Can Animals Get High On Marijuana?

ram-RADisinformation – by JacobSloan

Cannabis can have tremendous benefits for sick creatures, but veterinarian Dr. Andrew Springer Browne, who has treated numerous pets that got a hold of their owners’ pot brownies, warns that animals should never ingest THC. Via the The New Inquiry:

Yes, an animal can get high on marijuana, but I would call it a very bad trip rather than being stoned or high.  

The main clinical signs in dogs are low body temperature, dilated pupils, increased sensitivity to noise and movement, being unsteady on their feet. The animals are usually distressed and whimpering or howling. With really high doses they are collapsed, with a slow heart rate, barely responsive. This can last 24 to 48 hours. Usually they survive.

I would say though that any amount of marijuana is too much for an animal. Also, marijuana can have a variable amount of THC in it and also may contain contaminants like fungal spores, pesticides, or fertilizer.

6 thoughts on “Can Animals Get High On Marijuana?

  1. disinfo? Sure is IMHO. My room mates dog loves to get in your face for the second hand smoke! Herb only, no tobacco. She is a very laid back pit that gets even more mellow when she gets her hit! I have had cats that would come and lay on my shoulders around the back of my neck when smoking. Cats get that mellow burn out similar to catnip.
    I have never seen any cats of dogs exhibit the symptoms described in this article. I’ve never forced it on an animal but if they choose to inhale that’s their business.
    I’ll chalk this up to the Pot is a gateway, addictive, dangerous bs. from the REEFER MADNESS clowns.

  2. I’ve read that dogs can suffer central nervous system damage from pot, so I would be careful about getting Fido stoned.

  3. The THCA in raw marijuana has to be heated (~ ≥ 240°F) to be decarboxylated into THC to obtain psychoactive effects. Marijuana Growers Headquarters ( has an interesting article on this.

    Eating raw marijuana will not get a person or animal high, and though it tastes pretty bad (IMO), eating raw marijuana, particularly juice from 90-day-old plants, has multiple healthful effects.

    With pot brownies, the raw cannabis is baked enough to decarboxylate a significant enough fraction of the THCA into THC to be psychoactive. Most likely, the pets mentioned in this article were sickened by theobromine (chocolate) poisoning. Dogs and cats don’t have to eat much chocolate to be lethally poisoned.

  4. ANY BODY..that knowingly “blows smoke” into an animals face…or feeds them cannabis in ANY way, shape or form…should have his ass KICKED.

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