Poll: Support For Gun Control Has Plummeted Since 2012

Daily Caller – by Jonah Bennett

A new Gallup poll finds that support for gun control is on the decline in a major way since 2012, although the question still brings out bitter partisan divides.

Only 47 percent of Americans come out in favor of gun control, a decrease of 11 percent from 58 percent in 2012. The historic low was reached in 2011, when support for stricter gun laws fell to just 43 percent. Over a third of Americans at 38 percent polled recently by Gallup said that gun regulations are fine the way they are now, but 14 percent said they should be further loosened. When divided by political affiliations, Democrats still come out on top by far for increasing gun control.  

Approximately 71 percent of Democrats are interested in strict laws, though that figure itself is down from 79 percent in 2012. Liberals went from 75 percent to 67 percent. Republicans dropped from 39 percent support for stricter laws to 29 percent in 2014. Conservatives declined from 44 percent to 32 percent.

When viewed by gender, women fell from 69 percent to 55 percent, and men also eased down from 47 percent to 40 percent.

“Public demand for stricter gun sale laws is returning to levels seen throughout the past decade. After seeing a spike in support for stricter laws following the Newtown school shooting in 2012, the call for more stringent laws has settled to near-record lows. The percentage of Americans who say that handguns should not be banned is at a near-record high as well,” Gallup analysts noted.

A near record-breaking high of 73 percent of Americans believe that handguns should not be banned. Only 25 percent of Americans think that handguns should be banned for everyone, except for police and other authorized users.

Gallup conducted the survey from October 12 to 15 with a nationally representative sample of 1,017 adults. The margin of error clocked in at plus or minus 4 percentage points at a 95 percent confident interval.

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4 thoughts on “Poll: Support For Gun Control Has Plummeted Since 2012

  1. Which would you believe, another lying Gallup poll, or record-breaking gun sales one month after another?

    Hillary & Co. would have you believe that it’s only a small number of gun owners responsible for the increased sales, as if people who already own five guns need fifty more. This lie is so ridiculous it barely merits an argument, because we’re also seeing record-breaking demand for firearms training, as we would expect to see from a large number of first-time gun owners.

    The numbers we can verify (non-Gallup data) indicate that what’s actually happening is people who were opposed to the Second Article in the past are rapidly changing their mind about the issue as they learn more and more truth about our “government”, and the professional liars at Gallup have been recruited to convince you otherwise.

    “Gallup conducted the survey from October 12 to 15 with a nationally representative sample of 1,017 adults. The margin of error clocked in at plus or minus 4 percentage points at a 95 percent confident interval.”

    I’m sorry, but 1,017 adults is not a large enough sample to gauge the opinion of three hundred million adults, and since this poll was probably conducted by telephone, it ignores everyone who can no longer pay a phone bill, and everyone like me who would simply hang up on them without answering any of their questions. This polling process is about as scientific as wee-gee board, thus leaving the “Gallup” organization with about as much credibility as a tarot card reader.

    1. “….what’s actually happening is people who were opposed to the Second Article in the past are rapidly changing their mind about the issue as they learn more and more truth…”

      A famous, albeit anecdotal example of this phenomenon can be found in the actions of Rosie O’Donnell. If you remember, she was once an ardent attacker of our our Second Article rights, until she discovered the truth about 9-11, after which point in time she did a complete “one-eighty” on the issue, and now supports our right to keep and bear arms.

      She raised a few 9-11 questions on TV, and was soon banned from TV, as is anyone who wants to tell the truth, but it also goes to show why 9-11 Truth is still the mother of all issues. It forces people to see the big lie that involves everything they know.

  2. “I’m sorry, but 1,017 adults is not a large enough sample to gauge the opinion of three hundred million adults..”

    You can make that two hundred million adults (the three hundred million number includes the kids), but the point doesn’t change. It’s still not a large enough sample to gauge their opinions by.

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