Chuck Schumer Accuses Putin Of Helping Snowden: Seems ‘Eager To Put A Finger’ In Eye Of U.S.

Published on Jun 23, 2013 by WeAreTheSavageNation

6/23/13 – New York Senator Chuck Schumer appeared on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning and speculated that Russian President Vladimir Putin was allowing the transport of NSA leaker Edward Snowden through Moscow, despite and in spite of the United States’ warrant for his arrest. “What’s infuriating here is Prime Minister Putin of Russia aiding and abetting Snowden’s escape,” Schumer told Candy Crowley. “The minute Aeroflot got the notification he would be coming, I believe that Putin, it’s almost certain he knew, and it’s likely he approved it.” Crowley asked if Schumer believed the U.S. was attempted to get Russia to arrest Snowden when he landed.

“It’s very, very likely that we are asking Russia to hold him,” Schumer said. “Whether Russia does that or not, I don’t know. The fact they were allowing him to land indicates we’re not in a phase of cooperation.”

“The bottom line is very simple,” Schumer continued. “Allies are supposed to treat each other in decent ways, and Putin always seems almost eager to put a finger in the eye of the United States, whether it is Syria, Iran, and now, of course, with Snowden. That’s not how allies should treat one another, and I think it will have serious consequences for the United States-Russia relationship…I don’t think we can shrug our shoulders and say this is how Putin is.”

9 thoughts on “Chuck Schumer Accuses Putin Of Helping Snowden: Seems ‘Eager To Put A Finger’ In Eye Of U.S.

  1. Is it a coincidence that the two US Senators raising the most hell about Snowden, Schumer and Feinstein, are also Jews and put service to Israel above their duty to ‘We the People?’

    1. No, Greg, not at all.
      Same with gun grabbing
      Same with foreign policy
      and on and on and on…

      They need to be stripped of all power in America before
      there is no America.


  2. Russia, China and Amerika are all involved in the creation of this NWO system and are all playing according to their game plan to accomplish this goal. If Snowden were to ultimately end up in Cuba, he would be right where they wanted him to be……Guantanamo!!!! They play this game to give the illusion of separation of Governments and eventually you will fall for this idea that Russia and/or China will rescue you from this evil dictatorship being created in Amerika. This is NOT going to be the case. They will arrive here as the final stage to kill Amerikans to make it look like the US Government is not involved in this staged event.

  3. Schumer, you scum!

    YOU, and the rest of the demon horde in D.C. ARE the ones that poked the finger in the eye of THE People!

    Fact is, you are so scared of us, that you’ll do anything to beat us down.
    Why are you scared? What are you scared of?

    1. Your statement seems damned funny to me. Ya see karin, there is not one country in this world that isn`t chem trailed. Also the NWO has F`ed with every country in this world as far as what I understand. NWO has to be eliminated as there is no bargaining with them that would be considered fair. NWO doesn`t know the meaning of fair play.

  4. “That’s not how allies should treat one another, and I think it will have serious consequences for the United States-Russia relationship…I don’t think we can shrug our shoulders and say this is how Putin is.”

    What freakin’ planet is this moron living on? The so-called ‘government’ of this country is on the brink of invading Syria (at Israhell’s behest, of course), after which Iran will be the next order of business on the agenda. Since Russia is allied with both of those countries, how does this @sswipe figure they’re this country’s allies?

    Stupid appears to be running rampant in D.C. these days.

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