17 thoughts on “CHENEY: Obama Is ‘The Worst President Of My Lifetime’

  1. I’m still trying to figure out what Darth Cheney’s motives are with the numerous appearances in the political media. Maybe someone will ask him to suggest a good VP candidate, no, God forbid, let’s not go there again. He has to be the most evil man to ever hold a high office in this country. I challenge anyone to name anyone who was responsible for more death and destruction in our lifetime than Dick Cheney. He had his puppeteer hand so far up G.W.’s ass he could have gave us all the finger when G.W. yawned! He made all the policy decisions of G.W.’s administration while G.W. was making quotes for his Bushisms Calendar.

      1. Mao Zedong (> 45 million people)

        BTW: Even Harry Truman killed more innocent civilians than Cheney; however, this doesn’t diminish the fact that Cheney is a cancerous wart on the face of humanity. I realize that Millard was asking for people in OUR lifetime… I just wanted to illustrate that things could be worse, and most likely will be in out lifetime.

          1. This count of 66-million sounds a little high; however, what happens in Siberia, stays in Siberia.

            What’s your source? I haven’t seen any “alleged” statistical numbers on Stalin that exceeded more than 20 to 40-million people.

            It really doesn’t matter anyway #1, these Soviets are water under the bridge in the history books… only the Jewish Hollowhoax continues to regurgitate its fraudulent history of 6-million deaths.

          2. “”One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic,” said Joseph Stalin (1879-1953). It is estimated that between 20 to 40 million people, mostly Russians, were killed by Stalin during his dictatorship (1924-1953). Stalin, the Soviet dictator, not only exterminated purported “enemies of the peoples” but also liquidated almost the entire slate of communist Bolshevik leaders, who had been his and Lenin’s friends during the Russian Revolution of 1917. The Great Leader, Joseph Stalin, in fact, killed in peacetime more communists of all nationalities, than all his fascist, Nazi, and Western democratic enemies combined.”

            Probably closer to 40 than 20, hence the “a good part of…”, Inretrospect.

          3. TPTB or “the winners” write the history books and have their “bean counters” to “fudge the numbers” on how many fell into the ditch. Jews killed in so called “holocaust”, 6 million. The logistics alone render this number highly questionable. But hey, how are you going to talk the rest of the world into allowing you to steal Palestine. These rabid Zionists want complete ownership of the “Cradle of Civilization” and the most holy sites of human history. They have the most advanced technology available now that they’ve had time to torture those experts on the “missing” Malaysian flight.

          4. Being that there were only about 6 1/2 million jews in all of Europe at the time of WWII, Millard, that would mean NEARLY ALL of them would have had to migrate like lemmings to German occupied territories just for the ‘privilege’ of being ‘Holocausted’ by Hitler.

            Biggest fraud ever perpetrated by the scumbag Zionist POS jews. When they lie, they lie BIG.

  2. Alright, ya got me, however, Dick Cheney was holding hands with Kissinger for quite awhile so there will be an asterisk! Cheney still rules the conservative Republicans who thought Reagan’s policies of genocide in Central America was “a good idea.” They have ample supply of hearts on the waiting list ready for an unfortunate accident that will render a perfectly match heart to Dick whenever he needs one. Maybe, when his body can’t support that overinflated “legend in his own mind”, they’ll keep his head alive with that snarly look on his face to keep that fear factor going. What a nightmare.

  3. “CHENEY: Obama Is ‘The Worst President Of My Lifetime’”

    And I wonder who the Worst VICE President of My Lifetime would be?…Hmm……

    1. Spiro Agnew, Hubert Humphrey, Dan Quale, Nelson Rockefeller, Gerald Ford and let’s not forget ole “Stumblin’ Joe Biden. Yes, they are all terrible people but none of them personified pure evil as well as Dick Cheney.

      1. Believe it or not, Millard, Spiro was actually a thorn in the side of the NWO. He was basically a straight shooter (as far as politicians go, that is) and he DIDN’T like what the scumbag jews were doing to this country. The BEST they could come up with to force him to resign was a weak-@ss tax evasion charge.

        He would have made a good president, one with the best interests of this country actually in mind, and the stinking low-life jews could NOT afford that.

        1. #1, let’s not forget the VP who invited his boss to his home state for bullet eating contest! What’s your thoughts on LBJ and the Kennedy assassination #1?

          1. Exactimundo! So there you have it folks, and “That’s the way it is” depending upon what your definition of the word “is” is! 😆

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