They were Snowden before Snowden, except no one ever knew who they were until now. Five of the eight burglars who ultimately helped take down J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI domestic surveillance machine have revealed themselves.

The burglars revealed themselves ahead of a new book released Tuesday detailing the daring raid in the midst of the Vietnam War era – ‘The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI.’   Continue reading “1971 FBI burglars reveal themselves in new book”

Breitbart – by WYNTON HALL

Americans on main street may have a bleak outlook on the Obama economy in 2014, but President Barack Obama’s Wall Street campaign donors and friends are scoring record profits off the Obamacare debacle–a reality that may further complicate Democrats’ “income inequality” message when voters head to the polls in November.

The most recent Gallup poll finds that 56% of Americans believe the economy is getting worse. For Obama’s big money backers, however, the Obamacare fiasco has generated massive profits and contracts. In 2008, the healthcare industry contributed an astounding $22,471,562 to Obama–a sum nearly three times greater than it donated to his Republican challenger. Their “investment” paid off in 2013, as the healthcare sector index gained 37.5%, making it the S&P 500’s best-performing sector.    Continue reading “Obama Campaign Donors Bag Record Wall Street Profits”

Overcrowded PrisonEnd of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

Hearts in America are getting colder even faster than the weather is.  Sometimes it is hard to believe how twisted and deranged many Americans have become.  In order for a society to function efficiently, people need to be able to have a basic level of trust in one another.  Unfortunately, we are rapidly getting to the point in America where it is becoming very difficult to trust anyone that you do not know personally.  As you will see below, the United States is rapidly becoming a cesspool of liars, thieves, murderers, perverts and psychopaths.  Please do not allow any young children to read this article.  All of this material is from mainstream news reports, but a lot of it is too disturbing for young kids to be exposed to.    Continue reading “12 Signs Of Extreme Social Decay In America That Are Almost Too Horrible To Talk About”

Turner Radio Network

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been caught agreeing in writing to conceal information from the world about the extent of danger, damage and health effects at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster in Japan.  Turner Radio Network has obtained official copies of the agreements signed by the IAEA and the Fukui Prefectural Government as well as between the IAEA and Fukushima Medical University.  We have the agreements, now YOU have them too!   Continue reading “International Atomic Energy Agency Agreed in Writing to Conceal Fukushima Radiation Info from Public”

Before It’s News

After my last article I posted related to Chemtrails (HERE) and then after searching to see which sites picked up the article trying to discredit the facts I presented, I had to find even more HARD PROOF that can not be debunked. As if the previous article needed any more evidence anyway.

This below video is clear-as-a-bell footage PROVING they are spraying us like bugs. The spray coming out is clearly NOT coming from the jet engine.  Continue reading “Hard Proof! Chemtrails caught in the act.. This is Hard Evidence.. Undeniable!”

Sent to us by a reader.

Breitbart – by MANUEL VALDES, AP

A former community college professor who won a surprising citywide election was sworn in Monday as the first socialist City Council member in Seattle’s modern history.

Kshama Sawant of the Socialist Alternative party took her oath and served in her first hearing, then gave a speech to throngs of supporters in a ceremonial swearing-in at a packed City Hall.   Continue reading “Socialist Sworn in as Seattle City Council Member”

Gun Owners of America

GOA prepares legislation to block implementation

In a “Friday media dump” designed to conceal its actions by releasing them after the press has left town, the Obama administration last week announced its intention to push two regulations which would massively expand the federal gun bans imposed on Americans.

“SEE A SHRINK; LOSE YOUR GUNS”   Continue reading “Obama Proposes Massive Gun Ban by Regulation Fiat”

checkpointUSA Today – by Larry Copeland

A tactic used by the federal government to gather information for anti-drunken and drugged driving programs is coming under criticism in cities around the country, and some local police agencies say they will no longer take part.

The tactic involves a subcontractor for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that uses off-duty but uniformed police at voluntary roadside checkpoints where motorists are asked on their behavior behind the wheel. In some cases, workers at the checkpoints collect blood and saliva samples, in addition to breath samples. NHTSA has said previously that the surveys do not collect any DNA. Drivers are not charged at the checkpoints.   Continue reading “Voluntary government checkpoints spark backlash”

no nsaThe Daily Sheeple – by Kimberly Paxton

Nobody really likes the NSA.

That nosy organization that listens to our phone calls, documents our personal data, and compiles reams of “evidence” against nearly everyone in the country is the ugly redheaded stepchild of America. They have no respect for the American people and no regard for privacy. Their assault on our privacy was even backed up by a federal judge recently.   Continue reading “California has a New Plan to Fight Back Against the NSA: Cut Off Their Water Supply”

sandThe Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

Convicted scumbag child molester Jerry Sandusky is trying to get back the $4,900 a month pension he lost when he was sent to jail in October 2012 on 45 counts of child sexual abuse.

