Bolivian Presidential Plane Forced To Land In Austria Over Suspicions Snowden On Board

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

After departing from Russia the plane of Bolivian President Evo Morales was forced to landing in Austria Wednesday morning over suspicions that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden was on board, a claim Bolivian authorities denied.

Snowden had requested asylum from Bolivia, which has yet to answer; he also petitioned Austria but was rejected. Reports indicated the plane was hindered in navigating Western Europe as France and Portugal would not allow the La Paz-bound plane to enter their airspace.   

They must really want Snowden.  More reason not to get caught.  This guy has already had the world’s head spinning with his awesome slight of hand tactics and I would assume those tactics won’t change.  Bolivia would be a great place for Mr. Snowden to go to also.  Evo Morales seems like a man of the people and he’s a proven thorn in the side of the imperial american empire.  That said, how can they force the presidential plane to land because they think Snowden might be on it?  Imagine if it were AF1, americans would be outraged probably and AF1 sure as hell wouldn’t land.  If I were Bolivia i’d deliver some blowback and cut some ties with Portugal and France over it.  -Mort

8 thoughts on “Bolivian Presidential Plane Forced To Land In Austria Over Suspicions Snowden On Board

  1. What an outrage! As an American, I am totally embarrassed by the behavior of the Obama administration, and demand that impeachment proceedings begin immediately on charges of high treason. What is wrong with all of you ‘spineless creatures” pretending to represent the will of the people currently residing in the Senate and House. Every last one of you needs to “grow a pair”.

  2. Now King Obama is demanding every plane around the world to land so he can check them all for Snowden? In this case, a PRESIDENTIAL plane! Just who the hell do they think they are? What’s next, DHS being put in place worldwide at every airport in search of this asshole? I know that’s what Ogre Napolitano wants to do. Let’s not forget she wanted to expand DHS internationally. AKA world stasis police force. And the even bigger question is WHY are the other countries (in this case, Austria and Bolivia) allowing Obama and the U.S. to tell them what to do? HELLO!!!! Tell Obama to go F**K HIMSELF!!!! Grow a pair of balls!

    “That said, how can they force the presidential plane to land because they think Snowden might be on it? Imagine if it were AF1, americans would be outraged probably and AF1 sure as hell wouldn’t land. If I were Bolivia i’d deliver some blowback and cut some ties with Portugal and France over it”

    My point exactly!

    This just goes to show you how the governments around the world are converging into a one world government. Now they don’t even acknowledge sovereignty and borders. Unbelievable!

    What the F**K is wrong with this world?Tell Obama and the elitists to go shove it up their asses!

  3. I’d like to see them do this to Putin’s plane. I mean he offered Snowden asylum too, right? How come they aren’t checking out Putin’s presidential plane? This is F**KING TREASON BEYOND ALL THINGS!!! Obama needs to be impeached IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!

    WE THE PEOPLE need to stop putting this bastard on a F**king pedestal!

    He’s not untouchable. He’s ONE tiny, little person! Just go in and get him! IMPEACH OBAMA!! ARREST HIM AND TRY HIM FOR TREASON!!! IT’S THAT SIMPLE!!!

    The military better wake the F**k up, too and do their duty, dammit!!!!

  4. This shameless act becomes a warning to all the citizens of the world, from all the politicians of the world, that they will not just give us up but hunt us down.

  5. Truly subservient of Portugal & France – but here you see the raw power relationships revealed in “real-time”.

    I’d love to see how these refusals will play in their domestic politics

  6. The story is that the plane developed ‘technical’ problems and asked to land to check out the plane.

    The same kind of ‘technical’ problems that Senator Wellstone’s plane developed?
    The same kind of ‘technical’ problems that the plane Bev Eckert was on developed and crashed?
    Eckert had refused 9/11 hush money and wanted a full investigation into the events of 9/11.

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