China’s Incredible Ghost Cities Will Make Your Jaw Drop

Published on Sep 30, 2013 – by Journeyman Pictures

Empty Cities, 2012 China is the world’s most populated country but it’s full of vast, empty cities, including a replica Paris. Is it forward thinking or a crazy economic risk?

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In the world’s most populated country there are dozens of empty cities and more are being built every year. Is China’s ‘build-mentality’ good urban forward planning or an economic bubble that’s about to burst?

Tianduchenga, a near deserted replica of Paris complete with its own Eiffel Tower, was meant to attract new residents and businesses. But the new businesses are struggling to survive. “There aren’t many people here; our business is volume-based”, says the owner of a takeaway lunch shop. Meanwhile, in the Lanzhou New Area a range of 700 mountains has been leveled and demolition of houses and forced relocation is underway to make space for a new 130,000 hectare metropolis. According to Li Tie, who heads the country’s top economic planning agency, the federal government “must stop any fanatical actions by local authorities who blindly and hastily implement unreasonable urbanisation measures”. But urbanisation expert Tom Miller rejects the claim that China is on the brink of a property crisis. “Imagine China as bubble wrap. Some of those bubbles within it might burst. But in places like Shanghai there is massive demand for housing.”

SBS Dateline: Ref-5939

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5 thoughts on “China’s Incredible Ghost Cities Will Make Your Jaw Drop

  1. We have pondered the question regarding how our Government would persuade (force) people to relocate to the inner cities, from the rural countrysides — the Chinese show us how it is done. Peoples’ fear of the Government can move mountains, build massive cities in the middle of nowhere, and force you to move there. They can tell the people to go to Hell and, look forward to the trip.

    I guess the remaining question is: How will WE be responding to our government’s call? It adds more reason to their purpose for disarming us.

  2. Our new cities are called Fema camps and plastic coffins. We spent our tax money, not on new cities, but on Homeland security, TSA, Fema camps, military contractors, funding terrorists, promoting the gay agenda and hoaxing ourselves.

  3. china’s empty cities,
    including a couple built in africa, are because of an expected coastal flood.
    they expect a massive earthquake soon that will rip the u.s. down the middle,
    destroy japan and flood china and europe.

  4. They’re agenda 21 houses.

    Just tell everyone living in a rural area that they’ve been exposed to some invisible toxin, and the only way they’ll survive is if they get on the evacuation bus. The bus drops them off in their new home, and it’s a done deal.

    “This is your temporary housing until we can cleanse the toxins out of your town”…. which of course, never happens, because there were never any toxins there in the first place.

    (that’s how they’ll accomplish mass re-location here, anyway. The Chinks might just do it at gunpoint)

  5. While living in China until 2011, I have seen buildings go up overnight all over the country in places like Qingdao, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, etc. I kept asking my Chinese friends, how the hell are they going to sell all of these apartments? I know they have a lot of population, but a majority of them can’t afford it. They kept telling me, that it didn’t matter as many rich people just bought out a dozen or so apartments and then rented them out to people. I told them, the problem with that is how many people can afford to rent them out?

    I worked at a high school in Qingdao for a year and saw this huge apartment building at least 40-50 stories high being built next to it in about six months. Needless to say, within a year after it was built, they couldn’t sell half of those apartments and the last I heard was that the building was either being sold or went bankrupt.

    It’s happening all around the country of China and that was before the inflation hit over the past few years. Many people warned China of this happening and the Chinese government tried controlling it to prevent the inflation and saturation of new apartment buildings from popping their housing bubble, but with a population of over a billion people, it’s impossible and now, even the richest man in Hong Kong is selling all his Chinese real estate and leaving it all behind after investing in countless cities and apartment buildings.

    Think of it this way. It costs a Chinese person $16 US for a pound of beef, $25 US for ONE person to eat a simple restaurant and $80 US for an hour of KTV that used to cost only around $20 US a few years ago. And the people continue to work without a pay raise and slave labor wages.

    Like us, the normal Chinese people are suffering while the real money is going into the hands of the government, military and big businessmen. Communism at it’s finest. Their economy is collapsing just as fast as ours is and that’s why they are most likely trying to get their money back from our treasonous U.S. government by grabbing all our lands as payment since all of our money has been stolen from us by the elite. Just another redistribution of wealth, making the elite richer and putting the normal people further into poverty.

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