Canada Free Press – by Doug Hagmann

As noted in my June 7, 2013 report titled DHS Insider: It’s about to get very ugly, the additional information provided to me that was temporarily withheld from publication is now being released. The methodical and incremental release of information was (and is) deliberate, to allow other things to play out, such as the public exposure to the name Edward Snowden and his revelations regarding just how extensive the domestic surveillance apparatus is—and who the surveillance is actually targeting.   Continue reading “More DHS insider from DC”

jerry brownMoonbattery

Uh oh. California is drowning in red ink:

A financial report issued by state auditors finds that the state of California is in the red by an unsustainable $127.2 billion.   Continue reading “As California Sinks Into Debt, Governor Brown & Co. Give Themselves Raises”

Desert Peace

Sixty years ago today, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were legally murdered by the United States government. Today, their children see that horror as a force for good …

Today, the US government asserts that danger from the international terrorist conspiracy and their weapons of mass destruction justifies massive surveillance, indefinite detention and even torture. Authorities say we must guard national secrets even more securely to avoid destruction. Today, the issues raised by the Rosenberg case resonate from the Oval Office of the White House to Bradley Manning, who is being tried under the Espionage Act of 1917, as were Ethel and Julius.   Continue reading “Rosenberg Children Speak of their Parent’s Execution 60 Years Ago”

Bob Owens

I first personally heard of American Spirit Arms when they joined the boycott of New York over their implementation of the blatantly unconstitutional NY SAFE Act. I was unaware (until a few weeks ago) just how much an outspoken and advocate for liberty ASA’s Joe Sirochman was until a few weeks ago, when I stumbled across his videodiscussing a “high-capacity” firearm that I’d never heard of before. I’ve been using his argument online since then, but forgot to post the link for you guys.   Continue reading ““High-capacity” firearms: as old as America itself.”

Post image for Attempted Land Grab Ends With Voters Booting Entire City CouncilReason – by J.D. Tuccille

Government officials like to use eminent domain for the convenience of their preferred policies and/or the enrichment of themselves and their buddies. Usually, they get away with it, because the folks on the receiving end are too few and powerless to hold their tormentors to account. In Hackensack, New Jersey, however, the officials who targeted Michael Monaghan’s property for seizure as part of an “area in need of redevelopment,”  even while denying him the right to develop it himself, pushed too many people around, too often. Last month, voters booted out the entire city council.   Continue reading “Attempted Land Grab Ends With Voters Booting Entire City Council”

(Image credit: Spinstah/Flickr)End the Lie – by Madison Ruppert

In yet another instance of a report indicating that tech giants worked directly with intelligence agencies to enable government surveillance, it is now being reported that Skype began a secret program called Project Chess to enable intelligence agencies and law enforcement to easily get a hold of calls.

This comes after it was revealed that Skype was part of the massive National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program known as PRISM.   Continue reading “Project Chess: Skype’s secret program aimed at making calls readily available to intelligence agencies”

Story ImageRed Dirt Report – by Andrew W. Griffin

OKLAHOMA CITY – Talk to any journalist, particularly after they’ve had a few drinks at the bar, and ask them if they are ever nervous or concerned when going up against great power. At first they will probably say “nah, I’m a reporter. I’m just doing my job and they know that.” But if you really press them on the topic – particularly after that third or fourth drink – and they will begin to admit that, yeah, taking on the powerful is a bit stressful and, perhaps, dangerous.   Continue reading “Hastings’ death in fiery car crash is just the latest in a growing list of dead investigative journos”

Reuters / Jim Urquhart RT News

The scandal over illegal data interception by US security services questions the correlation between the US and international law, and senior Russian officials are calling for an urgent update in Russian legislation in response.

Russia will not ignore the actions of the US authorities who had admitted leaks of personal data of Russian citizens to which the US security services had access, the Foreign Ministry’s plenipotentiary for human rights, Konstantin Dolgov, said at a special meeting initiated by the Upper House of the Russian parliament.   Continue reading “Russia promises legal action over NSA surveillance scandal”

The Independent – by ALISTAIR DAWBER

The West may be flip-flopping over whether or not to send lethal arms to the Syria rebels, but that has not stopped a 12-day military exercise in Jordan, in which thousands of troops from a variety of countries are preparing for the possibility of fighting in Syria. The war games come to an end tomorrow.

