obama-brownshirt1Liberty Endanger – by CDP

When Obama uttered those words, “..fundamentally transform America” I knew he meant it. It was Obama himself who stated (emphases added), “As radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least, as it’s been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the States can’t do to you; says what the Federal Government can’t do to you, but doesn’t state what the Federal government or State Government must do on your behalf.” (Barack Obama, June 18, 2001). Continue reading “Obama’s Dystopia”

The Last Resistance – by Mark Horne

Remember Blackwater from Iraq? Sure you do. In fact, the company has been worried about what you would remember. So they changed their corporate name from Blackwater to Xe Services and then to Academi. But they are still the same private freelance military—guns for hire.

Recently there was a news story that the Greek Parliament has hired them as bodyguards. In fact, even though the story just made some news in the US, it has been going on all month, and was reported by the Canadian media but was ignored elsewhere. Wikipedia has an un-footnoted description: Continue reading “Have Greek Politicians Hired Foreign Mercenaries For Protection From The Greek People?”

Utah Second Amendment Preservation Act Blocked by Committee ChairmanThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

The Judiciary Committee of the Utah House of Representatives met Tuesday morning and there was one bill that curiously dropped from the agenda: House Bill 114.

House Bill 114 is the Utah Second Amendment Preservation Act and, if enacted, would prosecute “anyone attempting to enforce federal laws” restricting the right of Utahans to keep and bear arms. Continue reading “Utah Second Amendment Preservation Act Blocked by Committee Chairman”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

HAARP has set its sights upon ‘Middle America’ and with HAARP Frequency Magnitude readings between 7 and 10, is it any wonder that ‘The Blizzard of Oz’ is delivering havoc and deadly snow upon America’s ‘breadbasket’ states? At least 3 people have died as the result of these latest storms to hit middle America. According to HAARPStatus.com, frequency magnitude readings in the chart above can be read as follows: Continue reading “HAARP Attack On Middle America Brings ‘Blizzard Of Oz’ To Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma & Missouri”

Red Ice Creations – by Anon

The Big Picture

For several years now there has been a dramatic loss of bees in Europe and North America. As many as 50% to 90% of the bee populations have simply vanished. This is a big deal.

Bees are a keystone species – they are vital to the food chain on our planet. An
international study of 115 food crops grown in over 200 countries showed that 75% of crops are pollinated by animals, especially by bees. Continue reading “Bayer CropScience and Bee Deaths”

NewOrleansWND – by Bob Unruh

Is it possible – or even imaginable – that in the United States of America, police could go door to door and confiscate citizens’ legally owned firearms?

To many, such a concern is conspiratorial and evidence of paranoia. They might be surprised to learn that not only has outright gun confiscation of legally purchased weapons already occurred in a major way in the U.S., but public officials in some areas are right now attempting to pass legislation to allow more of the same. Continue reading “See Police Confiscate Guns From Americans”

The Tenth Amendment Center

Introduced in the California State Assembly this month is a bill that would oppose and nullify “indefinite detention” under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012.

Sponsored by Assemblyman Tim Donnelly of the 33rd District, Assembly Bill 351 (AB351) states in part:

“Sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Public Law 112-81), and the enforcement of those actions, are illegal within this state.” Continue reading “California Bill Would Nullify NDAA “Indefinite Detention””


BOWLING GREEN – In a stunning move last week, four states, Indiana, Colorado, Montana and Arizona, successfully advanced anti-NDAA legislation. The goal for each bill is to protect the people of that state from indefinite detention under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012. Continue reading “Four States Advance Legislation to Block NDAA Indefinite Detention”

LA Synced Traffic SignalsAuto Blog – by Zach Bowman

Los Angeles is moving forward with a plan to ease traffic congestion by synchronizing all of the city’s 4,398 stoplights. While smaller municipalities have followed similar plans in the past, LA is the first major city to take a stab at getting all of its lights to play nice together. If it works, the new system could increase average traffic speeds by 16 percent and reduce travel times by 12 percent. We imaging reducing the amount of time cars spend idling at a stop light should help reduce fuel consumption by a decent margin as well. Continue reading “LA traffic lights get in sync to ease congestion”

Steve Qualye Alerts

I woke up and thought, I think I will go to the bank today and see the gold coins my grandpa gave me about 15 yrs ago, as its been about two years now since I have been to the Bank Box.

So, when I got there the bank manager asks me, “How are you today, Mr Jones?”

“I am fine, I would like to see my bank box, please.”

Senior Officer: “Okay Mr Jones, this way.” Continue reading “If you keep gold coins in a safe deposit box, you may already be too late”

New York Post – by DAVID SEIFMAN, City Hall Bureau Chief

What’s good for the city would be good for the state, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday, recommending that his ban on jumbo-sized sugary drinks be expanded beyond the five boroughs.

Under a new law that takes effect March 12, restaurants and other food establishments regulated by the city’s Health Department are not going to be allowed to sell sugary sodas in sizes larger than 16 ounces. Continue reading “Bloomberg: Expand soda ban statewide”

The Organic Prepper

By all public appearance, New York City’s billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg is very concerned about the health of his citizens.  My goodness, he outlawed big sugary drinks, he required that chain restaurants list the nutritional data of their offerings and he even put baby formula under lock and key in NYC hospitals in an attempt to shame mothers into breast-feeding regardless of their personal opinions on the matter.  He has even shared his “agenda” (more on this in a minute) with the public, letting everyone know how noble his intentions are: Continue reading “Taking Some of the “Bloom” Off Bloomberg”

assault weaponsUnited Liberty – by Jason Pye

If state legislators in Oregon have their way, certain gun owners will be subject to warrantless searches by police. That’s right, legislators in these two states have proposed bills that would rob these individuals of their rights simply because they happen to own an “assault weapon.”

Last week, I noted that legislators in Washington had proposed a bill that would allow for warrantless searches of gun owners who happen to own an “assault weapon.” That specific part was eventually removed after it was pointed out to the bill’s backers, who had apparently not taken it upon themsevles to read what they were proposing. Continue reading “Oregon legislators ignore Fourth Amendment to target gun owners”

imageDarker Net

Blackwater mercenaries are currently overseeing the police in Greece as rumours of a coup abound. We understand the situation is extremely tense and that the mercenaries are there mainly to protect the Government and parliament should trouble break out either in the form of a revolution or counter-revolution. Already, a destabilization plot involving the far-right and police has been uncovered.  Continue reading “Greece: Blackwater mercenaries guarding Govt and overseeing police; coup feared”