Cornell University sees significant rise in COVID-19 ‘cases’ despite 95% jab rate

LifeSiteNews – by Kenton Biffert

ITHACA, New York (LifeSiteNews) — An Ivy League university with a 95% jab rate has five times as many COVID-19 positives in its opening week as it did before the “vaccine” rollout.  

Cornell University, which has a population of around 40,000, was declared a “yellow zone” after their first week of classes because 322 people there tested positive for the coronavirus during the opening “surveillance testing.” 

“Surveillance testing” at Cornell involves testing healthy individuals without symptoms for COVID-19 in order to quarantine them and stop them from spreading the coronavirus. However, whether or not people who have no symptoms of the coronavirus can actually spread the germ is still a matter of open debate.

During the first week of classes this year, 95% of those tested had both COVID shots. However, last year during the same period, before the rollout of the experimental medical products, five times fewer positive coronavirus cases were recorded.  

This year, during the first week of classes, August 27, 2021 – September 2, 2021, testing was mandatory. The results of the testing showed a positivity rate of 1.19%.  

The rest is here: LifeSiteNews


3 thoughts on “Cornell University sees significant rise in COVID-19 ‘cases’ despite 95% jab rate

  1. this is the shit that dont make sense to their narrative

    high vaxx rates, and even higher infection rates than this time last year ..should open a lot of eyes —– youd think

  2. nobody is found dead of corona in their homes….no one dead behind the wheel of their car…no one dead walking down the street ..etc etc..
    they all die at the hospitals…

    let that sink in

  3. nobody is found dead of corona in thier homes….no one dead behind the wheel of thier car…no one dead walking down the street ..etc etc..
    they all die at the hospitals…

    In the Hospitals

    let that sink in

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