Benjamin CrumpWTSP – by Tammie Fields

St. Petersburg, Florida – Michael Brown’s family has hired the same Florida civil rights attorney who currently represents Trayvon Martin’s family.

Brown,18, died Saturday after being shot multiple times by a suburban St. Louis police officer. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar says it all began when Brown physically assaulted the police officer, pushing him into the officer’s vehicle. He said there was a struggle inside the car, and at some point Brown reached for the officer’s weapon. One shot was fired inside the vehicle.   Continue reading “Trayvon Martin family attorney to represent slain Missouri teen”

Activist Post – by Stephen Lendman

Israel wages genocidal wars without mercy. Even doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers and other health workers are targeted. 

Civilians are as vulnerable as combatants. It’s longstanding Israeli policy. 

On August 7, Amnesty International (AI) headlined “Mounting Evidence of deliberate attacks on Gaza health workers by Israeli army.” Continue reading “Israel Murders Gazan Health Workers”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

Only a day after Obama’s announcement that he had authorized “targeted strikes” inside Iraq in order to combat the Islamic State (IS) advance, the United States has indeed followed through with their threat.

At least two waves of airstrikes against a variety of targets have already taken place inside Iraq. One of the airstrikes apparently struck an IS mortar position and an IS convoy near Erbil. IS fighters had advanced to within a half hour’s distance from Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s Kurdish region. According to a Pentagon spokesman, two FA-18s that took off from an aircraft carrier in the Gulf were involved in the airstrike.    Continue reading “The Real Reason The US Is Bombing Iraq”

Breitbart – by Michelle Moon

West Nile Virus cases have been increasing across California with the uptick in incidents, including two deaths resulting from the virus, leading to a warning and precautionary measures for residents across the state.

Sixteen human cases of West Nile virus have been confirmed just this week according to California’s West Nile Virus Website, adding to a year to date total of 35 symptomatic cases in ten separate counties. This is compared to just 18 cases at this time last year. Sacramento and Shasta counties have seen one case each of human death from the virus this year. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) confirmed those first two deaths this week according to a press release.   Continue reading “Two Dead as West Nile Virus Creeps Across California”

Yahoo News – by Carey Gillam

GUTHRIE Oklahoma (Reuters) – Inside the small U-Haul rental office in Guthrie, Oklahoma, Tami Boxley routinely deals with something that once was rare: the rattling, booming roll of the earth.

In the last week alone, residents of Guthrie, pop. 10,191, have felt five quakes rock the town a half hour’s drive from Oklahoma City.   Continue reading “‘Houses are bouncing;’ quakes trigger controls on Oklahoma oil industry”

National Review – by Joel Gehrke

The Census Bureau calculates that one person enters the United States legally, on net, every 40 seconds.

The Census Bureau’s U.S. and World Population Clock lists  “components of population change” on the website: “one birth every 7 seconds;” “one death every 13 seconds;” “one international migrant (net) every 40 seconds;” making for a “net gain of one person every 12 seconds.”

The Census provides some background on the immigration debate in the United States on August 3rd, apropos of the 131st anniversary of the law banning people from immigrating to the United States if they were likely to need government assistance.   Continue reading “Census Bureau: One New Migrant Enters U.S. Every 40 Seconds”

minister-Nobuteru-IshiharaFukushima Update

via NHK World / August 8, 2014 / The Japanese government plans to provide a subsidy of about three billion dollars over 30 years for regional development in Fukushima Prefecture. The grant is to be offered when local communities agree to build temporary storage facilities for highly radioactive waste.

Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara (pictured) and Reconstruction Minister Takumi Nemoto will explain on Friday the grant for the local governments to Fukushima Governor Yuhei Sato and the mayors of Futaba and Okuma towns.   Continue reading “Japanese Government To Provide $3 bil. For Fukushima”

Breitbart – by Assemblyman Tim Donnelly

Here they go again! Staunch anti-2nd Amendment Democrat, Senator Kevin De León and his fellow leftists are at it again. This time they’ve got your ammo in their sights. DeLeon, from Los Angeles, is one of the most ardent opponents of the 2nd Amendment. His latest bill, SB53, is nothing less than a back door ban on the 2nd Amendment using ammo as a proxy.

This bill will violate your Constitutional Rights by penalizing citizens who wish to exercise their basic natural right of Self Defense as an American. If SB 53 passes, you will be forced to pay a fee to the CA Department of Justice in order to obtain a permit to buy what you can legally purchase now without one. You will be stripped of your freedom to purchase ammo online by an ever expanding government.    Continue reading “‘Shots fired’ as the Left Takes Dead Aim at Ammo (SB 53)”

And just how may I ask do you register an Illegal immigrant at a school if they are ILLEGAL!!!??? Also, I’m guessing they are exempt from vaccinations and background checks, but not us Americans. Love the hypocrisy.

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas — The feds have released more than 30,000 unaccompanied minors, all of whom entered the U.S. illegally, in various states around the nation. Assuming that most of these children will not be immediately deported, U.S. public schools be will forced to accommodate them.   Continue reading “Some 30K Unaccompanied Minors to Attend Public US Schools This Year”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

HOUSTON, Texas—Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) paid a visit to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas to witness first-hand, the ongoing invasion of illegal immigrants into Texas. During the Governor’s visit to Texas he witnessed at least three incidents where people were crossing the border illegally. Gov. Jindal was accompanied by Colonel Mike Edmonson, Louisiana State Police Superintendent and Louisiana House Speaker Chuck Kleckley (R-Lake Charles).

