Cop Seizes Woman’s iPad For Recording And Won’t Return It

Ingenious Press

A woman was recording with her iPad at a Pennsylvania township meeting. This is completely legal under PA’s Sunshine Act, specifically section 711. While at this meeting, a policeman confiscated her iPad because she was recording, and would neither return it or issue a receipt for her illegally seized property. When the woman and several other people peacefully confront the officer outside the township building over returning what she rightfully owns, he threatens her with arrest if she does not leave, and that in his own words the iPad is “mine for the time being”.

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6 thoughts on “Cop Seizes Woman’s iPad For Recording And Won’t Return It

  1. This cop is such a fat pig. Didn’t I see him being roasted in Lord of the Flies? He’ll be the first to run when the SHTF, I guarantee it. He has no control over anything. Not even his fat donuty ass.

    1. Now that I watched the video clip, I think I’d enjoy whacking that fat bastard across the head with a golf club.

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