With more than half a million Syrian refugees having already crossed into Jordan, the Kingdom has for some time been worried that civil war in Syria could seep across its border. The exercises, which have been guided by the American military, are the latest stage of Amman’s preparation for eventually being sucked into the conflict. The US has already deployed patriot missile systems in Jordan, near the Syrian border.   Continue reading “8,000 troops from 19 countries join Jordan ‘war games’ in readiness for spreading Syria conflict”

Living Not Surviving – by Ahmed Serag

Despite the near 17 TRILLION dollars in debt this country already has, and the complete failure of federal bailout programs throughout recent and past decades, and despite the Congress of the United States being on the brink of passing an unfunded 1 TRILLION dollar farm bill-which the house thankfully just rejected 234-195-the United States Department of Agriculture has announced it will be spending 38 million dollars on a preventative sugar bailout, thanks to information gathered by the Star Tribune   Continue reading “USDA Announces 38 Million Dollar Sugar Bailout to Prevent Big Sugar Bailout”

Illinois State Rifle AssociationAmmoLand

Illinois –( As many of you know, gun-grabbing New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has kicked off a 100-day bus tour around the United States for the purpose of bullying state legislators into taking your guns away from you.

Illinois is on the list of states included in the bus tour, but Bloomberg is too chicken to announce where in Illinois he will be or when.   Continue reading “Pro 2A Forces Mobilize Against Bloomberg’s Anti Freedom Bus Tour in Illinois”

Coyote Prime – by Bill Bonner

“Travel is tiring. Often, it’s our laptop computer that shows the signs of fatigue first. Yesterday, it got fed up and refused to deliver the mail. We could neither send nor receive mail… neither from our laptop nor from our iPhone, which normally accesses our email account.

We should have been delighted. We were in Ireland. Now we had an excuse not to work. We could pay attention to our surroundings… and enjoy them. But with no means to contact the outside world, we grew anxious. Who was trying to contact us? What important messages were we missing? And who was monkeying around with our email account? The root of the problem was that our email provider had noticed some strange behavior. We were apparently using our account from two places at once. It looked as though we were in Ireland and in the US at the same time. The provider suspected that our account had been hacked. It simply shut down the service.   Continue reading “How to Disappear Without a Trace”

Barack – by Kent Faulk

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama – A Birmingham man was sentenced this morning to 12 months in prison for his guilty plea to a charge of threatening the life of President Barack Obama through a Twitter message.

U.S. District Court Judge Lynwood Smith also ordered that Jarvis M. Britton serve three years under the supervision of the U.S. Probation Office after his release, , according to the U.S. Attorneys Office.. Today’s hearing was held in Huntsville.   Continue reading “Birmingham man who tweeted threat about President Obama sentenced to serve year in prison”

Reporter Michael Hastings died in a fiery auto accident in Hollywood, Calif., on Tuesday, and conspiracy theorists are saying the journalist’s death could be a government hit.What Really Happened – by James

CIA Assassin’s Manual:

“For secret assassination, either simple or chase, the contrived accident is the most effective technique. When successfully executed, it causes little excitement and is only casually investigated.”   Continue reading “Cars are arguably one of the softest targets when it comes to assassinations and kidnappings”


The reason the media conspicuously played down the lurid and highly newsworthy Kermit Gosnell baby abattoir trial is that it is heavily invested in the political success of Barack Obama. Don’t get the connection? Maybe this will help:

Despite passing the U.S. House of Representatives, a bill to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy faces an uncertain future as President Obama’s administration has suggested that he will veto it.   Continue reading “Obama to Veto Bill That Would Prevent Dismembering Babies Old Enough to Feel Pain”

This weekend's Washington Arms Collectors' Puyallup gun show could draw a crowd like this one in January, as the I-591 signature drive kicks off.Examiner – by Dave Workman

Within hours of yesterday’s announcement that Washington State gun rights leaders weremounting a defense against a big-money gun control initiative launched last week, the well-funded Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) was crying foul in a blanket e-mail appealing for more money to pad its $1 million-plus war chest.

In the process, to the amusement of local rights advocates, the e-mail demonized and blamed the National Rifle Association for the counter-attack, and so far, the NRA hasn’t uttered a peep publicly about the initiative, nor has it announced any financial backing.   Continue reading “Gun control Goliath cries foul as David fights back”