Boehner Sues Obama For Abuse Of Power

BoehnerWestern Journalism – by B. Christopher Agee

According to a Fox News report, House Speaker John Boehner is preparing a lawsuit against Barack Obama alleging he has abused his power as the nation’s chief executive. To be clear, the GOP leader said his aim is not to impeach the president as some in his party have recommended.

“This is not about impeachment,” he confirmed; “it’s about him faithfully executing the laws of this country.”  

Obama’s frequent use of executive orders to achieve his political goals will reportedly be the focus of the lawsuit, which Boehner has hinted at filing over the past several days. On Wednesday, he confirmed he has decided to move ahead with the proposal.

If ultimately filed, the named plaintiff in the case would be the U.S. House of Representatives.

At this point, the action must still be approved by House leadership. If it is, Fox reports the suit would likely be filed within a few weeks.

Democrats in the House have already spoken out against the plan. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi offered her take, suggesting Boehner’s pursuit of a lawsuit against Obama is childish, adding that Republicans in the House are using this as a way to cover up their inaction in other matters.

“They are doing nothing here so they have to give some aura of activity,” she maintained.

Boehner has received support from many Twitter users who believe such action is long overdue.

As of Tuesday evening, the White House has not responded to the pending legal action.


7 thoughts on “Boehner Sues Obama For Abuse Of Power

  1. This is pathetic. It seems they are doing everything they can to distract our attention from the Southern border crisis.

  2. just like everything else he has done that was illegal , or should have had him on the business end of a rope, in prison or like wise..this too will be much to do about nothing..

    the Nutless Law system when it comes to them is useless, but when the law system meets one of us its all or nothing kick them in the teeth, subvert all of their rights and beat them within inches of their lives..

    F them and Boner and the pile of Sh^t he rode in on!

  3. Wait a minute here … Boehner is suing Obama for abuse of power? My question is why did Boehner and his cronies LET IT HAPPEN in the first G** D*** place?? What a joke!!!
    . . .

    1. Yea and why did he wait until NOW to do it? I’m going to bet it’s because he and his masters needed another distraction as always.

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