California’s Gun Bills Head to Governor’s Desk, What They Mean To Us

World Events and the Bible

Yesterday, we sounded the alarm on the draconian gun control bills the California Legislature just passed in our article titled, “SB 374: Assault Weapons Ban Passes, California Legislature Sends Bill to Governors Desk.” Today, we are going to analyze these bills and see what exactly they mean to us.

First, we must understand there is still time to stop these bills from becoming law. We implore you to take action NOW! Call California Governor Jerry Brown in addition to emailing and faxing him. Tell him NOT to sign these bills. Do not remain idle. Everyone from all 50 states needs to take part in this effort.  

First it was New York, then it was Colorado. Now it is California, tomorrow it will be your state if you continue to remain silent. Please share this with your family and friends! Call California Governor Jerry Brown and tell him to not sign these bills!

Website: Governor Jerry Brown  – Phone: (916) 445-2841 – Fax: (916) 558-3160

The following bills passed both the California State Assembly and Senate: SB374SB567,SB683SB755 and AB170. With that said let us now analyze these bills.

Second Amendment: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” –Amendment II

SB-374 Firearms: assault weapons – California Legislature

SB374 covers a verity of topics. Let us start with the definitions for a magazine which are as follows.

“(1) “Detachable magazine” means an ammunition feeding device that can be removed readily from the firearm without disassembly of the firearm action.

(2) “Fixed magazine” means an ammunition feeding device contained in, or permanently attached to, a firearm in such a manner that the device cannot be removed without disassembly of the firearm action.”

This bill now defines an assault weapon as follows.

“This bill would, instead, classify a semiautomatic centerfire rifle that does not have a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept no more than 10 rounds as an assault weapon. The bill would require a person who, between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2013, inclusive, lawfully possessed an assault weapon that does not have a fixed magazine, including those weapons with an ammunition feeding devicethat can be removed readily from the firearm with the use of a tool, and who, on or after January 1, 2014, possesses that firearm, to register the firearm by July 1, 2015.”

Meaning, any centerfire rifle that has a removable magazine is now labeled an assault weapon. This includes your bullet button rifles. In order for your rifle not to be considered an assault weapon the magazine would need to be “welded” on. In addition, all assault weapons must be registered with the State by July 1st, 2015.

In addition, if you jump down to section 30902 you will find the details of this registration. They include,

“(b) Registrations shall be submitted either electronically, via the Internet utilizing a public-facing application made available by the department, or through a licensed firearms dealer.

(c) The registration shall contain a description of the firearm that identifies it uniquely, including all identification marks, the date that the firearm was acquired, the full name and address of the individual from whom, or the business from which, the firearm was acquired, the registrant’s full name, address, telephone number, date of birth, sex, height, weight, eye color, hair color, and California driver’s license or California identification card number.”

This needs no further explanation. I should not have to tell you registration is the first step to confiscation! – Read the bill: SB374

AB-170 Assault weapons and .50 BMG rifles – California Legislature

This bill changes the definition of a person who can possess an assault weapon to include only an “individual person” striking out the former groups of:  “partnership, corporation, limited liability company, association, or any other group or entity, regardless of how the entity was created.” In addition, those former groups will no longer be able to acquire a permit for their assault weapons after January 1st, 2014.

“(d) On and after January 1, 2014, no partnership, corporation, limited liability company, association, or any other group or entity, regardless of how the entity was created, may be issued a permit to posses an assault weapon or a .50 BMG rifle.”

In addition,

“The bill would make additional conforming changes, including changes relating toannual inspections, for security and safe storage purposes, of certain permitees possessing assault weapons or .50 BMG rifles, as specified.”

Remember, any centerfire rifle that has a removable magazine is now labeled an assault weapon and thus requires a permit in addition to registration. This includes your bullet button rifles. 

Looking to section 31110 of this same bill we discover that if we own four or less “assault weapons” we must submit to an inspection of our arms once every five years. If we own five or more we must submit to annual inspections in order to, “conduct an inspection for security and safe storage purposes, and to reconcile the inventory of assault weapons.

31110. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), the Department of Justice shall, for every person to whom a permit is issued pursuant to this article, annually conduct an inspection for security and safe storage purposes, and to reconcile the inventory of assault weapons.

(b) A person, firm, or corporation with an inventory of fewer than five devices that require any Department of Justice permit shall be subject to an inspection for security and safe storage purposes, and to reconcile inventory, once every five years, or more frequently if determined by the department.” – Read the bill: AB170

SB-683 Firearms: firearm safety certificate – California Legislature

This bill would require all persons to acquire a “firearm” safety certificate in order to purchase or receive any “firearm,” this now encompasses all “long guns.” Not just hand guns. If signed by the Governor this bill will become law effective January 1st 2015. – Read the bill: SB683

SB-567 Firearms: shotguns – California Legislature

This bill defines what a shotgun is. – Read the bill: SB567

SB-755 Firearms: prohibited persons – California Legislature

This bill defines, “prohibited persons from owning firearms.” – Read the bill: SB755

Please share this with your family and friends! Call California Governor Jerry Brown and tell him to not sign these bills!

Website: Governor Jerry Brown  – Phone: (916) 445-2841 – Fax: (916) 558-3160

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