans now on food stamps to buy cancer-causing junk foods”


A former US Army soldier who has been on death row since 1988 for raping and murdering several women could now face execution after a judge denied his bid for another stay of execution.

Judge J. Thomas Marten of the US District Court for the District of Kansas wrote last week that a previously granted stay of execution to Ronald Gray was “no longer in effect,” denying his request to further block the military from carrying out the death sentence.   Continue reading “US military could carry out first execution in over 50 years”

New York Daily News

Three Michigan police officers, who shot two dogs for lunging and barking at them during a drug raid, were once again justified in their actions — this time by a federal appeals court.

Mark and Cheryl Brown of Battle Creek, Mich., filed suits over unreasonable seizure of their property and a violation of their constitutional rights for the deaths of their pets.  Continue reading “Federal court rules dogs can be shot if they bark, move when officer enters home stemming from controversial Michigan case”

53 AD
Even before all the books of the Bible were written, there was talk that Christ’s return had already taken place. The Thessalonians panicked on Paul when they heard a rumour that the day of the Lord was at hand, and they had missed the rapture.

A Roman priest living in the second century predicted Christ would return in 500 AD, based on the dimensions of Noah’s ark.   Continue reading “The End”

Town Hall – by Ann Coulter

Kwanzaa, celebrated exclusively by white liberals, is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge, Ron Karenga — aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, founder of United Slaves, the violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers. In the annals of the American ’60s, Karenga was the Father Gapon, stooge of the czarist police.

In what was ultimately a foolish gambit, during the madness of the ’60s, the FBI encouraged the most extreme black nationalist organizations in order to discredit and split the left. The more preposterous the group, the better. (It’s the same function Madonna and Martin Sheen serve today.)   Continue reading “Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought To You By The FBI”

Infowars – by Clifford Cunningham

The 28 member states of the European Union have reached a preliminary agreement to implement a near-total ban on semi-automatic firearms, claiming it is a necessary step to reduce the likelihood of terror attacks.

The European Commission announced a political agreement between the European Parliament and the 28 member states of the European Union to tighten already stringent gun control laws by banning “high-capacity firearms.”
Continue reading “EU Pushes Gun Control In Response To Islamic Terrorism”

Daily Mail

This is the Tunisian asylum seeker who has become Europe’s most wanted man after his ID was found under the seat in the lorry used to massacre 12 people at a Berlin Christmas market.

Police today revealed they are hunting Anis Amri, 23, a refugee who came to Germany earlier this year. His paperwork was found in truck’s footwell.

He is probably armed, ‘highly dangerous’ and a member of a ‘large’ Islamic organisation and has weapons training abroad, security sources say.   Continue reading “Police hunt ‘armed and dangerous’ Tunisian asylum seeker, 23, after his ID is found under lorry driver’s seat at scene of Christmas market massacre”


A campaign calling for the independence of California from the United States has opened an “embassy” in Moscow.

The movement, Yes California, is hoping for a “Calexit” break from the US. Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, Louis Marinelli, leader of the movement, said the embassy will not deal with diplomatic issues, but will act as more of a cultural center that will educate Russians about California’s history, boost trade ties and promote tourism.   Continue reading “‘Calexit’: Yes California movement opens ‘embassy’ in Moscow”

College Fix – by Thomas Columbus

A class to be taught next semester at the University of Wisconsin Madison called “The Problem of Whiteness” aims to “understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to help dismantle white supremacy,” the course description states.

“Whites rarely or never questioned what it is to be white,” Assistant Professor Damon Sajnani, who will teach the course, told The College Fix in a telephone interview last week. “So you go through life taking it for granted without ever questioning or critically interrogating it.”   Continue reading “University offers class on ‘The Problem of Whiteness’”