Revised History – by Al Benson, Jr.

It has been accurately asserted by author Gene H. Kizer Jr. that: “The arguments for the right of secession are unequivocal. There is the constitutional right based on the Compact Theory, and the revolutionary right based on the idea that a free people have a right to change their government anytime they see fit. The Compact Theory views the Constitution as a legal agreement between the states–a compact–and if any one state violates the compact, then the entire agreement becomes null and void. Northern states unquestionably violated the Constitution on a number of grounds including Personal Liberty Laws on their books, as well as by deliberately harboring fugitives from justice by protecting the sons of John Brown who were wanted by Virginia for murder at Harpers Ferry. Continue reading “Part 2–More About Secession the “History” Books Haven’t Told Us”

If the people really wanted change for the better, all they’d have to do is follow the original documents as written, as well as forcing, all elected officials to do so, likewise. Change for the better, would then come naturally. It’s so simple that even children can see it. But those in positions of usurped authority can only envision their own selfish desires.

It’s time for a major change, back to the ideologies and beliefs in which our founders established. Once the reset button has been pushed, and all the criminals which have invaded our system, and having been eradicated, those which will arise from the fray, will be the American Patriot. They’ll display the determination and resolve to restore and KEEP our cherished Republic. They’ll also have the character and morals to accomplish the task at hand. The leadership qualities which will be needed and possessed by these Men and Women will enable them.  

Continue reading “Follow the Money to the Article V Convention”

Education Expert: Parents, Take Children Back From Gov’t ControlThe New American – by Dave Bohon

An education expert who heads up a popular online K-12 school is advising parents that they must be vigilant against government intrusion if they want to maintain control over their children’s schooling.

Alan Scholl and his wife, Doreen, have successfully homeschooled seven children over the past 29 years. In addition to that accomplishment, Scholl — sensing the need for a learning system that would empower parents to exit the public school bureaucracy and provide his and Doreen’s children with a solid classical education founded on both Judeo-Christian and Americanist principles — three years ago launched FreedomProject Education (FPE), a nationwide online K-12 school that has exploded from 22 students in 2011 to over 600 at the beginning of the 2014 school year.   Continue reading “Education Expert: Parents, Take Children Back From Gov’t Control”

Health RangerNatural News – by Mike Adams

In the first quarter of 2015, I’ll be launching a new “low-tech technology” solution that will become an instant must-have among people who want to be more self-reliant. The timing of the Ebola outbreak makes this solution even more urgent, so I’m shifting my present priorities to really focus on this project and complete all the R&D and manufacturing steps necessary to bring this to the world as soon as possible.

While it’s too early to reveal the exact nature of this invention, it’s a surprisingly low-tech solution that needs no electricity to operate and contains no circuit boards. It is therefore EMP-proof. It will also continue to function during a power grid failure, a nuclear catastrophe or a viral pandemic. There are no pumps, gears or circuits in this system, and it does not consume any fossil fuels to operate.   Continue reading “Health Ranger to launch revolutionary EMP-proof technology delivering sustainability breakthroughs for food, water, nutrition and medicine”

OPEC Continues to UnravelThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

With oil production from the Bakken formation in North Dakota now exceeding one million barrels a day and the Eagle Ford and Permian Basin oil fields in Texas producing more than three million barrels per day, prices for crude are dropping worldwide and pushing gasoline prices down along with them.

Crude oil prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange hit a 52-week low of $83.59 a barrel last Friday, while Lundberg just reported average prices for gasoline across the country have dropped to $3.26 per gallon. As recently as May 2, gas in the United States cost $3.72 a gallon. Continue reading “OPEC Continues to Unravel”

The New American – by Alex Newman

The global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) published a new report this month demanding further integration of North America, calling for deeper “cooperation” on everything from energy, law enforcement, and healthcare to labor regulations, trade, and education. With the globalist architects well aware of how unpopular their sought-after “North American Union” scheme remains among the public, the CFR appears to have toned down some of its extreme anti-sovereignty rhetoric. Instead, the new report emphasizes what the outfit called a “new focus” on North America dealing primarily with energy, “community,” and “security.” The scheme, however, remains just as radical.   Continue reading “CFR Globalists Outline Strategy for “North American Community””

The Patriot Post

In his 1798 letter to the officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of Massachusetts’ Militia, America’s second president, John Adams, made a famous observation about the U.S. Constitution: “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Noting its limited scope and enumerated powers, Adams argued such a founding document would adequately govern given the personal and civic decorum and the decency of the citizens of the United States. Flip that coin over to understand that without the absolutes of right and wrong woven into the tapestry of a moral and religious people, an overreaching and excessive government would follow.   Continue reading “We Need Good Preachers Before We Get Good Government”

David HooksLast Resistance – by Philip Hodges

A 59-year-old Georgia man is the latest victim of a no-knock police raid.

