BREAKING: “There was a blanket tactical channel being used. Everyone who was on that tactical channel heard it.”

BY Kyle Becker

The local officer that confronted the Trump rally shooter radioed in to a shared police channel that there was an armed gunman on the roof prior to former President Trump being shot.

“So our officers in the area started to converge on the building. My understanding is they did a full perimeter walk of the building, weren’t able to see up on the roof.”

“Two of the officers went to what appeared to be the lowest point from ground to roof. One of the officers actually boosted the second officer up high enough for him to grab hold of the roof.”

“When he was able to pull his head up over the roof. He did in fact see an individual on the roof with a weapon.”

The local official said the shooter pointed his weapon at the officer.

“[The shooter] turned towards him. Had the barrel of his weapon pointed at the officer.”

It gets more bizarre. The local official said that the officer was hanging from the roof and unable to reach for his weapon, radio, or defend himself. He then fell to the ground.

“So both the boosting officer and the officer that fell were both on the radio indicating that there was an individual on the roof that did in fact have a weapon.”

The local official did not reveal the amount of time between that radio call and Donald Trump being shot.

It is still a mystery why Donald Trump was not warned and taken off stage before the assassination attempt.

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