Climate Of Fear Is Becoming A Reality In America Just As It Did In The Soviet Union & Nazi Germany.

America Climate Of FearMilitia News – by Michael Connelly 

It seems that the scandals just keep on coming. First, Americans are abandoned to die in a terrorist attack in Benghazi and the American people are lied to about the attack by the President and members of his cabinet. All of the facts are still unknown and the cover up continues.

Then we learn that one of the most powerful and feared government agencies, the IRS, used its power to deny tax exempt status to hundreds of conservative and religious groups in order to protect the Democrats and influence the outcome of the 2010 and 2012 election cycles. The IRS also abused its power by using illegal and unconstitutional tactics to intimidate the organizations, their members, and contributors and to target other individuals and companies that it perceived as enemies of Obama. Again, many of the facts are still unknown, but this is clearly a violation of the First Amendment right of free speech.   

Right on the heels of the IRS scandal came the revelations that the Justice Department was illegally obtaining the phone records of reporters to find out who they might be talking to when investigating the administration. When questioned about this by a Congressional Committee Eric Holder did what the members of this administration do best, he lied. Obama feigned indignation over the whole matter and then took “decisive” action by telling Eric Holder to investigate himself. So much for the freedom of the press guaranteed by the First Amendment.

Of course that was just the beginning because the hits just keep on coming. Americans are now learning that the National Security Agency (NSA) that has the task of protecting us from terrorists and other enemies is now spying on all of us simply because we are Americans. They are gathering our phone records, reading our emails, and gathering data about every aspect of our lives. All to be stored for future use.

While all of this was breaking, the VA has been depriving our military veterans of their Second and Fifth Amendment rights under the Constitution, and the Pentagon has been threatening active duty members of the military with punishment for practicing their religion, (unless it is Islam of course), or exercising their right to freedom of speech. Not to be outdone, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has turned over the names, addresses, and other private information of over 80,000 American farm families to radical environmental groups that want to put these farms out of business.

If you think closely about all of these so called scandals, they have one common denominator; all of these actions by our government are designed to make us afraid of it. They are meant to induce a climate of fear that has been the major strategy for every dictatorship in history. Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin were masters at it and the people in Cuba, China, Iran and other countries still live in this climate.

The philosophy is simple, if people know they are being monitored and that everything they say or do is subject to government scrutiny and possible punishment for any transgressions they commit, they will alter their behavior to conform to the wishes of the dictatorship. In Obamaland that means that the news media will stop investigating his scandals because reporters and their sources are afraid of retaliation by the Justice Department.

People will stop speaking out against Obama, forming groups to influence elections, or contributing to conservative groups and candidates for fear of retaliation by the IRS. Veterans will stop seeking treatment from the VA because they don’t want to be declared incompetent and lose their rights to own a firearm. Americans will be afraid to say what they believe in emails or on the phone and even be fearful of calling their elected representatives.

Worst of all is that as a result of Benghazi members of the military and the diplomatic service will be aware that no one has got their back. They can be sacrificed at any time for the personal political aspirations of this President.

I have come to the conclusion that none of this is an accident. Unfortunately for America, Obama is neither stupid nor incompetent. He is an elitist and a narcissist who knows exactly what he is doing, and it is only going to get worse. We now have Obamacare and the same people in the IRS, DOJ, etc. who have attacked our basic freedoms will now control our access to medical care.

The climate of fear is becoming a reality in the United States of America just as it did in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. The difference is that if we recognize it for what it is and Obama for what he is we are still in a position to resist. If that means taking to the streets in massive protests or even forming neighborhood groups to protect ourselves and our homes then so be it.

Our founding fathers gave their all to give us this Constitution and our freedoms, and generations of Americans have given their best and brightest to do battle to defend them. We can do nothing less.

3 thoughts on “Climate Of Fear Is Becoming A Reality In America Just As It Did In The Soviet Union & Nazi Germany.

  1. If Obama thinks all his monitoring is going to implement fear in me and stop me and my freedom of speech, he’s got another thing coming. HAHAAHA!!! What a joke! I laugh at the thought. Bring it on, you Satanic psychopath. I and most Americans eat fear for breakfast.

    If he thinks the fact that he is announcing to the country that he is spying on us is supposed to make us succumb to fear and his tyranny, then he obviously doesn’t know true spirit of Americans that well. (Of course he doesn’t anyways because he is not from this country) He should know based on American history alone that the more he or anyone else asserts their control on us, the more we will REBEL!!! It only feeds our hunger for Freedom and Liberty!

    As Princess Leia says to Governor Tarkin in “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope”

    “Princess Leia: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.””

    The same is said with us Americans. Read it and weep, Obama! The more you tighten you grip, the more Americans will slip through your fingers of control and rebel right back at you in full force!

    Death to the International corporate mafia! Death to the NWO! WE THE PEOPLE WILL PREVAIL!!!

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