During his visit, Jindal received a status of the border briefing from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). Following the briefing, the group from Louisiana went on a tour of the river on the now famous Texas DPS gunboats and a DPS search helicopter.   Continue reading “LA Gov. Bobby Jindal to Obama: ‘Man Up and Secure the Border’”

Breitbart – by Dr. Susan Berry

Writing at their blog, “I Support the Common Core,” lead Common Core math standards writers William McCallum and Jason Zimba claim that opponents of the education initiative have gotten the facts wrong on both the math standards themselves and their own comments about them.

Responding to an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal Tuesday by renowned Berkeley mathematician Marina Ratner, who states that Common Core will move the nation “even closer to the bottom in international ranking,” McCallum takes issue with Ratner’s characterization that he once indicated the new standards “would not be too high.”   Continue reading “Lead Common Core Math Writers Defend Standards: ‘Appropriately Rigorous’”


KENNETT SQUARE, Pa. (AP) — The cheerful sign outside Jane Cornell’s summer school classroom in Pennsylvania’s wealthiest county reads “Welcome” and “Bienvenidos” in polished handwriting.

Inside, giggling grade-schoolers who mostly come from homes where Spanish is the primary language worked on storytelling with a tale about a crocodile going to the dentist. This poster and classroom at the Mary D. Lang Kindergarten Center are a subtle representation of America’s changing school demographics.   Continue reading “White students to no longer be majority at school”

Here ye, here ye, our children must all worship Dear Leader, so we can become North Korea.

Breitbart – by Adelle Nazarian

A new, unprecedented bill passed by California’s State Senate on Thursday will encourage public schools to teach students about the historical significance surrounding Barack Obama’s status as the first African-American president of the United States of America.    Continue reading “CA State Senate Passes Bill Requiring Schools to Teach About President Obama”

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas — As Central American illegal immigrants continue to pour across the U.S.-Mexico border, federal agents are releasing tens of thousands of them onto U.S. soil. Consequently, public schools around the nation must gear up to accommodate undocumented children. In Texas alone, around 4,800 foreign minors have been set free–assuming these minors are not immediately deported, they will be expected to enter the public school system come fall.    Continue reading “Texas Taxpayers Will Shell Out Approx. $45M to Educate Foreign Minors”

Mother of Miriam Monsonego at funeral of her daughter The Guardian – by Jon Henley

In the space of just one week last month, according to Crif, the umbrella group for France’s Jewish organisations, eight synagogues were attacked. One, in the Paris suburb of Sarcelles, was firebombed by a 400-strong mob. A kosher supermarket and pharmacy were smashed and looted; the crowd’s chants and banners included “Death to Jews” and “Slit Jews’ throats”. That same weekend, in the Barbes neighbourhood of the capital, stone-throwing protesters burned Israeli flags: “Israhell”, read one banner.   Continue reading “Antisemitism on rise across Europe ‘in worst times since the Nazis’”

National Review – by Ryan Lovelace

The Department of Justice does not have receipts for more than half of the unaccompanied alien children apprehended at the southwest border by Border Patrol since the start of fiscal year 2013, government records show.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection data show more than 85,000 total apprehensions of unaccompanied alien children during fiscal year 2013 and fiscal year 2014 through June. Information from the same time period provided toNational Review Online by the DOJ’s Executive Office for Immigration Reviewshows 41,592 total receipts marked as juvenile in immigration courts. Kathryn Mattingly, spokesperson for EOIR, tells NRO the receipts refer to new Notices to Appear (NTA) — the document the Department of Homeland Security uses to charge an illegal immigrant with being removable from the United States.   Continue reading “Government Has No Receipts for Thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children”

Yahoo News

REDWOOD CITY, California (AP) — Authorities in California say they’ve arrested a man who’s wanted in El Salvador for his alleged involvement with a gang that hijacked military and police arms shipments and used them to rob banks.

The U.S. Marshals Service says Gerardo Francisco Mejia Coto was taken into custody this week. He’s being held by immigration authorities and faces deportation.   Continue reading “El Salvador robbery suspect arrested in California”

Breitbart – by Matthew Boyle

Ebola could break into the United States through the unsecured U.S. border with Mexico, experts say.

“While we’ve seen no signs that Ebola virus has spread to our borders, it is very concerning,” Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) told Breitbart News. “The border has still not been secured, and the President continues to wave the sign that our borders are open. There is no telling what might eventually make its way into the heartland, which should be concerning to all.”   Continue reading “Experts: Ebola Could Cross Unsecured U.S. Border”

NBC New York

Police are looking for a hat-wearing man who has robbed at least eight Long Island banks in the last three months.

The man is wanted in a series of bank robberies that dates back to early May. In each case, he approaches a teller, shows a demand note threatening violence unless he gets money, then flees with the cash.   Continue reading “Man in Obama Hat Robs Eight Banks in Three Months”