Cuban Scientists Treat Cancer With Scorpion Venom

Published on Oct 1, 2012 by NTDTV

Scientists in Cuba find a new way to treat cancer — using scorpion venom…

Full story:

Cuban scientists are researching a range of cancer treatments based on scorpion venom.

The venom is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect, and may even shrink tumors or inhibit their growth.

Last year, the state-run pharmaceutical firm LABIOFAM Business Group launched a homeopathic medicine based on the scorpion venom.

[Niudis Cruz, LABIOFAM Business Group, Doctor]:
“It improves and alleviates symptoms that come with cancer, such as pain, inflammation and loss of appetite, depending on the general state of their illness.”

The product is currently licensed for sale in parts of Latin America and China.

In Europe it is still awaiting approval, but has already attracted attention.

[Antonio Fraga, LABIOFAM Business Group, Director]:
“In places where it isn’t on sale yet, people are coming here for it — in significant numbers. So far, about 35,000 Italians have flown to Cuba to buy the product.”

A series of scorpion farms have now opened across Cuba.

About one liter of venom can be produced on each farm per month, enough to produce 100,000 bottles of medicine.

Research projects in the U.S., Israel, Iran and China are also looking at various applications for scorpion venom, including pesticides, painkillers, and treatments for arthritis and cancer.

At a recent symposium in Havana, LABIOFAM presented details of its latest pre-clinical trials on a range of new venom-based medicines.

Pharmaceutical-grade drugs need much more rigorous testing than homeopathic products.

Full clinical trials are due to begin shortly.

One thought on “Cuban Scientists Treat Cancer With Scorpion Venom

  1. Have my doubts about this one, although anything’s possible.

    Just the same, I’ll stick with my apricot kernels.

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