16 thoughts on “Bad Moon Rising in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch

  1. WOW! Absolutely amazing! I just sent this to the rest of my friends. Great post. Keep spreading the word, people.


      What’s the point of them being there if they are just going to give up? What the hell is wrong with them??

      Is this disinfo? Sounds like it. Otherwise, we have the dumbest militia on the planet.

      1. Exacly NC. The militia should at least protect the protesters – non violent or not as they will the Bundy guy IMOHO, WTF is up with the militia letting people getting arrested 🙁 . I smell a rat I think!!!

      1. digger,
        April 19th is “Patriots Day”/start of the American Revolution/the day of “the shot heard ’round the world.” The Battle of San Jacinto/end of the Texas Revolution was April 19-21 (Troops crossed Buffalo Bayou on the19th. The actual battle on the morning of the 21st only lasted 20 minutes. May our Militias be that successful. 🙂 😉 ) The 19th is also the day that FDR announced that the US would leave the Gold Standard and the day of the Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing.
        Hitler and Mohammed were born on April 20th ( Lenin, April 22nd).

        1. Awe geeze Angel. They always said that I was a day late on everything. 🙁 🙁 😆
          I knew I was close 🙂
          I kind of wish I didn`t fry my memory 😐 😉

          1. It’s a crazy time period. Lots of stuff happened.
            The Bay of Pigs invasion was April 17th.

        2. Well if Patriots Day is on the 19th, then they better do something other than giving up like the idiots in the militia did in that article that Zigmont posted above. Unless that was disinfo.

          1. NC you keep speaking of the militia like they are some army that comes out of nowhere to save the day. YOU are the militia, I am the militia, the militia are your everyday normal joes that you see shopping at walmart. Quit having some idea that this army is going to come out of the wood work. No wait, they did at the Bundy Ranch, but the militia is much bigger, much stronger, why, it is individual patriots, that answer the call when they feel the need, period. It is not an organized system like the “army”. The militia is you, me, my daughter, my husband, my neighbor, my dad, my mother and anybody else I can muster to fight evil.

          2. I understand that, Missy. But when the ones that gather up at the Bundy area just decide to give up after some illegal police officers come after making such a big stand a few days before, then what’s the point of them being there if they aren’t standing up for it all? That’s what I’m getting at. And I’m referring to that link that Zigmont sent and if the story was true. If people see them give up, then it creates a psychological effect on the rest of the militias around the country. These militias at Bundy’s area must not back down one inch.

    1. And Charlie was never sentenced for killing anyone – yea he may have killed people but he wasn`t caught !!! – yet he was sentenced to life, talk about a miscarige of justice. yea say justice justice justice justice justice justice and it will come to be JUST US just like with Charlie 🙁 🙁 🙁 yea CHarlie was never ever convicted of ever murderig anyone dang it !!! but yet he is serving a life sentence is BS 🙁 🙁 damnit
      Yea many people do not think that he was a nice guy but he didn`t deserve what they did to him 🙁 🙁

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