Child Booted From Preschool After Parents Question ‘Same-Sex’ and ‘Gender’ Curriculum

CBN News

A Colorado preschool has booted a 4-year-old after her parent’s questioned the administration about its curriculum promoting  homosexuality and transgenderism.

R.B Sinclair told the Denver Post that she wanted her daughter excused from classroom discussions on sex and gender, because she sees it as sex education.    

She feels her daughter is too young for the discussions offered at the Montview Community Preschool & Kindergarten in Denver.

“I think at this age they don’t know what bias is,” she told the newspaper. “They could have kids from Mars and they would still play with each other. It’s not that she isn’t exposed to diversity, because it is the world we live in, but how are they having these conversations?”

Sinclair says one day her daughter came home worried that her dad might no longer like girls.

She met with the principal over concerns about the books being read in class, including ones that told the stories about same-sex couples and worms unsure about their gender.

School officials from the privately run parent cooperative explained the stories were part of the school’s anti-bias curriculum, and because the discussions are sprinkled through the day’s activities, they told her that opting out was not possible.

However, two days after meeting with the principal Sinclair was handed a letter saying it was the girl’s last day in school and that the situation was “not a good fit.”

A letter was released shortly to the school after Sinclair’s daughter was kicked out.

The letter, drafted by the school’s director Linda Mars, acknowledged concerns over the books being read in class but explained that children need to learn diversity and tolerance about every family structure, skin color, culture, and language.

Sinclair says that her daughter is fully familiar with a diverse community as part of a biracial family and has grown up with Muslim and Western culture.

“Meanwhile, there was no consideration for the bias against my family’s culture, faith and concerns,” Sinclair said.

5 thoughts on “Child Booted From Preschool After Parents Question ‘Same-Sex’ and ‘Gender’ Curriculum

  1. It is an infestation of the gay agenda into our schools. They can’t get ’em young enough, apparently! Baseball used to be played in my hometown before “pocket pool” became so popular. There has to still be a few bats laying around.

  2. Hmmm, well they were fired by their babysitter.

    Hopefully, they don’t hire another.

    Leaving a child ALONE with anyone except those that can be trusted 100% is a dangerous decision.

    Stop relinquishing parenting to someone else.

    “But how will they get socialized”, is the question I’ve heard too many times.

  3. Good. Getting kicked out of the freak academy was the best thing that could have happened to the kid.

    1. My first thought as well, JR.

      “The letter,… explained that children need to learn diversity and tolerance about every family structure, skin color, culture, and language.”

      Commiespeak for they need to be made more malleable (corrupted) for their pedophile NWO ‘masters’.

      There’s only one solution in dealing with this kind of perverted scum.

  4. At this point in time I can not imagine having a child at all. Think of what is planned for him or her and what they will do to the child over an extended period of time. There is no escape parents have no control what so ever. Refuse vaccines DHS steps in. Home school and eventually DHS will step in claiming the child is not being exposed to any social enviornment true or not. Train your child to eat healthy and you and your children will be drugged for the mental illness they claim you have. Living in shoe boxes not being able to own anything and having little to no control over your life. Who would desire that for their child?

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