5 thoughts on “Cops or Soldiers? America’s Police Have Become Too Militarised

  1. They can call them whatever they want, but it’s a fact that they train in military tactics, utilize military equipment, they are full aggressive just as military are. They look military they act military they talk military. My grandmother used to say ” if you look out in a field and you see something that looks like a horse, it moves like a horse, and it sounds like a horse it probably a horse”.

  2. “Cops or Soldiers? America’s Police Have Become Too Militarised”


    They’re overpaid corporate mercenaries.

    As well as murderers.

  3. As it is with any military group, when they are no longer needed, the soldiers will be retired… one way or another. We see it happening in the top ranks of all Armed Services — the SWAT Police Force will be no exception.

    To James at 6:30AM — “NWO,you need to add also they are “Targets” to that list.”
    You are correct, James. The SWAT police act like military soldiers and will face the same consequences as military soldiers.

    “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” — Henry Kissinger

    So, to update Henry K. : Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign and DOMESTIC POLICIES.

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