Sandusky testified today for nearly three hours before a hearing examiner who will decide if his pension should be reinstated.

The hearing focused on circumstances surrounding Sandusky’s retirement from the university in 1999 and the links between Penn State and The Second Mile charity for youth he founded.   Continue reading “Kiddie Perv Coach Sandusky Wants His Pension Back”

Seabrook-police-brutalityThe Daily Sheeple -by Kimberly Paxton

Do you think that cops are basically good guys with a few rotten apples?  While that theory is debatable, check out these guys from the bottom of the barrel in Seabrook, New Jersey.

Judging by the officers’ reactions, slamming a young man’s head into the wall so hard he staggers around afterwords is just hilarious. It’s a laugh a minute for these guys.  Who wouldn’t want such an amusing job?   Continue reading “This Shocking Video of Laughing NJ Cops Brutalizing a Young Prisoner Doesn’t Need Audio to Horrify You”

keith vidal killed by copHuffington Post – by Sebastian Murdock

A North Carolina teenager suffering from a schizophrenic episode was shot and killed by an officer only seconds after arriving on the scene, the man’s parents say.

Now, as the State Bureau of Investigation probes the case, an officer has been placed on paid administrative leave.

The parents of Keith Vidal, 18, called authorities Sunday afternoon to help restrain their mentally ill son. The teen’s stepfather, Mark Wilsey, said his stepson was holding a small screwdriver and threatening his mother during a schizophrenic episode, according to NBC News.   Continue reading “Keith Vidal, Teenager With Schizophrenia, Allegedly Shot, Killed By Officer”

Washington Post – by Bob Woodward

In a new memoir, former defense secretary Robert Gates unleashes harsh judgments about President Obama’s leadership and his commitment to the Afghanistan war, writing that by early 2010 he had concluded the president “doesn’t believe in his own strategy, and doesn’t consider the war to be his. For him, it’s all about getting out.”

Leveling one of the more serious charges that a defense secretary could make against a commander in chief sending forces into combat, Gates asserts that Obama had more than doubts about the course he had charted in Afghanistan. The president was “skeptical if not outright convinced it would fail,” Gates writes in “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War.”   Continue reading “Robert Gates, former defense secretary, offers harsh critique of Obama’s leadership in ‘Duty’”

Before It’s News

“It is easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them they have been fooled.”
-Mark Twain

Many Photos Inside Chemtrail Planes Here

After the post here by Live Free or Die and the Anonymous comments to it, I had to start a post with this info / video proving beyond doubt they are spraying us like bugs. It is incredible people are still so oblivious to what is going on. I mean, they clearly have an internet connection and access to find real news as we do because they are here making their sheeple comments to begin with.   Continue reading “No Doubt Chemtrail Proof. “For the Sheep Who Call Them Contrails!””

Before It’s News

Below is an interesting read I got from a friend who lives in California and his experience dealing with Obamacare. Which should be renamed to “DeathCare”. Also.. an eleven part video series exposing “DeathCare” as Evil. Many points are covered in this series leaving no doubt Obmacare is pure evil!

Worth the read.    Continue reading “OBAMACARE -Say No More! Aka: DeathCare”

This undated photo provided by Kentucky Department of Corrections, Robert Vick is shown. Authorities say Vick, an inmate, escaped from a minimum security facility in Lexington on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2014. As temperatures dropped into the low single digits Monday, they say he walked into a motel and asked the clerk to call police. Lexington police spokeswoman Sherelle Roberts says 42-year-old Vick of Hartford told the clerk he wanted to turn himself in and escape the arctic air. Roberts says Vick was checked out by paramedics and returned to Blackburn Correctional Complex. Wind chill readings were 20 below zero Monday in Lexington. (AP Photo/Kentucky Department of Corrections)Yahoo News

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Just how cold is it in Kentucky? Apparently cold enough for an escaped prisoner to decide to turn himself in.

Authorities said the inmate escaped from a minimum security facility in Lexington on Sunday. As temperatures dropped into the low single digits Monday, officials say the man walked into a motel and asked the clerk to call police.   Continue reading “Police: In cold, escaped inmate turns himself in”


Debo Adegbile, President Obama’s nominee to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, wants U.S. judges to ensure “customary international law” is “the law of the land.”

Adegbile also was party to an effort funded by billionaire George Soros to push for a new, “progressive” U.S. Constitution.   Continue reading “Obama DOJ pick: Global edict ‘law of the land’”