Celebrating “Independence Day” On Diego Garcia

Ingenious Press

The hypocrisy of the U.S. Department of Defense knows no bounds. This news clip from their disinformation and propaganda Youtube channel, The Pentagon Channel, states that “US Service members stationed in Diego Garcia, thousands of miles from home, proudly observed the 4th of July holiday.”

The bitter irony of this scenario is that U.S. troops are celebrating their day of independence from Great Britain on a coral atoll in the middle of the Indian Ocean, which was originally inhabited by the Chagossians. These native inhabitants lost their independence when they were forcefully removed in the 1960′s by the United States and United Kingdom, in order to establish a joint military base on the strategic island.

– See more at: http://www.ingeniouspress.com/2013/07/16/celebrating-independence-day-on-diego-garcia/#sthash.E2xoHYWA.dpuf

2 thoughts on “Celebrating “Independence Day” On Diego Garcia

  1. The big base belongs to the US, there is also a RAF and small army base there under British control but the land belongs to the UK and was a shameful act of appeasement to the US government which apparently came about when the US was going to up the interest rates on the Lend/Lease repayments that at the time of this happening were still cripplingly high.

    Has to be remembered that Britain endured many years of rationing post war just to service its debts to America

  2. I just love how he says, “It’s a great way to celebrate our Independence Day being out here, OUT OF WORK, and having a good time.”

    “Out of work” – must have been a Freudian slip.

    These are the same dumbass sheeple military soldiers who have no clue what our government is doing and will do whatever they tell them to do even if it means killing another American national. However, from the video, it didn’t look like many. Maybe 50 at most. So I’m guessing these were the dumbass sheeple soldiers in the minority who signed up for this.

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