Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Experts say no link to Fukushima.

Following reports of abnormally high radiation readings on a beach in San Francisco, experts have discovered radiation hot spots measuring 1,400 per cent above normal background levels, although they are keen to stress there is no link to Fukushima.

As we reported on Monday, after a viral video emerged showing a man recording measurements of over 150 micro-REM per hour, 500 per cent normal background radiation, on a beach south of Pillar Point Harbor, San Mateo County officials confirmed the spike but said they were “befuddled” as to the cause.    Continue reading “1400% Radiation Hot Spot Found on San Francisco Beach”

Post image for What really causes heart disease?World Mysteries -by Dr. Dwight Lundell

We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.

I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled “opinion makers.” Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol.    Continue reading “What really causes heart disease?”

Protesters loyal to the Shi'ite al-Houthi rebel group burn an effigy of a U.S. aircraft during a demonstration to protest against what they say is U.S. interference in Yemen, including drone strikes (Reuters/Khaled Abdullah)RT News

The Obama administration has begun an internal investigation into a drone strike in Yemen that supposedly targeted an Al-Qaeda militant, but which locals say killed 12 and injured 14 others in a wedding party.

US officials acknowledged a rare internal review of a drone missile strike was launched following the Dec. 12 incident that sparked outrage in Yemen and throughout the world. The investigation of a drone strike is the first since President Obama issued new guidelines for unmanned vehicle offensive in May.   Continue reading “US launches probe into deadly ‘wedding party’ drone strike”

AFP Photo/Paul J. RichardsRT News

A US Navy official mistakenly forwarded an email to a local news reporter this week outlining the Navy’s method of avoiding the very Freedom of Information Act requests that reporter had filed.

Scott MacFarlane, a news reporter for NBC 4 in Washington, DC, had filed a FOIA request with the Navy in an attempt to compel authorities to turn over documents related to the Navy Yard shooting in September. MacFarlane was seeking memos written by higher-ups at Naval Sea Systems Command from September, October, and November 2013–messages sent by the same officials in the hours directly after the shooting occurred, and images of building 197 at the Navy Yard, where the gunman killed 12 people and injured three others.   Continue reading “Navy blunders in sending reporter details on how to avoid his FOIA request”

U.S. Navy photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman/Alex Evers/Handout via ReutersRT News

Reporters seeking information on US drone safety and crash data were told by Defense Department officials that multiple searches have turned up nothing, indicating the Pentagon is either refusing to turn over records or it has failed to collect them.

The Defense Department (DoD) provided a report to Congress in January that promised to address the challenges faced by unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The department not only oversees the military drones that buzz over the tribal regions of Pakistan and Yemen, but also test by the National Guard and other agencies that fly over the continental US.   Continue reading “Pentagon unable to provide records on drone crashes”

Job seekers prepare for career fair to open at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey (Reuters / Mike Segar)RT News

In an effort to extend benefits to over one million Americans whose emergency unemployment coverage expired, a White House economic adviser said there is a 3-to-1 ratio in the number of unemployed looking for jobs.

Gene Sperling, leading economic adviser to President Obama and director of the National Economic Council, is pushing to renew the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, which provided benefits to some 1.3 Americans before it was abruptly terminated on Dec. 28.    Continue reading “Three unemployed Americans for every one job opening, admits Obama adviser”

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Alaskans know a thing or two about handling day-to-day activities in freezing temperatures, where below-zero rarely means staying inside. While people in the Lower 48 are shivering in Alaska-like temperatures this week, residents of the coldest state offer these five tips:

1. LESS IS MORE, IF LAYERED Piling on more clothes is not the best way to stay warm, said Staff Sgt. Zachary McGee, a Kentucky native who is a senior instructor at the U.S. Army’s Northern Warfare Training Center in Fairbanks. More clothes cause a person to sweat, and once you stop moving the moisture freezes. Instead, the secret is to dress in layers.   Continue reading “Alaskans offer tips on surviving below-zero temps”


An upcoming app for Android, iOS, and Google Glass called NameTag will allow you to photograph strangers and find out who they are — complete with social networking and online dating profiles.

“People will soon be able to login to and choose whether or not they want their name and information displayed to others,” he said. “It’s not about invading anyone’s privacy; it’s about connecting people that want to be connected. We will even allow users to have one profile that is seen during business hours and another that is only seen in social situations.”    Continue reading “A new app called NameTag will match a strangers picture to their online profiles”

World Events and the Bible

(VideoUSA Watchdog) – Economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “We have a situation where all the markets are rigged.  All the markets are manipulated.”  As an example, Dr. Roberts points to the stock market.  Dr. Roberts contends, “We have a stock market at all-time highs, and where is the economy?  There’s not one.  There’s no recovery.”  Dr. Roberts goes on to say, “53% of Americans earn less than $30,000 per year.  Well, the poverty rate for a family of four is something like $24,000. . . . If there is no income to drive the economy and there is no credit expansion to drive the economy, then how does it go anywhere?  You can’t possibly have a recovery.”   Continue reading “Dr. Paul Craig Roberts-U.S. Markets Rigged by its Own Authorities–It Blows the Mind”

World Events and the Bible

(Infowars) – A school teacher told a first grader that “Jesus is not allowed in school” while tearing off messages reciting a religious legend that the student attached to candy canes he brought for his class, a non-profit group claims.