The police had gotten a warrant to search the house of David and Teresa Hooks for meth. But guess who gave the police this information? A meth addict who had come to the Hooks’ house just 2 days prior to the police raid, burglarized their home, and stole their black SUV. The meth addict burglar told the police that he had found meth in the Hooks’ SUV, which turned out to be a lie.   Continue reading “Another Innocent American Dies in No-Knock Police Raid”

Are Our Rights From God or the UN?The John Birch Society

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how it is difficult today to obey the Constitution without going to jail; how a new law such as ObamaCare might be a thousand pages long, but the regulations that implement such a law are usually many tens of thousands of pages long; how our rights as Americans are from God; how the new Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)  is being implemented in a way that subordinates both parties to the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights; how nowhere in this 1948 UN Declaration appears the fact that our rights come from a Creator as is clearly stated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence; and how the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights lists many rights, but Article 29 says “These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the principles and purposes of the United Nations.”   Continue reading “Are Our Rights From God or the UN?”

breathingNatural News – by Antonia

Whether it’s inhaling dust and harmful particles that are a part of the work environment, using harsh cleaning products around the house or simply being subjected to the many toxins and molds that people encounter throughout daily life, one thing is certain: It can take a toll on the respiratory system. Add to this the many people who are already suffering from respiratory complications like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and it can add insult to injury.   Continue reading “Top herbs to help cleanse lungs, make breathing easier”

Stars and Stripes – by Hugh Lessig

An investigation into the command climate aboard a Norfolk, Va.-based destroyer at sea has resulted in discipline against three of its former leaders.

Cmdr. Curtis Calloway, the former commanding officer of the James E. Williams, was found derelict of duty, as was Cmdr. Ed Handley, the former executive officer who had been scheduled to take command of the ship, according to a news release from U.S. Fleet Forces Command.

In addition, Command Master Chief Travis Biswell was found to be drunk and disorderly, as well as derelict of duty.   Continue reading “In rare move, 3 of Navy destroyer’s leaders removed”

The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

“We need a new constitution.” That is the direct declaration made in a two-part essay written by imminent American historians Andrew Burstein and Nancy Isenberg.

Not only do the pair of professors pronounce the current Constitution dead, but they introduce us to its replacement before the body is even cold.

From the very title of the first installment, however, the saviors of our “democratic republic” start down a road that might lead to a new constitution, but get the very essence of our government wrong.   Continue reading “Prominent Historians Propose a New Constitution”


Part-1 – An overview and some tools to get started

Besides being able to talk to your neighbors to the left and right, a very important part of the nationwide AmRRON/TAPRN Network is the sharing of news, information, and intelligence (not necessarily the same thing).  A critical skill that you, as a patriot, should be developing and regularly practicing is SIGINT/COMINT.  That is Signals Intelligence and Communications Intelligence.  Simply put, you need to have the skills and equipment to monitor, intercept, collect, and report information sent over the airwaves.   Continue reading “Intercept – Collect – Report (Part 1)”

Public Intelligence

NSN: 1005-01-495-0843
PN: 99004A1000
NSN: 1005-01-567-7827
PN: 08009A0000   Continue reading “U.S. Marine Corps M40 Sniper Rifle Maintenance Manual”

Last Resistance – by Dave Jolly

Have I ever said I hate unions? Rhetorically asked because the answer is I’ve said it many times and this is just one of many examples of why!

Blacks are still up in arms over the shooting death of a black criminal by a white police officer. They don’t care that the large youth had just held up a convenience store. They don’t care that evidence shows that he viciously attacked the police officer leaving the officer with a complete blowout fracture of his eye socket. They don’t care that the officer repeatedly told Michael Brown to stop, but Brown continued to attack the officer forcing the officer to shoot him. They don’t care that the autopsy showed that Brown was shot four times in the arm from front to back in the officer’s attempt to defend himself. They don’t care that Brown’s companion lied like Obama about what happened. They don’t care that the officer was forced to shoot Brown in the head when he attacked him one last time.   Continue reading “Chicago Teachers Union Busing Union Members to Ferguson for Protest”

police stateThe Liberty Beacon – by Sherwood Ross

Is the Obama regime preparing for mass arrests of Americans? Some indicators suggest this is a real possibility.

It has all the laws it needs to imprison anyone should it plan to make mass arrests (thanks, Congress, for the unconstitutional Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Act).

It has illegally compiled lists of some 8 million names, (thank you, FBI and NSA).   Continue reading “Police State: Obama Planning Mass Arrests?”

Last Resistance – by Dave Jolly

According to a report from, the Department of Homeland Security, which is taking on an eerie similarity to Hitler’s Gestapo, will begin to target and intensify attacks against Americans who are freedom oriented. In their report, they write:

“Within the last two weeks several tips came into the Examiner indicating pending dangers to certain groups of citizens. These tips led to a source who, speaking on condition of anonymity, alleges that just after the election a major initiative will be launched against citizens whose values are diametrically opposite to that of Barack Obama and the current Washington elitist leadership in Congress. According to the source, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will greatly intensify its attacks on freedom oriented citizens.”   Continue reading “Government to Attack Americans Who Value Freedoms”

The Importance of Understanding the U.S. ConstitutionThe John Birch Society – by Art Thompson

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how we all need to understand the Constitution; how officeholders and military personnel take an oath to support the Constitution; how such oath takers really ought to know what the Constitution says and means; how there is a problem with how the Constitution is taught in the schools, as for example the Second Amendment; how there is a movement to change the Constitution through a constitutional convention or convention of the states, such as altering the Second Amendment to restrict our right to keep and bear arms; how conservatives that are working to alter the Constitution for conservative purposes by means of an Article V convention are working together with those who want to alter the Second Amendment to get such a convention called; how the Obama administration is toying with limiting free speech by enforcing political correctness by means of fines for using the Washington Redskins team name during broadcasts; and how we need to study the Constitution, such as viewing the JBS set of DVDs, The Constitution Is the Solution.

Continue reading “The Importance of Understanding the U.S. Constitution”