Councils can BULLDOZE contaminated homes and crush cars as a last resort under new laws to stop second wave of coronavirus

Daily Mail

Councils and public health officials have the power to demolish buildings and even homes infected with coronavirus, it has emerged.

As a last resort for preventing the spread of the disease, powers granted to local authorities – with the permission of a magistrate – could see anything from a car to a train destroyed. 

The revelation comes as Boris Johnson remains determined to avoid a second nationwide lockdown at all costs, and has chosen to empower councils to properly enforce localised lockdowns.

In the recently published COVID-19 contain framework guide, local decision making related to the disease is placed in the hands of Directors of Public Health, supported by council chief executives.

The document makes reference to several pieces of legislation they can call upon, including the Health Protection Regulations 2020, which passed in July, which can force business premises to close and also restrict events.

Among the most powerful laws councils could take advantage of is the Public Health (Control of Disease Act) 1984, giving the power to destroy buildings.

The law says: ‘Local authorities can make an application to a Justice of the Peace in the Magistrates’ Court to impose restrictions or requirements to close contaminated premises; close public spaces in the area of the local authority; detain a conveyance or movable structure; disinfect or decontaminate premises; or order that a building, conveyance or structure be destroyed.’

This could mean factories or care homes which were the locations of super-spreading events could be destroyed as a last resort if councils do not believe they are safe environments.

The rest of the legislation stretches from the Food Safety Act 1990 to The Health Protection (Local Authority Powers) Regulations 2010.

On top of these powers, local authorities may also seek support from ministers to close or limit schools to set year groups attendance, to cancel or place restrictions on organised events or gatherings, or to close premises.

6 thoughts on “Councils can BULLDOZE contaminated homes and crush cars as a last resort under new laws to stop second wave of coronavirus

  1. What about just leaving the structure alone for 13 days – the Wunhan Corona Virus not being able to survive on surfaces that long. Probably a lot cheaper than rebuilding any structures. That is, unless, the local authorities are just interested in taking possession of the left over abandoned property.

  2. Though this is in the UK, I hear the scream of our 4th Article. Man, this is next level tyranny. They will use any tactic to unseat humanity. We are humans jus’ tryin’ to live. To mess with the nest is to mess with the right arm of the human experience. Next to my body, my house is my most personal possession. Invade me not, you bastards.


  3. They’re using this power to tear down and rebuild to keep the economy going, using covid 19 as the out or excuse.

    This is about raw Jew mason power, nothing more. Keeping the corrupt gears turning. Only certain companies get the contracts.Same O’ same O’ .

    All of our lives this SHIT has been going on.

  4. Wow! They just grant themselves power now.

    Ok then, I grant myself the power to get rid of tyranny. How about that?

  5. This has nothing to do with COVID but everything to do with putting military on the streets. Trump just made it official.

    He’s following the Chinese playbook of government tyranny. This is what they do to innocent people in China, people. Those who refuse to obey get bulldozed by a construction gang of thugs, secretly paid off by the local Communist officials in power.

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