One missing below is “caddywhompus” which of course means its out of wack, uneven, or ain’t just right!  My mail box out front has always been caddywhompus.. I kindy like it that way!  Gives it character!

A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.

There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 of them live in the South.

There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 of them live in the South, plus a couple no one’s seen before.   Continue reading “Things you learn growing up in the south”

For Truth’s Sake – by David R.

Liberals tend to go on and on about how America is an evil racist place and that the Constitution represents a culture of intolerance and violence. They try to position themselves as being the “compassionate ones” who are ready and willing to go to any length to fix societies wrongs, which of course are the fault of the Constitution and our selfish bill of rights. Often times however, their efforts are driven by nothing more than a fear of what they do not understand, a fear of them self and a misguided belief that the “ends justifies the means.” Most liberals after all, base their tactics for social change off the play book of the left- Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals. On page 25, in a chapter entitled “Of Means and Ends” Alinsky writes the following-   Continue reading “Alinsky Morality and Gun Control”

Charleston Voice

George Soros is one of the most powerful men on earth. A New York hedge fund manager, he has amassed a personal fortune estimated at about $13 billion (as of 2009). His company, Soros Fund Management, controls at least another $25 billion in investor assets. Since 1979, Soros’s foundation network — whose flagship is the Open Society Institute (OSI) — has dispensed more than $5 billion to a multitude of organizations whose objectives are consistent with those of Soros.

With assets of $1.93 billion as of 2008, OSI alone donates scores of millions of dollars annually to these various groups. Following is a sampling of the major agendas advanced by groups that Soros and OSI support financially. Listed under each category heading are a few OSI donees fitting that description. Organizations that accuse America of violating the civil rights and liberties of many of its residents:     Continue reading “Guide to the George Soros Network”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

We are all aware of the Obama administration’s orchestrated invasion of illegals across our southern border. There is no debate in the matter that it was purposeful. We have also been aware that this lawless administration has paved the way for tens of thousands of Muslims from Syria to receive asylum via New Jersey. Earlier this year, a pilot by the name of Dennis Welky claimed that he was fired because he would not sign a waiver of his constitutional rights.

In January 2014, Welky said that he received an email from the chief pilot of the airline company he worked for, Kalitta. According to the email, there were new requirements that had to be met by all pilots regarding security risk assessments (think TSA).   Continue reading “Pilot Claims He was fired for not Signing Away His Constitutional Rights – Warns of Illegal Muslims flying into US”

EbolaNatural News – by Mike Adams

If ebola goes airborne, its spread would be utterly impossible to stop, say many experts. Some scientists insist the possibility of the virus mutating into a full-blown “airborne” variety is rather small, but no one denies that such risk increases with each and every day that the contagion is not stopped in Africa.

At the same time, ebola is now in America, having been confirmed in “patient zero” Thomas Eric Duncan in Dallas. Because of this, a huge number of Americans and Canadians are now wisely investing in protective gear such as Tyvek body suits, N95 masks, respirators, latex gloves, isolation gowns and more. But most people have little or no training on how to use these items properly, so in the interests of public health and safety, I’m going to cover a few basics here.   Continue reading “Ebola protection myths busted: ‘direct contact’ means indirect contact, N95 masks, full-face respirators and more”

EbolaNatural News – by Mike Adams

All those who have long been prepping for a pandemic outbreak are suddenly looking like geniuses. With Ebola having now reached America and possibly spread to schoolchildren and medical staff, informed Americans are rushing to purchase protective supplies such as isolation gowns, Tyvek body suits, latex gloves and N95 masks.

In just one day, sales of Tyvek body suits on — recommended in a Natural News article — rose 143,325% (see screen capture from below).   Continue reading “Sales of pandemic preparedness supplies skyrocket 143,000% following announcement of Ebola in America”

John Owen Brennan is a traitor.Patriot or Traitor

CIA Director John Brennan:

In mid-December 2013, Judicial Watch obtained and released the full transcript of a May 7, 2012, teleconference between then-White House top counterterror adviser (now CIA Director) John Brennan and various TV terrorism consultants in which Brennen revealed that the U.S. and its allies had “inside control over any plot” in its efforts to thwart a May 2012 terrorism bomb plot, thus blowing the cover on undercover agents within al Qaeda.   Continue reading “John Owen Brennan is a traitor”

bullet Wallpaper__yvt2The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Mississippi Business Journal:

Winchester Ammunition, which has manufacturing facilities in Oxford, has won a five-year contract to produce ammunition for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Olin Corp. and its Winchester division have been awarded a contract worth up to $50 million to produce ammunition at its Winchester Centerfire Operations in Oxford for two DHS agencies. Continue reading “Winchester Lands $50 Million Ammunition Contract With DHS”

Jan Morgan, owner of The Gun Cave Indoor Range, has declared her facility a "Muslim free zone." (image via Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

n an act that will no doubt result in lawsuits, The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range in Hot Springs, Arkansas, has declared itself a “Muslim free zone” due to concerns over domestic Islamic terrorism. The ban was announced yesterday by range owner Jan Morgan in an article posted to her web site where she cites ten points justifying her position.

Among the points cited are prior attacks in the United States that the federal government refuses to classify as terrorism, including the Fort Hood attack, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the last week’s Oklahoma City beheading. Morgan has also received death threats in the past for her writing about Islam.   Continue reading “After Oklahoma Beheading and ISIS Threats, Arkansas Firing Range Becomes First To Exclude Muslims”

ZeroGov – by Bill Buppert

There is no man on a white horse to ride into Washington DC and fix what is wrong. Every time you pull that lever in the voting booth surrounded by earnest old women in tennis shoes, you are perpetuating a lie. The lie that voting can create and nourish the garden of freedom and liberty is an oft-quoted and misleading deception. Like pulling the trigger on a gun with an innocent man or woman in front of the muzzle and thinking no harm will come. The lever is a stamp of approval for the terrorism, initiated violence and horror show that all government beyond self-government is in fact and history.   Continue reading “Kill the State of Consent: Voting is Nonsense”

“Abraham Lincoln did not cause the death of so many people from a mere love of slaughter, but only to bring about a state of consent that could not otherwise be secured for the government he had undertaken to administer. When a government has once reduced its people to a state of consent – that is, of submission to its will – it can put them to a much better use than to kill them; for it can then plunder them, enslave them, and use them as tools for plundering and enslaving others.”

— Lysander Spooner

RebellionRepublic Magazine

Governor Jindal of Louisiana made some very significant comments in a recent address, forewarning our elected failures in Washington, D.C. that the end of the world as they know it, could be just around the corner. Jindal has been making headlines lately, calling for an end to Common Core State Standards within his state, and now seeming to realize that millions of Americans are considering a second ‘rebellion,’ if necessary.

Jindal isn’t far off the mark in making this statement. Several politically motivated Facebook pages, groups, and organizations are, or have, attempted to launch protests in an effort to voice grievances against the overly abusive nature of our current federal government. The number of scandals associated with the Obama administration, coupled with the inactivity of all 535 members of Congress, has more Americans seriously thinking of ways to rectify the situation, even if it means going the route of rebelling with arms against tyranny.   Continue reading “Jindal Addresses Rebellion”

Gina McCarthy is a traitor.Patriot or Traitor

Regina “Gina” McCarthy is the administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and she is killing the provision of electricity to the nation and, at the same time, is taking control of every drop of water in the United States, as an attack on its agricultural sector.

Like the rest of the Obama administration, Regina “Gina” McCarthy has no regard for real science and continues to reinterpret the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Overall, this agenda threatens every aspect of life in the nation.   Continue reading “Regina “Gina” McCarthy is a traitor”