Crisis Actor Angel Colon UNBELIEVABLE BULLSHIT STORY – Orlando Pulse Shooting Hoax

Published on Jun 16, 2016 by New World Agenda

Special thanks to Pat Jack.
MUST WATCH: Injured Orlando Shooting Victim Angel Colon Recalls Details of Horrific Night…
Orlando Shooting Survivor | Shot 3 Times, Saved by Police…
The gun the Orlando shooter used was a Sig Sauer MCX, not an AR-15. That doesn’t change much.…
Angel Colon: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know…
Orlando Injuries Were Severe, but Trauma Care Was Nearby…

19 thoughts on “Crisis Actor Angel Colon UNBELIEVABLE BULLSHIT STORY – Orlando Pulse Shooting Hoax

  1. lol. I’m a fairly average strong guy and if I had been shot four times and survived I wouldn’t be giving a press conference a couple of days later. I’d be all laid back in my hospital bed rockin a morphine drip.

    Super faggot! up up and away!!

  2. “The shotgun.” “I heard the shotgun.” “The Shotgun.” See what is going on here? Not only is this guy the worst crisis actor the world has ever known, but the narrative is changing: now, it’s SHOTGUNS that are bad, evil and need to be banned. I have only been able to watch about six minutes of this video and it dawned on me how the scumbags are changing the narrative of this hoax.
    The Shotgun.

  3. “Angel Colon” — LOL! Could that possibly be his birth name? Sounds like the stage name of a gay porn actor.

  4. Not sure when the second interview was done with this dirtbag, but where are his IV’s? Where is any medication? Here’s a personal story: I had internal bleeding in 2014. I was in the ICU and needed eight units of blood. That shit took at least 24 hours, if not more, to be pumped into me. They are not even trying to hide the bullshit anymore.

  5. Wow! This guys seems to be in great shape after being shot just days before in the leg 3 times with shattered bones. He almost seems like a basketball player who just tore a ligament in his leg and giving a press conference about when he’ll be back in the game. Does he even know how to act as a person who just got shot 3 times in the leg? Strong or not, you’d be in the hospital on morphine for days or at least show signs of agonizing pain every now and then when talking and not acting like it’s just another day at school. In addition to that, if you were talking about the incident itself, you’d be still traumatized and have trouble talking about the incident without your nerves being shaken up inside.

    This guy ought to be hung for high treason and be really shot in the leg 3 times beforehand to let him know what it REALLY feels like to be shot. Sick son of a bitch. I just don’t understand how people like this can live with themselves 😡

  6. “Yeah, I was just hangin’, lookin’ for some rocks and this ass with a gun **cked up my score!” So they offered me this gig, it’s mo money than I ever been paid and I’d be flyin’ high tonight!” Pathetic!

  7. He said he got shot in the hand while trying to block his face from the shotgun pellets?

    Seriously? How does he have a hand? Did someone invent an all new body part growth technology that I’m not aware of that can re-grow a body part in less than 24 hours?

    Maybe he’s secretly an alien like this guy in Men in Black.

    And not one scratch, cut or scar on his face?

    He must have the X-genes of Wolverine to heal that quick because anyone else would be scarred for life. Literally. Along with bandages over his face. This guy is squeaky clean. It’s hilarious.

  8. “don’t carry me, I’m in pain right now (8:55)… but I don’t feel pain (9:34) we’re all in pain (9:45)”

    [right now] my dogs don’t feel pain, but they feel hungry. I must feed them.

  9. Hahahaha! They even have Orlando Shooting t-shirts being worn just 2 days later in the video. This is just absolutely hilarious. You’d think they were in a championship game with pre-made T-shirts for whichever team won. What a joke.

  10. Oh boy, now some fag is flooding ISIS social media accounts with pornography. I don’t know what to think, I suppose they could close their eyes and dream of ole’ sheepherding days.

    That’s how we fight ISIS now! We flood them with pornography to confuse them. Now, it’s a toss up! Chase sheep or go to sleep.

    1. I’m not sure how that is supposed to offend isis, half of them probably are homos, they sure as he’ll are not religious. They ‘re just hired thugs.

  11. Hey, let’s stage a false terror attack to raise money. 8 million already raised for the so-called victims in the Orlando staged event. When can I expect my check for being a victim of this falsehood?

    Just another example of people putting their stupidity on parade. 8 F’N million dollars, soon to be over 100 million of stupidity, bought and paid for.

  12. This ridiculous interview is something we should celebrate. If this was on TV, another million people just figured out it was a hoax.

    He used his hand to block a shotgun blast to the face two days prior, and neither his hand nor face have a scratch on them.

    That’s rich.

  13. and to know that it was hilary that shut down the investigation into the mosque that bred both the san bernadino shooters and this orlando one. this again is not a lone wolf attack.

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