Charges Dropped Against Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Member; Surveillance of DAPL Resistance Continues

Published on Oct 18, 2016 by Democracy Now! – We speak with Cody Hall of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, who had a warrant issued for his arrest for two misdemeanors of criminal trespass for land defense actions related to the Dakota Access pipeline and was arrested in a dramatic traffic stop that he says involved at least 18 law enforcement officials. On Monday, he learned the charges were dropped, but says he is still under surveillance.

One thought on “Charges Dropped Against Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Member; Surveillance of DAPL Resistance Continues

  1. Imagine that
    A native walking on native land , and being cited for trespassing
    How do these people even look at themselves in the mirror in the morning or kiss their kids to bed at night
    Sick , man .. I tell ya

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