New York Daily News – by Thomas Tracy
A Bronx man allegedly brutalized by cops for defending his brother is suing the NYPD for an assault that “exceeded all reasonable bounds of decency,” court papers show.
Troy Gerard, 46, was hospitalized for five days after cops fractured his face and shattered his eye socket during a Memorial Day weekend clash in East Harlem, according to hospital records and court documents.
Police had accused Gerard’s brother of being a robber when the father of eight stepped in May 25, he told the Daily News in June.

A cop “said, ‘Shut the f— up,’ ” Gerard recalled. “I said, ‘No, I don’t have to shut up, I have freedom of speech. As soon as I said that, he said, ‘Get ’em!’ ”
A spokeswoman for the city Law Department said it will evaluate the lawsuit once it’s received.
“I said, ‘No, I don’t have to shut up, I have freedom of speech.”
So, obviously, they beat THAT foolish notion out of you, right?
But if you’re so brain-dead that you don’t understand that when a pig tells you to ‘Shut the f— up,’, that is the same as a command from the Almighty Himself. There will be NO discussion!
Welcome to REALITY. Maybe now you’ll shut off that idiot box, and start paying some attention to what’s REALLY going on around you.
yeah, Hatr, it certainly wasn’t a wise thing to do, but you have to give him some credit for standing up for his rights. (I remember saying the same thing to a cop long ago, but I didn’t catch a beating for it)
Granted, JR, but to NOT see what the jackbooted, corporate mafia thugs are doing to the ‘public’ these days is to invite just such (however undeserved) retribution upon oneself.
In spades. (for once, no pun intended – a rarity)