Each candy cane that first grader Isaiah Martinez brought for his classmates at Merced Elementary came attached with the legend that a candy maker created candy canes to symbolize the life of Jesus Christ, which the teacher reportedly tore off of each cane and threw in the trash under the direction of the school principal.   Continue reading “Report: Teacher Tells Student “Jesus Is Not Allowed In School””

Warm Yet, Al?Crockett Lives

“They’ve got to find a way to attach this to the global warming agenda, and they have.  It’s called the “polar vortex.” The dreaded polar vortex. Do you know what the polar vortex is? Have you ever heard of it? Well, they just created it for this week … If they can make it sound new and unprecedented, then they can blame it all on man (particularly Republicans).” – Rush Limbaugh   Continue reading “It’s Cold Because It’s Hot”

Dear caring friends of Jack McLamb,

This message requires no response, but is sent only to advise of a current situation, and to ask you to join with us in special prayer for Jack, and also for Angie.

Yesterday, Monday morning, Jack collapsed at home while Angie was assisting him in the shower. He was rushed to a hospital in Evansville, Indiana, and as of now, 24 hours later, Jack remains under intensive care. While it took paramedics only 7 minutes to arrive at the home where they administered CPR immediately, it is feared that Jack may have been without oxygen for a few intervening moments, and hence a concern about possible brain damage. Let us all hope and pray not.   Continue reading “Peace Officer Jack McLamb is in Intensive Care”

Common Dreams – by Sarah Lazare

Amid an escalation of fighting in war-torn Iraq, the Obama administration announced Monday it will accelerate the shipment of Hellfire missiles and surveillance drones to the Nuri al-Maliki regime, a move critics charge will only worsen the cycles of violence set in motion by the U.S. invasion.

“The last thing Iraq needs right now is more weapons,” said Phyllis Bennis, senior fellow at Institute for Policy Studies, in an interview with Common Dreams.   Continue reading “US Rushes Weapons to Iraq Crisis It Unleashed”

haz suitsBen Swann – by Joshua Cook

Last summer, the Clerk of Court in Franklin County, N.C., Patricia Chastain discovered documents dating back to 1840 in their courthouse basement. After organizing a project with the local historical society to reserve these valuable documents, the government intervened. And now the documents have been destroyed. Lost forever.

Some records were ruined by the mold, but most were completely viable.   Continue reading “Government seizes and destroys 160-year-old historical documents; genealogists and historians are outraged”

Blacklisted News – by Lee Rogers

In the midst of the holiday season Congress decided to pass the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014 or NDAA.  The bill was later signed into law by President Obama with little if any fanfare.  When this happened much of the corporate media was focusing in on invented news stories like the Duck Dynasty garbage.  What’s really sad is that it is doubtful that many members of Congress have even read the bill at all.  If they did in fact read it and voted for it knowing what was in it than there is little doubt that they have violated their oath of office and should be held accountable.  The NDAA contains a number of highly questionable sections that run contrary to the principles articulated in the United States Constitution.  Specifically, language contained in the bill appears to authorize cyber warfare operations against the American people.   Continue reading “National Defense Authorization Act of 2014 Authorizes Cyber Warfare against American Citizens”

Emergency crews have blocked off roads leading to the scene of a train derailment in northwestern New Brunswick.CBC News

A CN freight train carrying dangerous goods has derailed and caught fire in northwest New Brunswick, not far from the U.S. border.

Jim Feeny, director of public and government affairs for CN Rail, said 16 cars are believed to have derailed, including four carrying propane and four carrying crude oil.

The train derailment happened just after 7 p.m. AT about five kilometres outside of Plaster Rock in Wapske, N.B. Feeny said the train was coming from central Canada and heading to Moncton.   Continue reading “CN train carrying crude oil derailed, on fire near Plaster Rock”

PHOTO: Evidence in the 9/11 disability fraud case released by the Manhattan District attorney.ABC News – by AARON KATERSKY

More than 100 retired New York City cops, firefighters and correction officers were charged today with falsely claiming to be suffering from depression and anxiety as a result of the 9/11 terror attacks, New York prosecutors said today.

The alleged scam won awards up to $500,000 for the uniformed personnel and cost taxpayers millions of dollars, according to the indictment.   Continue reading “New York Cops, Firefighters in Massive 9/11 Fraud, Indictment Says”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The people who own the Too Big To Jail Banks hope that they can create an invincible army of drones and killer robots that in the future will eliminate your ability to defend yourself so there will be NO Bill of Rights. And No right to private property. They will be able to take away our pensions and to seize our homes. Court appointed referees have cut pensions by 80%. And courts have allowed banks to seize homes using fraudulent documents.

It is clear from the passage of the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and now the NDAA that the elite wants to reduce us to slavery. We no longer even have the right to life. The President has said he has the right to kill any American without a trial.   Continue reading “2014. Defending The Bill Of Rights From Wall Street.”