Boehner urges military help for border crisis

Yahoo News – by Erica Werner

WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of the U.S. House of Representatives urged President Barack Obama on Friday to send troops to the Mexican border to help deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors from Central America, calling it a “national security and humanitarian crisis.”

In a letter to the president, Speaker John Boehner blamed Obama administration policies for the huge increase in children making their way here from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, and said the president must act.  

The speaker’s letter underscores that the issue has increasingly become a political problem for the Obama administration, which had hoped to spend the spring and summer pressuring House Republicans to pass comprehensive immigration legislation but is now increasingly occupied with the unaccompanied minor issue.

Boehner made no mention in his letter of immigration legislation and the House appears to have no inclination to move on it, particularly after the surprise primary defeat last week of Majority Leader Eric Cantor at the hands of a conservative who accused him of supporting “amnesty.”

Boehner said the troops could help ensure the safety of the children and their families. And he said the State Department should work with Central American nations to help speed processing times to return children and families to their countries and to make sure that people know of the dangers of heading north.

“The policies of your administration have directly resulted in the belief by these immigrants that once they reach U.S. soil, they will be able to stay here indefinitely,” Boehner wrote.

“While we understand that many of these individuals are coming to this country to escape violence and hardship in their home country, the current climate along the border and our enforcement policies are only encouraging them to risk their lives and those of their children. It is time that we confront the crisis along the border head-on through immediate and aggressive action.”

The Border Patrol says the number of minors coming from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras has soared more than 1,000 percent. Administration officials have said it’s largely because of conditions in their home countries, but there’s also a belief among some of the migrants that they would be allowed to stay once in the U.S.

The White House had no immediate response to Boehner.–politics.html

7 thoughts on “Boehner urges military help for border crisis

  1. Our infrastructure doesn’t have the food and resources for all these people the Government is allowing to cross over the borders not to mention the criminals and those not being immunized.

    1. “…and those not being immunized.”

      Immunizing them would only be to our benefit.

      Do you seriously believe vaccinations are beneficial?

    2. That’s funny, Kelly. Welcome to the real world, and DON’T let your kids be vaccinated. But I’m all in favor of flu shots for the wet-backs.

  2. If the military is sent to the border, all they’re going to do is help load the wet-backs onto buses headed north.

    I’d rather see the militia handle the problem because at least they’ll be going there to actually stop it.

    I wish I were going.

  3. Pure BS. They were invited here plain and simple. Scroll down the front page and notice that this criminal administration planned for this as early as January, most likely before that.
    This “crisis” was planned by the same evil bastards with the problem, reaction, solution mindset. They want these people to bring in disease, murder and mayhem. They want to crash the welfare system, especially for all of the American nationals that have been forced into it because all of our jobs have been shipped out of the country. Remember their tests, by shutting off the EBT system not too long ago.
    If the gov wanted our border secure, it would be. Now this blathering idiot wants the military to help! I say BS.

  4. “In a letter to the president, Speaker John Boehner blamed Obama administration policies for the huge increase in children making their way here from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, and said the president must act.”

    They are NOT children coming across the border, you dumbass!!! They are gang members, adults, and criminals, you stupid controlled opposition puppet!

    Looks like the Zionists are paying Johnny to try and control the situation by trying to send the military in to load more illegals up and ship them across the country, using the extremely false “children” propaganda.


    Any military soldier following his orders to ship illegals into this country rather than keeping them out is committing treason against their country and is breaking their oath to uphold the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic!


    If an order is given to you to bring these children inland, STAND DOWN and arrest those ordering you to do it for high treason!!! You have the full support of the American people and the militias.

  5. The army will just bend over backwards to protect the invaders and be a meals on wheels welcoming committee. Any patriot who tries to stop the invasion I’d predict would be fired on by our own dammed army.’

    I remember what the army did in Louisiana in 2005 after that hurricane. It also shows they are NOT our friend.

    Only thing the military should be sent to do is punch through the border into Mexico and take that country down hard. Go on to Mexico city and grab that bunch of criminals that constitute a government and feed them to a bunch of hungry chiwawas or pit Yorkies. Mexico has always been a thorn in our side as well as its people. Time we put an end to that country.

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